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psychopatic tendencies were positive associated with leathership emergence (p= 0.07).
However, given the large number of samples that used HDS MIS scale, we also calculated results separately for samples that used MIS (p=0.06) and samples that did not (p=0.1).
Shall we serve the dark lords? A meta-analytic review of psychopathy and le is a Critially Low quality review
1. Did the research questions and inclusion criteria for the review include the components of PICO? No
2. Did the report of the review contain an explicit statement that the review methods were established prior to the conduct of the review and did the report justify any significant deviations from the protocol? No
3. Did the review authors explain their selection of the study designs for inclusion in the review? No
4. Did the review authors use a comprehensive literature search strategy? Partial Yes
5. Did the review authors perform study selection in duplicate? Yes
6. Did the review authors perform data extraction in duplicate? Yes
7. Did the review authors provide a list of excluded studies and justify the exclusions? Yes
8. Did the review authors describe the included studies in adequate detail? No
9. Did the review authors use a satisfactory technique for assessing the risk of bias (RoB) in individual studies that were included in the review?
10. Did the review authors report on the sources of funding for the studies included in the review? Yes
11. If meta-analysis was performed did the review authors use appropriate methods for statistical combination of results?
12. If meta-analysis was performed, did the review authors assess the potential impact of RoB in individual studies on the results of the meta-analysis or other evidence synthesis? No
13. Did the review authors account for RoB in individual studies when interpreting/ discussing the results of the review? No
14. Did the review authors provide a satisfactory explanation for, and discussion of, any heterogeneity observed in the results of the review? No
15. If they performed quantitative synthesis did the review authors carry out an adequate investigation of publication bias (small study bias) and discuss its likely impact on the results of the review? No
16. Did the review authors report any potential sources of conflict of interest, including any funding they received for conducting the review? Yes
Elelegido escribió:@dark_hunter Gracias por el análisis!
Creo que el estudio está publicado precisamente por ser de psicología social, y no de medicina. Dejando al margen otros posibles fallos del estudio, en los que no me meto, entiendo que sea normal que los parámetros estadísticos se interpreten de diferentes maneras en diferentes disciplinas.
Sin ser un entendido en ambas materias, me da a mi que la medicina es una ciencia bastante más exacta que la psicología social. Curiosamente, he encontrado noticias de una revista de psicología social aplicada que ha baneado estudios en base a 'p' por ser demasiado maleables.
Con esto no digo estar invalidando tu argumento. Pero mantengo cierto escepticismo que parte de la forma en la que sacas conclusiones bastante categóricas de esos datos, y por el hecho de que he visto ciertos investigadores verificados comentando este estudio en reddit/r/science desde una perspectiva bastante menos crítica. También reconozco, que yo tengo el sesgo de que siempre he pensado que el enlace entre la psicopatía y la alta jerarquía existe. Y tampoco me extraña que haya asimetría entre géneros.
En cualquier caso, espero que salgan más estudios sobre este área
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