[Libro] "ARTCADE" - Compilación de ilustraciones y marquesinas de máquinas arcade

Pero... el kickstarter es de 2013, con shipping en diciembre de 2013... se puede comprar a parte? O es que llevan casi dos años de retraso?
@Brocan, perdón, olvidé el enlace principal en el que los autores anuncian que el proyecto está cerca de finalizar (Marzo de 2016). A mediación de este enlace de RVG tambien podemos ver algunas marquesinas escaneadas :)

http://www.retrovideogamer.co.uk/index. ... ic=2967.75

Hey there Artcadians,
I'm posting an update for Sam (see below) but before that, I just want to say that this book is shaping up to be bigger and better than I ever imagined :-) Sam and I are working hard to get everything ready, making edits and design changes along the way to ensure that it's absolutely the best it can possibly be. Sam's commitment to the project is clear (especially taking into account that he recently became a daddy again!) and the result of that commitment will be a book that's even more spectacular than then I originally imagined.
The sample pages I'll post after Sam's message should give you guys a taste of what's to come - enjoy!
Ps. Everyone gets a bonus set of cool Artcade postcards too :-)
Hi Artcade backers,
Just an update from me on how things are going.
The design of the book is progressing really well. Pretty much all the marquees are in the design and I’m working with Tim to get these finalised.
We are aiming for a March 2016 publication date.
There is still a lot to do to bring the final book together but all is going smoothly so far and I’m really excited to how it’s shaping up.
To help finance this project I’m going to start pre-selling the book from my website (www.bitmapbooks.co.uk). BUT, you original backers will be taken care of first and foremost so please don’t worry about that. The sales performance isn’t important though - this WILL be printed no matter how the sales go.
More updates and and when I have news. Any questions, please get in touch at hello@bitmapbooks.co.uk
Thanks, Sam

Muy interesante, aunque creo que un día vi uno similar que ya se vendía, a ver si logro acordarme de más datos o algo jeje
Pero @[jun], segun el kickstarter lo iban a enviar en diciembre de 2013, llevan 2 años y pico de desfase? Además en tu enlace pone que en su web puedes precomprarlo para ayudar a financiarlo, pero no estaba ya financiado? O es que en kickstarter solo era digital?

O igual es que no me estoy enterando de nada [+risas], que también puede ser
Tres años con mi dinero? Nope
8 respuestas