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Musice escribió:Pero hay algunos que necesitamos usar la WebCam por circunstancias varias...
No tendras el sector de arranque protegido por la BIOS?coyote escribió:EDIT: nada, pasa de mi. Instalo Ubuntu normalmente y al reiniciar, PUFF, iniciando XP, ni GRUB ni nada...
JanKusanagi escribió:No tendras el sector de arranque protegido por la BIOS?
suloku escribió:mi / es de 7 gB, home de 12 gB y casi 1 gB de swap.
Luego tengo un disco de 160 pa cosas y uno de 80 pa windows (juegos)
sinceramente creo que me quede corto con / y me excedi en /home teniendo el otro disco a mano, nose, creo que lo pasare todo al de 160 y hare algun particionado estraño, me quedan solo 700 megas en /
Hay alguna utilidad para transplantar particiones (ya que estamos) es decir, que copie todo el contenido de una particion a otra de mayor tamaño, seria ideal para conservar el sistema tal como esta, aunque bueno, con la particion /home me conformaria, eso es solo un copy paste...
suloku escribió:Pues si, eso de que comprima todo menos lo que esta montado y tal va bien, si lo encuentras ponlo por aqui :p
por cierto como llevas el conky? yo me he montado uno, me falta toquetear un poco los colores, pero lo que ha demostrar en pantalla ya lo tengo todo^^
# Backup script for Gentoo Linux
# mkstage4s.h is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mkstage4.sh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Copyright: Reto Glauser aka blinkeye
# Mailto: stage4 at blinkeye dot ch
# Homepage: [url]http://blinkeye.ch[/url]
# Forum post: [url]http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-312817.html[/url]
# Date: 2005-11-14
basename=`basename $0`
# these are the commands we actually need for the backup
command_list=(cut date echo $find grep hostname mount sh split $tar umount uname which)
# verify that each command we use exists. if one can't be found use $PATH and make a suggestion if possible.
for command in ${command_list[@]}; do
if [ ! -x "`which $command 2>&1`" ]; then
echo -e "\nERROR: $command not found! "
base=`basename $command`
if [ "`which $base 2>&1 | grep "no \`basename $command\` in"`" != "" ]; then
echo -e "ERROR: $base is not in your \$PATH."
exit -1
help="\nUsage:\n\nsh `basename $0` [[-v]|[--verbose]] [[-s]|[--split]] \n\nTo run the script NOT in verbose mode comes in handy if you want to see only the errors that occur during the backup.\n"
# Defaults to creating one tarball
# split command
split_options="--suffix-length=1 --bytes=685m"
# options for the tar command
tarOptions=" --preserve-permissions --create --absolute-names --totals --ignore-failed-read"
# where to put the stage4
# name prefix
stage4prefix=`hostname`-stage4-`date +\%Y.\%m.\%d`
# patterns which should not be backed up (like iso files).
# example: default_exclude_pattern="*.iso *.divx"
# These pattern count only for files NOT listed in the $custom_include_list.
# these files/directories are always excluded. don't add trailing slashes.
# don't touch it unless you know what you are doing!
# /var/db and /var/cache/edb are intentionally added here. they are listed
# in $default_include_folders
`echo $CCACHE_DIR`"
# files/devices/folders, which need to be backed up (preserve folder structure).
# don't touch it unless you know what you are doing! no recursive backup of folders.
# use $default_include_folders instead.
`find /mnt -name .keep`
/usr/src/linux-`uname -r`/.config"
# folders, which need to be backed up recursively on every backup.
# don't touch it unless you know what you are doing! the reason for this
# variable is that some users add /var to the $default_exclude_list. here
# we ensure that portage's memory is backed up in any case.
# IMPORTANT: A minimal backup will EXCLUDE files/folders listed here. A custom backup will
# include/exclude these files/folders depening on your answer.
/usr/src/linux-`uname -r`"
# add files/folders here which are subfolders of a folder listed in $custom_include_list which should NOT
# be backed up. eg.
#custom_exclude_list="/home/foo/mp3 /home/foo/downloads /home/foo/.*"
# Only files/folders within the $custom_include_list are checked against these patterns
# custom_exclude_pattern="*.mp3 *.iso"
# the find_command
find_command="$find /*"
# don't backup anything which matches pattern listed in $default_exclude_pattern
for pattern in $default_exclude_pattern; do
find_command="$find_command -not -name $pattern"
# assemble the find_command
function find_files()
for folder in $default_exclude_list; do
find_command="$find_command -path $folder -prune -o"
find_command="$find_command -print"
for i in $default_include_files; do
find_command="echo $i; $find_command"
for i in $default_include_folders; do
if [ -d $i ]; then
find_command="$find $i; $find_command"
find_command="echo $i; $find_command"
# check the exclude/include variables for non-existing entries
function verify()
for i in $1; do
if [ ! -e "`echo "$i" | cut -d'=' -f2 | cut -d'*' -f1`" -a "$i" != "/lost+found" -a "$i" != "$stage4Location" ]; then
echo "ERROR: `echo "$i" | cut -d'=' -f2` not found! Check your "$2
exit 0
# check input parameters
while [ $1 ]; do
case $1 in
"-h" | "--help")
echo -e $help
exit 0;;
"-v" | "--verbose")
"-s" | "--split")
echo -e $help
exit 0;;
echo ""
# check folder/files listed in $default_exclude_list exist
verify "$default_exclude_list" "\$default_exclude_list"
# check files listed in $default_include_files exist
verify "$default_include_files" "\$default_include_files"
# check folder listed in $default_include_folders exist
verify "$default_include_folders" "\$default_include_folders"
#check folder listed in $custom_include_list exist
verify "$custom_include_list" "\$custom_include_list"
#check folder listed in $custom_exclude_list exist
verify "$custom_exclude_list" "\$custom_exclude_list"
# print out the version
echo -e "\nBackup script $version"
echo -e "=================="
# how do you want to backup?
echo -e "\nWhat do you want to do? (Use CONTROL-C to abort)\n
Fast (tar.gz):
(1) Minimal backup
(2) Interactive backup
Best (tar.bz2):
(3) Minimal backup
(4) Interactive backup\n"
while [ "$option" != '1' -a "$option" != '2' -a "$option" != '3' -a "$option" != '4' ]; do
echo -en "Please enter your option: "
read option
case $option in
for folder in $custom_include_list; do
echo -en "\nDo you want to backup" `echo "$folder" | cut -d'=' -f2`"? (y/n) "
read answer
while [ "$answer" != 'y' -a "$answer" != 'n' ]; do
echo -en "Do you want to backup" `echo "$folder" | cut -d'=' -f2`"? (y/n) "
read answer
if [ "$answer" == 'n' ]; then
find_command="$find_command -path $folder -prune -o"
custom_find="$find $folder"
for i in $custom_exclude_pattern; do
custom_find="$custom_find -name $i -o"
for i in $custom_exclude_list; do
custom_find="$custom_find -path $i -prune -o"
find_command="$custom_find -print; $find_command"
done ;;
# add $custom_include_list to the $default_exclude_list as we assembled
# $custom_find with $custom_include_list already.
default_exclude_list="$default_exclude_list $custom_include_list"
case $option in
# mount boot
echo -e "\n* mounting boot"
mount /boot >/dev/null 2>&1
# find the files/folder to backup
# create the final command
if [ "$tar_output" == "--file" ]; then
tar_command="$find_command | $tar $zip $tarOptions $verbose --file $stage4Name.$stage4postfix --no-recursion -T -"
tar_command="$find_command | $tar $zip $tarOptions $verbose --no-recursion -T - | split $split_options - "$stage4Name.$stage4postfix"_"
if [ "$verbose" ]; then
echo -e "\n* creating the stage4 in $stage4Location with the following command:\n\n"$tar_command
# everything is set, are you sure to continue?
echo -ne "\nDo you want to continue? (y/n) "
read answer
while [ "$answer" != 'y' ] && [ "$answer" != 'n' ]; do
echo -ne "Do you want to continue? (y/n) "
read answer
if [ "$answer" == 'y' ]; then
# check whether the file already exists.
if [ "$tar_output" == "--split" ]; then
overwrite="`ls "$stage4Name.$stage4postfix"_* 2>&1 | grep -v 'No such file'`"
if [ -a "`echo "$overwrite" | grep "$overwrite" -m1`" ]; then
echo -en "\nDo you want to overwrite $overwrite? (y/n) "
read answer
while [ "$answer" != 'y' ] && [ "$answer" != 'n' ]; do
echo -en "Do you want to overwrite $overwrite? (y/n) "
read answer
if [ "$answer" == 'n' ]; then
echo -e "\n* There's nothing to do ... Exiting"
exit 0;
# if necessary, create the stage4Location
if [ ! -d "$stage4Location" ] ; then
echo "* creating directory $stage4Location"
mkdir -p $stage4Location
echo -e "\n* Please wait while the stage4 is being created.\n"
# do the backup.
sh -c "$tar_command"
# finished, clean up
echo -e "\n* stage4 is done"
echo "* umounting boot"
umount /boot >/dev/null 2>&1
# Integrity check
echo -e "* Checking integrity"
if [ "$zip" == "--gzip" ]; then
if [ "$tar_output" == "--split" ]; then
if [ "`cat "$stage4Name.$stage4postfix"_*"" | $zip --test 2>&1`" != "" ]; then
echo -e "* Integrity check failed. Re-run the script and check your hardware."
exit -1
if [ "`$zip --test $stage4Name.$stage4postfix 2>&1`" != "" ]; then
echo -e "* Integrity check failed. Re-run the script and check your hardware."
exit -1
# everything went smoothly"
echo -e "* Everything went smoothly. You successfully created a stage4."
echo -e "\n* There's nothing to do ... Exiting"
#! /bin/bash
## Backup script for Gentoo Linux
## Author: BrianW
## Date: 2006.03.05
## Adapted from backupHome.sh by fdavid
## Adapted from mkstage4.sh by nianderson
## This is a script to create a custom stage 4 tarball (System and boot backup)
## I use this script to make a snapshot of my system. Meant to be done weekly in my case
## Please check the options and adjust to your specifics.
echo -=- Starting the Backup Script...
echo -=-
echo -=- Setting the variables...
## The location of the stage 4 tarball.
## Be sure to include a trailing /
## The name of the stage 4 tarball.
## Directories/files that will be exluded from the stage 4 tarball.
## Add directories that will be recursively excluded, delimited by a space.
## Be sure to omit the trailing /
dir_excludes="/mnt/* /dev /proc /sys /tmp /usr/portage /var/tmp"
## Add files that will be excluded, delimited by a space.
## You can use the * wildcard for multiple matches.
## There should always be $archive listed or bad things will happen.
## Combine the two *-excludes variables into the $excludes variable
excludes="$(for i in $dir_excludes; do if [ -d $i ]; then \
echo -n " --exclude=$i/*"; fi; done) $(for i in $file_excludes; do \
echo -n " --exclude=$i"; done)"
## The options for the stage 4 tarball.
tarOptions="$excludes --create --absolute-names --preserve-permissions --bzip2 --verbose --totals --file"
echo -=- Done!
echo -=-
## Mounting the boot partition
echo -=- Mounting boot partition, then sleeping for 5 seconds...
mount /boot
sleep 5
echo -=- Done!
echo -=-
## Creating a copy of the boot partition (copy /boot to /bootcpy).
## This will allow the archiving of /boot without /boot needing to be mounted.
## This will aid in restoring the system.
echo -=- Copying /boot to /bootcpy ...
cp -R /boot /bootcpy
echo -=- Done!
echo -=-
## Unmounting /boot
echo -=- Unmounting /boot then sleeping for 5 seconds...
umount /boot
sleep 5
echo -=- Done!
echo -=-
## Creating the stage 4 tarball.
echo -=- Creating custom stage 4 tarball \=\=\> $archive
echo -=-
echo -=- Running the following command:
echo -=- tar ${tarOptions} ${archive} /
tar ${tarOptions} ${archive} /;
echo -=- Done!
## Split the stage 4 tarball in cd size tar files.
## To combine the tar files after copying them to your
## chroot do the following: "cat *.tar.bz2 >> stage4.tar.bz2".
## Uncomment the following lines to enable this feature.
#echo -=- Splitting the stage 4 tarball into CD size tar files...
#split --bytes=700000000 ${archive} ${archive}.
#echo -=- Done!
## Removing the directory /bootcpy.
## You may safely uncomment this if you wish to keep /bootcpy.
echo -=- Removing the directory /bootcpy ...
rm -rf /bootcpy
echo -=- Done!
echo -=-
## This is the end of the line.
echo -=- The Backup Script has completed!
coyote escribió:/dev/video: Too many levels of symbolic links
La verdad, no se que es lo que pasa...
Khudsa escribió:O utiliza otro programa como el ekiga
coyote escribió:Perdon por la tardanza, adjunto la salida de lsmod.
suloku escribió:Aqui hablan de tu camara, para 2.6 necesitas el spca5xx y un paquete suplementario...
coyote escribió:Se supone que Ubuntu Dapper viene con el modulo ya en el Kernel (se supone). La cosa es que ayer le instalo Ubuntu a un familiar y le piya una CAM NGS modelo vete a saber a la primera...
coyote escribió:Bien, ya lo he descargado todo, ¿y ahora?... (perdonadme por ser tan torpe, comprended que vengo de windows... , es lo unico que me esta dando el coñazo, y como no funcione tiro la CAM a la basura).
\-\adEs escribió:Te has bajado las headers/sources del kernel que estas usando (en el momento de la compilacion)?
\-\adEs escribió:PD: mejor si dices lo que estabas haciendo antes ^_^ Me imagino que era un make, pero no estoy seguro
coyote escribió:
EDIT: he hecho un modprobe -r spca5xx y a continuación he un dmesg y me sale esto (al final):
suloku escribió:Eres consciente que poniendole el "-r" estas quitando el modulo y no poniendolo?
Snakefd99cb escribió:Ya que está esto abierto. ¿A razón de qué me dice que el rar no tiene candidato? Si yo siempre puse en la consola "sudo apt-get install rar", y me lo hizo perfectamente
\-\adEs escribió:
Puede que halla cambiado el nombre del paquete ^_^ haz un search rar a ver que escupe.