La expansión de GTAIV podría retrasarse

En una entrevista a Don Houser por parte de Variety podemos leer lo siguiente:
Me: On another topic, I have to ask you about the "GTA IV" downloadable content you're doing. Do you still expect that to come out this year?

DH: I'm not sure. It's going well. But we don’t know a date. We hope to be announcing that in the next few weeks. We're still figuring out a few things. We're more focused on quality than dates, always have been. But the development is going really good. It's shaping up to be something we're very proud of. That was our goal

Fuente ==> ... -on-g.html


(Vamos, que no sale NI DE COÑA este año pero no quiere mojarse XD )
Ains... está claro que se va al 2009. Para mi, tendrían que haberlo sacado antes de navidades, para darle un último empujón al juego que nunca viene mal.

Tardan demasiado, no me gusta.

Es el GTA, que se le va a hacer,,,
Aguanta esas ansias [carcajad]
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