La policia entra en casa de graf_chokolo por 2ª vez!!

En menos de 48 horas desde que Sony anunciara su "arreglo" en el caso del Sr. Hotz, esta mas claro ahora que nunca que no quieren que nadie que tenga un verdadero cerebro para "jugar" con su consola PS3, SONY ha vuelto a entrar en casa de graf_chokolo, llevandose todo el equipo nuevo que habia obtenido.

A continuacion la noticia en Ingles:
Less then 48 hours after Sony announced they "settled" their case with Mr. Hotz in the states, it is now even more clear they don't want anyone that has been showing to the world they have the true brains to be messing around inside the PS3 console, as Sony has again RAIDED graf_chokolo home, taking all his new equipment that it had gotten after the first raid!

Originally Posted by graf_chokolo
April 13, 2011 at 6:58 am

SONY was at my home today again, with a new TRO against me. They took my whole equipment again and told me to stop my OtherOS project or else …. , guys. They definitely do not want OtherOS back on PS3. They want me to take down all my OtherOS and PS3 utils. Make sure to clone all my GIT repositories. I don’t think you want me to stop, guys, do you ? Tell me what you think.


estos de sony son la leche pobre graf_chokolo ahora le toca el turno a anonimus xdd
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