Which retail CD Keys are accepted on Steam?
All retail Valve games and a number of third-party games can be registered to your Steam account. All of the following games can be registered through Steam:
* Valve CD Keys in this format: ####-#####-####
* Valve CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* Alpha Prime CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* Dark Messiah CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* Dark Messiah CD Keys may also have been printed incorrectly, please see the Dark Messiah article
* Defense Grid CD Keys in this format (Direct2Drive only): 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* Football Manager 2009 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2CD3FGH456I7JK8LMNOP9Q
* GTI Racing CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* GTR Evolution CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions CD-keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* NBA 2K9 CD-keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* Prey CD Keys in this format: AAB1BB2C345CDD6E E7
* RACE - the WTCC Game CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* RACE 07 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* Ragdoll Kung Fu CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* Red Orchestra CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* SiN Episodes: Emergence CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* The Ship CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* STCC - The Game CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
* Worldwide Soccer Manager CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
Opposing Force CD-keys cannot be registered through Steam. Opposing Force was included in a retail Half-Life package. The Half-Life CD-key included in the package will unlock all of the games in that package, including Opposing Force.
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