Pararegistros escribió:Buenas. ¿No hay novedades en la scene?
Un saludo.
March 24,2020:
@everyone, We are currently in unprecedented times. The team and I hope that you, your family and friends are safe and stay healthy during these testing times. Having personally been economically affected by COVID-19, I understand fully how stressful and upsetting the current world situation is for everyone. We should be working together wherever possible to help and look out for each other where possible.
Firstly we want to thank you all for your patience and support. We know we have been behind on our promises but hope that we are able to fulfil them as quickly as possible. I have personally been in bad health for a period of time and after getting Project Eris ready for initial release I have been unable to pick up and run with major projects like Project Lunar 1.1.
Thankfully my health situation is improving, thus we will be able to dedicate resource back into Project Lunar very soon. There is no ETA but work will re-commence shortly. Doing the ports for the PSC has been an easy way to tide things over without the ability to dedicate full resource to major projects. Whilst a lot of people are in isolation we do have a number of ports lined up ready for release which we will release over the next week or two to try and give you guys something to do and take your mind off things. We also fully intend on making the ports available for other projects like Project Lunar.
ModMyClassic will endeavour to do our best to make the best of the current situation and will resume “business as usual” and give the community as much as we can in terms of mods, ports and support."
April 19,2020:
PCEngine/TurboGrafx-16 Mini Hacked. Proof of Concept Demo (Project Phobos)
"We are happy to announce that a new project is currently being developed in tandem with Project Lunar 1.1 currently coined Project Phobos
There is no ETA yet but it should arrive shortly after Project Lunar 1.1 (the big MD update with folders.) The reason why this project is running in tandem is because we are able to reuse a lot of logic and shared library code from the upcoming PL 1.1 which makes development a lot easier.
As a teaser we have recorded some game footage of the Proof of Concept Demo.
You can watch it here: Thank you all again for your support. As always we will keep you posted as developments are made."
April 27,2020:
"Here’s a question for all tg16/pce mini owners. For the next couple days please tag me and let me know what features/bugs/annoyances you want fixed/added with Project Phobos. Please only tag me once per multi suggestions and I will say when I am stopping mass requests.
Any decent suggestion/request will have it implemented into Phobos."
May 5, 2020:
"Hi all, TG16/PCE stuff is going well. All the foundations for the on console modification has been done with allowances for the modification being done within the desktop app."
June 23, 2020:
Project Lunar 1.1 Features included and already implemented
"Hi all, I want to give out a huge apology for the delay and give a full transparent disclosure on the PL update and PP.
Things have been super stressful and we are struggling with the resource for the desktop app. 1.1 is effectively done minus the changes on the desktop app and this has been the case for a while. (Folder support already implemented on console.) I have personally had a lot of my plate in terms of family and other things in life and it genuinely upsets me everyday this update is not live as we are massively letting you all down. So I want to give a fully transparent on the current progress...
As part of the 1.1 roadmap we realized that we needed to redo a lot of the desktop app logic and "make right" a lot of things on top of adding the folder support. We also wanted to give the best user experience possible which resulted in me rewriting a lot of the native stock code for the UI and Emulator and adding new features. (This was including writing in native folder support.) This is something I spent many weeks on in the background. 1.1 isn't just folder support but a HUGE overhaul + huge update. If anything it should be deemed 2.0 due to the size of the update...
It was our intention when we had a good chunk of the desktop app done that we would release a bunch of the new feature videos as a daily update. Instead this wasn't the case so I will be including the list below.
During this time, I also went about recently and set up automated core building for the consoles, Sega/PCE included for 100+ emulators. Meaning that we now have 100+ up to date and current emulator cores for the Mega drive. These are automatically built with our latest optimizations directly against the libretro source. We was intending on pushing this out with the 1.1 update but you can now grab the new 100+ cores here: As promised here is a collection of videos and screenshots of a good chunk of the above implementations in action. ... date-news/"
July 17, 2020:
Project Eris Desktop App and v1.0.0 is now live!
"As promised the Project Eris Desktop app is now live along with v1.0.0.
Huge thanks to
@Pascl1983 who was the primary driving force behind the desktop App.
You can read more about it and grab it from here: (There is also a full indepth how to use video tutorial here:
Hope everyone is keeping safe"
Dec 10, 2020:
A word regarding Project Lunar Updates and Project Phobos
"Please remember our team members have lives that involve more then (sic) spending our free time online coding projects for the public without pay. Some of us have been impacted in multiple ways by COVID-19. Jobs have been lost, some have lost wages. Some team members no longer have free time due to taking work whenever/wherever they can. Some have had to take extra jobs to help cover for their partners loss of wages, some have family members that have been sick with COVID-19 or they themselves have been sick with COVID-19. Some have even lost family members!
COVID-19 has affected all of us. It's canceled our plans, our birthdays, our holidays, and we've lost precious time with friends and family. When people are seen complaining because we haven't released any updates or new hacks for a game console right now is thoughtless and disrespectful (and we understand asking for an update does not equal complaining, but we need you to be patient).
We're doing the best we can in a terrible situation. Our plan is still to update Project Lunar to 1.1 and then get to work finishing up Project Phobos, but in the meantime please continue to be patient. We appreciate your understanding. Thank you!"