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That being said - and having secured special, fan exemptions / automatic, copyright clearances - we are very happy to be able to inform you that, subject simply to providing an industry standard, courtesy credit, we shall now be able to provide you with direct permission to keep your Village People clip on YouTube (and, indeed, any other clips featuring The Village People’s music and background recordings, provided, again, that the lyrics and arrangements are not changed - as this would require yet further clearances and, of course, the consent of the authors themselves). The text of the credit should simply say "Copyright recordings, music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Can’t Stop Productions and Scorpio Digital – for original, exclusive performances by The Village People, check-out the official channel at http://uk.youtube.com/user/scorpiodigital" and this should be prominently displayed at the very beginning of your description of the clip.
mahjong escribió:Si, ya vi el mensaje, pero el "kind permission" no lo tengo... amen. Pero no deja de ser la historia alucinante, no? Pues no hay videos por ahi con musicas varias...
mahjong escribió:El viernes un compañero de trabajo me hizo un video pues alguien tenía puesto en la oficina la canción YMCA de Village People. Así que me puse mi casco de obra blanco y sin levantarme del sitio me puse a bailar/tontear.
El tipo me grabo el video y me lo paso. Lo subí a mi cuenta de Youtube, insisto el viernes 3 por la tarde.
Pues bien el sabado me llega un mensaje de SCORPIO MUSIC S.A. diciendo que he violado el copyright que ostentan de las canciones de Village People. Venía en inglés, y sonaba a chiste, así que les contesté que pasaba de ellos. La verdad es que debido al nombre que le dí al video "Momento homogay..." creí que sería algo mandado por un "integrista" que no entendió la broma (o que carecía de sentido del humor, como todo buen integrista)... no se, el caso es que luego me llegó "la sorpresita".
Hoy lunes me llega notificación de Youtube diciendo que me han bloqueado el video a petición de SCORPIO MUSIC S.A. por violar los derechos de autor. Lo gracioso es que en la misma cuenta de Youtube tengo videos de mi cria bailando en una boda con música latina (sin identificar... el típico pastiche mix) de fondo. Eso parece que no es saltarse las leyes de copyright.
Nada, he borrado el video pues me interesa estar a bien con la panda esta de Youtube, pero alucino pepinos.
Supongo que habrán borrado todos los videos de los desfiles de Chueca... ¿no?
Vaya tela.
No se lo creen??? Adjunto el mensaje del sábado de estos de Scorpio Music y el del lunes de los alegres muchachos de Youtube.
====================== Scorpio Music SA dixit:
RE: Village People
Protecting Your Rights on the Internet
Tel 44-(0)208-323 8013
Fax 44-(0)208-323 8080
Hi tejedor1967,
We hope you're well and, by way of introduction, Web Sheriff represents Scorpio Digital, Can’t Stop Productions and The Village People in relation to the administration and protection of their on-line rights.
We’re writing to you in respect of your Village People related clip ... .. you might not be aware that, in order to synchronize your footage with The Village People’s music and recordings - and assuming that you are not re-arranging or adapting The Village People’s songs – you actually require a synchronization license from Can’t Stop’s and Scorpio’s music publishers and record distributors, which, unfortunately, is more complicated than you might imagine.
That being said - and having secured special, fan exemptions / automatic, copyright clearances - we are very happy to be able to inform you that, subject simply to providing an industry standard, courtesy credit, we shall now be able to provide you with direct permission to keep your Village People clip on YouTube (and, indeed, any other clips featuring The Village People’s music and background recordings, provided, again, that the lyrics and arrangements are not changed - as this would require yet further clearances and, of course, the consent of the authors themselves). The text of the credit should simply say "Copyright recordings, music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Can’t Stop Productions and Scorpio Digital – for original, exclusive performances by The Village People, check-out the official channel at http://uk.youtube.com/user/scorpiodigital" and this should be prominently displayed at the very beginning of your description of the clip.
We are writing to you directly, as a fan, in order that your account does not get suspended or terminated by YouTube. Also, this permission is conditional / revocable, so we would kindly ask you to ensure that your clip and the accompanying wording is not rude or obscene and that it does not infringe the authors’ moral rights in their music and lyrics.
For the avoidance of doubt, this permission ONLY applies to the use of The Village People’s music in conjunction with your own, appropriate footage and any use of original recordings must be background ONLY and NOT overdubbed. NO permission shall be granted for the use of Can’t Stop or Scorpio copyright footage or audio or footage / audio that actually features The Village People.
We'll look forward to hearing from you should you have any queries and, meanwhile, many thanks for understanding and respecting the artist's wishes. For your info, up-to-the-minute news on The Village People is, of course, available on http://www.officialvillagepeople.com and http://www.scorpiomusic.fr . We’re also pleased to announce that an increasing archive of exclusive film footage of Village People performances has now been made available for fans on Scorpio Digital’s official YouTube channel at http://uk.youtube.com/user/scorpiodigital .
As you will appreciate, this e-mail is written on a without prejudice basis and, as such, all of our clients' accumulated, worldwide rights and remedies remain strictly reserved : please excuse this required formality. This communication is also confidential and copyright - and, again, without prejudice - and, as such, all communication to third parties (other than, of course, your legal representatives) is strictly prohibited : please excuse this further formality which, hopefully, we'll soon be able to dispense with. : )
With Thanks & Regards,
=================== Los alegres muchachos de Youtube dixit:
Estimado miembro:
Te informamos de que hemos retirado el siguiente material o impedido el acceso al mismo al haber recibido una notificación por parte de SCORPIO MUSIC S.A. / CAN'T STOP PRODUCTIONS INC. en la que dicho titular afirma que dicho material infringe:
Momento homogay... ay Dios: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=lzdOVbekdg0
Aviso: las infracciones reiteradas de los derechos de copyright darán lugar a la eliminación de tu cuenta y de todos los vídeos subidos a ella. Para evitarlo, retira todos los vídeos para los que no dispongas de los derechos necesarios y no subas más vídeos que infrinjan los derechos de copyright de otras personas. Para obtener más información sobre la política de copyright de YouTube, lee la guía Consejos sobre copyright.
Si decides enviarnos una contranotificación, accede a nuestro Centro de asistencia para consultar las instrucciones necesarias.
Ten en cuenta que, de acuerdo con la sección 512(f) de la ley sobre derechos de copyright, se puede exigir responsabilidad jurídica a cualquier persona que denuncie intencionadamente y sin fundamento que la retirada de un material o de una actividad o la denegación de acceso a los mismos se ha debido a un error o a una identificación errónea.
YouTube, Inc.
BeaKManiak escribió:Pues aún has tenido suerte de que primero te avisasen y luego solamente te bloquearan la cuenta. Conozco a gente con una historia parecida a la tuya y en su caso simplemente le borraron la cuenta entera sin decir nada antes.
Z_Type escribió:A mi lo que me llama la atención, aparte de la rapidez, es el nombre. Joder, es buenisimo: Web SHERIFF