Se dijo que Xbox perdió la exclusividad temporal de los 6 meses cuando Infogrames compró Shiny pero esta noticia lo desmiente:
Warner Bros is to release The Matrix Reloaded on May 15, 2003. The company today confirmed the date, hinting at timing for the Shiny game based on the first movie.
Infogrames refused to specify a date for the title today, saying only: "We have no comment on the game yet. It'll be out May 2003."
Rumour is suggesting the game will be mainly based on the first movie, with elements of the sequel thrown in for good measure. Xbox will be the first recipient of the title, maintaining a six-month exclusivity period over all other formats.
In case you've been living under a planet-sized rock for the last three years, The Matrix is the high-tech, futuristic thriller that practically stopped the movie industry in its tracks. Screenplays for the sequel and the third in the trilogy, both to release next year, are said to take the head-bending plot to extreme heights.
More on this soon. Plenty, plenty more.