Kernel linux para portatiles! ;D

En una lista de correo a la que estoy subscrito (grupo de usuarios de linux de Salamanca (aunque yo soy de avila :P)) han puesto un mensaje que me parece interesante ponerle aqui ;)
Se trata de un proyecto para optimizar el kernel en los ordenadores portatiles...
Aqui os dejo la página
Espero que os sirva!!!
Salu2!!! ;D
[babas] [babas] [babas] [babas] [babas]
Gracias, gracias, gracias no habían cojones de hacer chutar el agp en mi centrino :) yupi!!!!!

[looco] [looco] [looco] [looco] [looco] [looco]

Gracias, gracias, gracias no habían cojones de hacer chutar el agp en mi centrino yupi!!!!!

Aqui pongo los parches que incorpora:
laptopkernel-2.4.21-rc4-laptop1 released.
It is a patch on top of linux-2.4.21-rc4.

laptopkernel-2.4.21-rc4-laptop1 contains the following patches:

Patch: acpi-20030523 (
The ACPI in current kernels is very outdated. Most laptops won't have any
Powermanagement without the ACPI-Patch and some even won't boot.

Patch: swsusp 19-27 (
Software Suspend makes hibernation possible in linux, which is a very
important feature for laptops.

Patch: agpgart from 2.4.21-rc2-ac3 (
Laptops with the Centrino chipset need this for working agpgart, which
is needed for hardware graphics acceleration (dri).

Patch: drm modules from 2.4.21-rc2-ac3 (
This update is needed for proper working dri in XFree 4.3.

Patch: radeonfb from Benjamin Herrenschmidt (rsync -avz
Radeon 9000 won't work with radeonfb found in the current kernel.

Patch: bcm440+bcm5700 driver (from Gentoo-Sources)
Needed for Broadcom Network cards found in many laptops.

Patch: vivicam usb mass storage support (from Lycoris-Kernel)
Needed for Vivicam 355 (working as USB mass storage).

Patch: supermount-1.2.6 (
Supermount is a useful feature for desktop-pcs.

Patch: Optimization for pentium3/4 (trivial)
Makes gcc3-optimizations for pentium3/4 possible.
(Note: pentium4-optimizations should only be used with gcc 3.2.3 and above.
If you have an older gcc, please use pentium3.)

En especial este ultimo creo que es bastante recomendable :D

Salu2!!! ;D
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