Hola, lo que os puedo decir es que thespecialist esta en el tema de analizacion del hypervisor, aqui os dejo un trocito de lo que estan poniendo en el foro sobre los analisis:
IMHO the dvd drive key should be located at 0x1c080, however, this is exactly the address where the dump stops ! What's going on here ? '
addis %r11, %rtoc, 2
sube %r4, %r11, 0x3F80
0x20000-0x3f80 = 0x1c080
Nota: la key del lector en el hypervisor?.
A thread to share info about the HV. Some basic info to start with:
* reset at 0x100
* syscall table at 0x1f68
* RTOC at 0x0
* Another interesting function table: 0x100F0-0x101E4 (used by jump routine at 0xB9F0) ; seems to contain mostly routines for cryptography
* Another interesting function table: 0x101E8-0x1023C (used by jump routine at 0x15178);
* Names of some syscalls and other interesting info
0x0000_0200: Machine Check
exception handler - Just jumps to FatalError
0x0000_0204: FatalError
This is where the HV goes to die. It all ends in a tight loop at 0x0000_0250.
0x0000_1CA0: Init (called from Reset exception handler)
This sets up 'stuff' and ends by RFID'ing to 0x8007_2DB0. I haven't determined what is there or how it is loaded.
0001B00C = Encrypt_AES (using AES standard constant table @ 0x10c90)
0001B254 = Decrypt_AES (using AES constant table @ 00011C90)
These are called from (I guess) 2 different implementations of AES, not sure yet which)
0x10298-0x01037C = key_properties_table (used by SC2f_XeKeysGetKeyProperties), containing properties for 0x39 keys)
Nota2: bueno esto son unas cuantas cosas de las que pusieron en el foro, la cosa es que estan avanzando con cosas, no entiendo mucho pero me imajino que sacaran algo digo yo de todo esto.