PabloAM está baneado por "Se nos acabó la paciencia. No vuelvas"
Buenas, he leido en el [url=""]gamerscoreblog[/url] esta noticia:
I, like many fans of the franchise (and Rare in general) have often wondered. Well, according to Ken Lobb, Studio manager when asked by "No comment, but as most people know, I LOVE KI." Oh man, me too. It was the first fighting game where I learned about multi-hit combos. Anyways, the interviewer spends a lot of time asking Ken questions he can't answer, but the insights on Kameo and PDZ's development is solid.
Pensais que saldrá el killer instinc en Xbox360? yo creo que ya toca que salga, hace por lo menos 10 años que no se le ve el pelo, sería un buen emupujon para la XBbox360 verdad?