<LoveMHz> lantus: I've already been working on ports
<lantus> got a few things im working on, amiga, saturn
<LoveMHz> OpenJazz360 was my first port using SDL
<LoveMHz> Released it yesterday
<LoveMHz> Nice
<LoveMHz> I'm doing GBA and then NES
<lantus> sweet
<LoveMHz> I'm really glad though that you got SDL audio though
<lantus> yeah it was a pain to get right
<LoveMHz> I was so dreading on coding that since I have no experince with audio outside of beep()
<LoveMHz> Do you have a dev kit?
<el_aprend> Lantus, for emulator Sega Saturn you port Yabusa ??
<el_aprend> *Yabause
<Icekiller> actually i want Teeworld hehe..

<lantus> yeah el_aprend
<el_aprend> but is open source jabause ?
<lantus> yeah its opensource