› Foros › Retro y descatalogado › Consolas clásicas
10-Yard Fight (U)
1942 (J)
1943 (U)
1991 Du Ma Racing (Unl)
1999 - Hore Mitakotoka (J)
3-D Battles of World Run(U)
3D Block (U)
4 Nin Uchi Mahjong (J)
720 (U)
8 Eyes (ES)
89 Dennou Kyuusei Uran (J)
A Ressha de Ikou (J)
Aa Yakyuu Jinsei Iccho (J)
Abadox (ES)
Action in New York (E)
AD&D Dragon Strike (U)
AD&D Heroes of the Lance(U)
AD&D Hillsfar (U)
AD&D Pool of Radiance (U)
Addams Family (U)
Adv of Dr Franken (U)
Adventure Island (U)
Adventure Island 2 (ES)
Adventure Island 3 (U)
Adventures in the Magic (U)
Adventures of Bayou Bill (U)
Adventures of Lolo (U)
Adventures of Lolo 2 (U)
Adventures of Lolo 3 (U)
Adventures of Rad Gravit (U)
Adventures of Rocky and (U)
Adventures of Tom Sawyer(U)
Aigiina no Yogen From (J)
Air Fortress (J)
Airball (U)
Airwolf (J)
Airwolf (U)
Akagawa Jirou no Yuure (J)
Akuma no Shoutaijou (J)
Al Unser Jr Turbo Racing(U)
Aladdin (Unl)
Aladdin 3 (Unl)
Alfred Chicken (U)
Alien 3 (U)
Alien Syndrome (J)
All-Pro Basketball (U)
Alpha Mission (U)
Amagon (U)
America Daitouryou Sen (J)
America Oudan Ultra Qu (J)
American Dream (J)
American Gladiators (U)
Ankoku Shinwa - Yamato (J)
Antarctic Adventure (EN)
Anticipation (U)
Arabian Dream Sherazaa (J)
Arch Rivals (U)
Architect for Dr (Unl)
Archon (U)
Arctic (J)
Argos no Senshi (J)
Arkanoid (U)
Arkistas Ring (U)
Artelius (J)
Asmik-kun Land (J)
ASO - Armored Scrum Obje (J)
Astro Fang (J)
Astro Robo Sasa (J)
Astyanax (U)
Atari RBI Baseball (VS)
Athena (U)
Attack of the Killer Tom(U)
Aussie Rules Footy (E)
AV Mahjongg (Unl)
AV Pachi-Slot (Unl)
AV Poker (U)
Babel no Tou (J)
Back to the Future 2 & 3(U)
Bad Dudes (U)
Bad News Baseball (U)
Bad Street Brawler (U)
Baken Hisshou Gaku - G (J)
Bakushou! Star Monoman (J)
Bakushou!! Ai no Gekij (J)
Ballblazer (J)
Ballon Monster(Unl)
Balloon Fight (JU)
Baltron (J)
Banana Prince (G)
Bandai Golf - Challenge (U)
Barbie (U)
Bards Tale - Tales of t(U)
Base Wars (U)
Baseball (UE)
Baseball Simulator 1.000(U)
Baseball Stars (U)
Baseball Stars 2 (U)
Bases Loaded (U)
Bases Loaded 2 (U)
Bases Loaded 3 (U)
Bases Loaded 4 (U)
Bashi Bazook (U)
Batman (ES)
Batman - Beta (U)
Batman Returns (U)
Batsu & Terii (J)
Battle Baseball (J)
Battle Chess (U)
Battle City (J)
Battle Formula (J)
Battle of Olympus (U)
Battle Stadium - Senba (J)
Battle Storm (J)
Battle Tank (U)
Battleship (U)
Battletoads & Double Dra (U)
Battletoads (U)
Be-Bop-Highschool - Ko (J)
Beetlejuice (U)
Best Keiba - Derby Sta (J)
Best of the Best Champio(U)
Best Play Pro Yakyuu (J)
Best Play Pro Yakyuu 9 (J)
Best Play Pro Yakyuu I (J)
Bible Adventures (U)
Bible Buffet (U)
Big Birds Hide and Spea(U)
Big Nose - Witchdoctor (U)
Big Nose the Caveman (U)
Bigfoot (U)
Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin (J)
Bikkuriman World (EN)
Bill & Teds Excellent V(U)
Bill Elliotts NASCAR Ch(U)
Binary Land (J)
Bionic Commando (U)
Black Bass USA (U)
Blackjack (U)
Blades of Steel (U)
Blaster Master (U)
Blodia Land - Puzzle Q (J)
Bloody Warriors (EN)
Blue Marlin (U)
Blue Shadow (E)
Blues Brothers (U)
Bo Jackson Baseball (U)
Bomber King (J)
Bomberman (U)
Bomberman II (J)
Bonks Adventure (U)
Booby Kids (J)
Boogerman (Unl)
Boulder Dash (U)
Boy and His Blob, (ES)
Break Time (U)
Breakthru (U)
Brush Roller (Unl)
Bubble Bobble (U)
Bubble Bobble Part 2 (U)
Bucky OHare (U)
Buggy Popper (J)
Bugs Bunny Birthday Blow(U)
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castl(U)
Bugs Bunny Fun House (U)
BumpnJump (U)
Burai Fighter (U)
Burger Time (U)
Cadillac (J)
Caesars Palace (U)
California Games (U)
California Raisins (U)
Capcom Barcelona 92 (J)
Captain America and the (U)
Captain Comic (U)
Captain Planet and the P(U)
Captain Silver (J)
Captain SkyHawk (U)
Captain Tsubasa (J)
Captain Tsubasa Vol. I (J)
Casino Derby (J)
Casino Kid (U)
Casino Kid 2 (U)
Castle Excellent (J)
Castle of Deceit (U)
Castle of Dragon (U)
Castlequest (U)
Castlevania 1 (U)
Castlevania 2 (U)
Cattou Ninden Teyandee (EN)
Caveman Games (U)
Chack n Pop (J)
Challenger (J)
Championship Bowling (U)
Championship Lode Runner (J)
Championship Pool (U)
Championship Rally (A)
Chaos World (EN)
Chessmaster (E)
Chiisana Obake - Acchi (J)
Chip n Dale Rescue (J)
Chip n Dale Rescue Rang2 (U)
Chitei Senkuu Vazorudaa (J)
Choplifter (J)
Chou-Wakusei Senki (J)
Choujin - Ultra Baseba (J)
Choujin Sentai - Jetman (J)
Chu Da D (Ch)
Chubby Cherub (U)
Chuugoku Janshi Story (J)
Chuugoku Senseijutsu (J)
Chuuka Taisen (ES)
Circus Caper (U)
Circus Charlie (J)
City Connection (U)
Clash At Demonhead (U)
Classic Concentration (U)
Cliffhanger (U)
Clu Clu Land (U)
Cobra Command (U)
Cobra Triangle (USA)
Cocoron (J)
Code Name - Viper (U)
Color A Dinosaur (U)
Colorful Dragon (Sachen)
Commando (U)
Conan (U)
Conflict (U)
Conquest of the Crystal (U)
Contra (J)
Contra Force (U)
Cool World (U)
Cosmic Epsilon (J)
Cosmo Genesis (J)
Cosmo Police Galivan (J)
Cosmos Cop (Unl)
Cowboy Kid (U)
Crackout (E)
Crashn The Boys Street (U)
Cross Fire (J)
Crystal Mines (U)
Crystalis (U)
Cyberball (U)
Cybernoid - The Fighting(U)
Cycle Race Road Man (J)
Dai Meiro (EN)
Dai Senryaku (EN)
Dai-2-Ji Super Robot (J)
Daikaijuu Deburas (EN)]
Daiku No Gen San (J)
Danny Sullivans Indy He(U)
Dark Lord (EN)
Darkman (U)
Darkwing Duck (ES)
Dash Galaxy in the Alien(U)
Dash Yarou (J)
Deadly Towers (U)
Deblock (J)
Deep Dungeon 3 (EN)
Deep Dungeon 4 (EN)
Defender 2 (U)
Defender of the Crown (U)
Deja Vu (U)
Demogorgon Monk (Unl)
Demon Sword (U)
Densetsu no Kishi - Elro (J)
Derby Stallion - Zenko (J)
Desert Commander (U)
Destination Earthstar (U)
Destiny of an Emperor (U)
Devil World (E)
Dezaemon (EN)
Di Dao Zhan (Ch)
Dian Shi Ma Li (Ch)
Dick Tracy (U)
Die Hard (U)
Dig Dug (J)
Digger - The Legend of t(U)
Dirty Harry (U)
Dizzy (U)
Dizzy The Adventurer (Alrt)
Doki! Doki! Yuuenchi (J)
Donald Duck (J)
Donald Land (J)
Donkey Kong (JU)
Donkey Kong 3 (JUE)
Donkey Kong Classics (U)
Donkey Kong Jr. (JU)
Donkey Kong Jr. Math (U)
Door Door (J)
DoraeBomb (U)
Doraemon (J)
Doraemon - Giga Zombie (EN)
Double Dare (U)
Double Dragon (U)
Double Dragon 2 - The Re(U)
Double Dragon III The (U)
Double Dribble (U)
Double Moon Densetsu (J)
Dough Boy (J)
Downtown - Nekketsu (J)
Downtown Special Kunio (J)
Dr Chaos (U)
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (U)
Dr Mario (JU)
Dracs Night Out (U)
Dragon Ball - Shen Long (EN)
Dragon Buster II (EN)
Dragon Fighter (U)
Dragon Quest III (J)
Dragon Quest IV (J)
Dragon Spirit - The New (U)
Dragon The (Unl)
Dragon Unit (J)
Dragon Warrior 1 (ES)
Dragon Warrior 2 (U)
Dragon Warrior 3 (ES)
Dragon Warrior 4 (U)
Dragon Wars (J)
Dragons Lair (U)
Drop Zone (E)
Duck (Unl)
Duck Tales (U)
Duck Tales 2 (U)
Dungeon Kid (J)
Dungeon Magic - Sword (U)
Dusty Diamonds All-Star(U)
Dynamite Bowl (J)
Dynowarz - Destruction o(U)
Earth Bound (EN)
Eggland - Meikyuu no F (J)
Egypt (EN)
Elevator Action (U)
Eliminator Boat Duel (U)
Elysion (EN)
Emoyan no 10 Bai Pro Y (J)
Escape From Atlantis (U)
Europe Sensen (Unl)
EverQuest (Ch)
Evert & Lendl Top Player(U)
Excitebike (JU)
Exciting Rally (EN)
Exed Exes (J)
Exodus (Ver 4.0)
F-1 Race (J)
F-1 Sensation (J)
F-15 Strike Eagle (U)
F1 Circus (J)
Facemaker (Ch)
Famicom Igo Nyuumon (J)
Famicom Meijin Sen (J)
Famicom Shougi - Ryuuo (J)
Famicom Yakyuu Han (J)
Family Block (J)
Family Boxing (J)
Family Computer Othell (J)
Family Feud (U)
Family Jockey (J)
Family Mahjong II - Sh (J)
Family Pinball (J)
Family Quiz (J)
Fantasy Zone (U)
Faria (U)
Faxanadu (ES)
Felix the Cat (ES)
Felix the Cat by Dragon Co (Unl)
Ferrari - Grand Prix Cha(U)
Festers Quest (U)
Fighting Golf (J)
Fighting Road (J)
Final Fantasy (ES)
Final Fantasy II (ES)
Final Fantasy III (ES)
Final Mission (J)
Fire Dragon (Unl)
Fire Hawk (U)
Fire n Ice (U)
Firehouse Rescue (U)
Fist of the North Star (U)
Flappy (J)
Fleet Commander (J)
Flight of the Intruder (U)
Flighty Chicken (Unl)
Flintstones 2 - The Surp(U)
Flipull - An Exciting (J)
Flying Dragon - The Secr(U)
Flying Hero (J)
Flying Warriors (U)
Forcity (U)
Formation Z (J)
Formula One Built To Win(U)
Foton (J)
Four Players Tennis (E)
Frankenstein - The Monst(U)
Free Fall (U)
Friday the 13th (U)
Front Line (J)
Fun House (U)
Fuzzical Fighter (EN)
Galactic Crusader (U)
Galaga (U)
Galaxy 5000 (U)
Galg (J)
Gambler Jiko Chuushin (J)
Gambler Jiko Chuushin Ha 2 (J)
Game Party (J)
Garfield - A Week of Gar (J)
Gargoyles Quest II Th (U)
Gauntlet (U)
Gauntlet II (U)
Ge Ge Ge no Kitarou - (J)
Geimos (J)
Gekitotsu Yonku Battle (J)
Gekitou Pro Wrestling! (J)
Gekitou Stadium!! (J)
Genghis Khan (U)
Genpei Touma Den - Com (J)
George Foremans KO Boxi(U)
Ghostbusters (U)
Ghostbusters 2 (U)
Ghosts N Goblins (U)
Ghoul School (U)
GI Joe (U)
GI Joe - The Atlantis Fa(U)
Gilligans Island (U)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (J)
Ginga no Sannin (J)
GLK Dance by FengLi (Unl)
Goal! (U)
Godzilla (J)
Godzilla 2 - War of the (U)
Gold Medal Challenge 92(U)
Golden KTV (Ch)
Golf (J)
Golf 92 The (J)
Golf Club - Birdy Rush (J)
Golf Grand Slam (U)
Golgo 13 - Top Secret (ES)
Gomoku Narabe (J)
Goonies 1 (U)
Goonies 2 (U)
Gorby no Pipeline Daisak(EN)
Gorilla Man The (J)
Gozonji - Yaji Kita Ch (J)
Gradius (U)
Grand Master (J)
Great Battle Cyber (J)
Great Boxing - Rush Up (J)
Great Deal (J)
Great Waldo Search (U)
Greg Normans Golf Power(U)
Gremlins 2 The New Bat (U)
Guardian Legend (U)
Guevara (J)
Gun-Dec (J)
GunSmoke (ES)
Gyrodine (J)
Gyruss (U)
Haja no Fuuin (J)
Hammerin Harry (E)
Hanafuda Yuukyou Den (Unl)
Hanjuku Eiyuu (J)
Harlem Globetrotters (U)
Hatris (U)
Hayauchi Super Igo (J)
Heavy Shreddin (U)
Hector 87 (J)
Hello Kitty no Ohanabata (J)
Hello Kitty World (J)
Herakles no Eikou - To (J)
Herakles no Eikou 2 - Ti(J)
Hero on Devil Lands (Ch)
Hero Quest (U)
Higemaru Makaijima (EN)
Highway Star (J)
Hinotori - Houou Hen - (J)
Hirake! Ponkikki (J)
Hiryuu no Ken III (J)
Hiryuu no Ken Special (J)
Hissatsu Doujou Yaburi (J)
Hissatsu Shigoto Nin (J)
Hit the Ice (U)
Hitler no Fukkatsu - T (J)
Hokuto no Ken (J)
Hokuto no Ken 2 Seikim (J)
Hokuto no Ken 3 - Shin (J)
Hokuto no Ken 4 - Shic (J)
Hollywood Squares (U)
Home Alone (U)
Home Alone 2 - Lost in N(U)
Home Run Nighter - Pen (J)
Home Run Nighter 90 - (J)
Hon Shougi - Naitou 9 (J)
Hoops (U)
Hoshi wo Miru Hito (J)
Hot Dance 2000 (Unl)
Hot Slot (Unl)
Hototogisu (J)
Hottaaman no Chitei Tank(EN)
Hudson Hawk (ES)
Huge Insect (U)
Hyakkiyakou (J)
Hyaku no Sekai no Mono (J)
Hydlide (U)
Hyokkori Hyoutan Shima (J)
Hyper Olympic (J)
Hyper Sports (J)
I Can Remember (U)
I Love Softball (J)
Ice Climber (U)
Ice Hockey (U)
Idol Hakkenden (J)
Idol Shisen Mahjong (Unl)
Igo - Kyuu Roban Taiky (J)
Ikari 3 - The Rescue (U)
Ikari Warriors (U)
Ikari Warriors 2 - Victo(U)
Ikinari Musician (J)
Ikki (J)
Image Fight (U)
Immortal (ES)
Impossible Mission II (U)
Incredible Crash Dummies(U)
Indiana Jones and the Te(U)
Indiana Jones UB and the(U)
Indora no Hikari (J)
International Cricket (E)
Iron Tank (U)
Ironsword Wizards & Wa (U)
Isaki Shuugorou no Kei (J)
Isolated Warrior (U)
Itadaki Street - Watas (J)
Ivan Ironman Stewarts S(U)
J-League Fighting Socc (J)
J-League Winning Goal (J)
Jack Nicklaus Greatest (U)
Jackal (U)
Jackie Chans Action Kun (U)
Jajamaru no Daibouken (J)
James Bond Jr (U)
Jangou (J)
Jaws (U)
Jeopardy! (U)
Jeopardy! Junior Edition(U)
Jetsons - Cogswells Cap(U)
Ji Du Shan En Chou Ji (Ch)
Jia A Fung Yun (Ch)
Jigoku Gokuraku Maru (J)
Jimmy Connors Tennis (U)
JJ - Tobidase Daisakusen (J)
Joe & Mac (U)
John Elways Quarterbac(U)
Jordan Vs Bird - One On (U)
Joshua (U)
Journey to Silius (U)
Joust (U)
Joy Mech Fight (EN)
JuJu Densetsu (J)
Jumbo Ozaki no Hole in (J)
Jungle Book (U)
Jurassic Park (U)
Juuouki (ES)
Kabuki Quantum Fighter (U)
Kabushiki Doujou (J)
Kaettekita! Gunjin Sho (J)
Kage (J)
Kagerou Densetsu (J)
Kaguya Hime Densetsu (J)
Kakefu Kun no Jump Tengo (J)
Kame no Ongaeshi - Urash (J)
Kamen no Ninja - Akakage (J)
Kamen no Ninja - Hanamar (J)
Kamen Rider SD - Guran (J)
Karakuri Kengou Den - (J)
Karate Champ (U)
Karate Kid (U)
Karateka (J)
Karnov (U)
Kart Fighter (U)
Kawa no Nushi Tsuri (J)
Keiba Simulation - Hon (J)
Kero Kero Keroppi Big ad(EN)
Kero Kero Keroppi no Dai (J)
Kick Master (U)
Kickle Cubicle (U)
Kid Icarus (UE)
Kid Klown (U)
Kid Kool (U)
Kid Niki - Radical Ninja(U)
King Neptunes Adventure(ES)
King of Kings (U)
King of Kings, The (Unl)
Kings Knight (U)
Kings of the Beach (U)
Kings Quest V (U)
Kinnikuman - Muscle Ta (J)
Kirbys Adventure (U)
Kiteretsu Dai Hyakka (J)
Klash Ball (U)
Klax (J)
Knight Rider (U)
Konami Hyper Soccer (E)
Konamic Sports in Seou (J)
Kouryuu Densetsu Villg (J)
Koushien (J)
Krion Conquest (U)
Kujaku Ou (EN)
Kung Fu (U)
Kunio Kun Soccer(ES)
Kurogane Hiroshi no Yo (J)
Kyatto Ninja Teyandee (J)
Kyuukyoku Tiger (J)
Labyrinth (J)
Last Action Hero (U)
Last Armageddon (J)
Last Ninja The (U)
Last Starfighter (U)
Law of the West (J)
Layla (J)
Legacy of the Wizard (U)
Legend of Kage (U)
Legend of Prince Valiant(E)
Legend of the Ghost Lion(U)
Legendary Wings (U)
Legends of the Diamond (U)
Lemmings (U)
Lethal Weapon (E)
Lethal Weapon (U)
Life Force (U)
Linus Spacehead (Unl)
Lion King (U)
Lipple Island (J)
Little League Baseball (U)
Little Magic (J)
Little Mermaid (U)
Little Nemo - The Dream (U)
Little Ninja Brothers (U)
Little Red Hood (J)
Little Samson (U)
Live in Power Bowl - T (J)
Lode Runner (U)
Lone Ranger (U)
Long Zhu Ying Xiong (Ch)
Loopz (U)
Lost Word of Jenny (J)
Lot Lot (J)
Lu Ye Xian Zong (Ch)
Lunar Pool (U)
Lupin Sansei - Pandora n(J)
M.U.L.E. (U)
Mach Rider (U)
Macross (J)
Mad Max (U)
Mafat Conspiracy - Golgo(U)
Magic Block (Unl)
Magic Darts (U)
Magic Jewelry (Unl)
Magic Johnsons Fast Bre(U)
Magic Mathematic (J)
Magic of Scheherazade (U)
Magical Doropie (J)
Magician (U)
Magmax (U)
Mahjong Club - Nagatac (J)
Mahjong RPG Dora Dora (J)
Mahou no Princess Mink (J)
Maison Ikkoku (J)
Majaventure - Mahjong (J)
Majin Eiyuu Den Wataru (J)
Major League Baseball (U)
Majou Densetsu 2 (EN)
Maniac Mansion (ES)
Mappy (J)
Mappy-Land (U)
Marble Madness (U)
Mario & Yoshi (E)
Mario Bros. (PC10)
Mario is Missing! (U)
Marios Time Machine! (U)
Marusa no Onna (J)
Mashou (J)
Master Chu & The Drunkar (U)
Masuzoe Youichi - Icch (J)
Matendouji (J)
Matsumoto Tooru 2 (J)
Matsumoto Tooru no Kab (J)
MC Kids (U)
Mechanized Attack (U)
Mega Man 1 (ES)
Mega Man 2 (U)
Mega Man 3 (U)
Mega Man 4 (ES)
Mega Man 5 (ES)
Mega Man 6 (ES)
Mei Tantei Holmes - Ki (J)
Mei Tantei Holmes - M (J)
Meiji Ishin (J)
Meimon! Takonishi Ouen (J)
Melvilles Flame (J)
Mendel Palace (U)
Metal Fighter (U)
Metal Gear (ES)
Metal Max (J)
Metal Mech (U)
Metal Storm (U)
Metro-Cross (J)
Metroid (ES)
Michael Andrettis World(U)
Mickey Mouse (U)
Mickey Mouse 3 Yume Fu (J)
Mickeys Adventures in N(U)
Mickeys Safari in Lette(U)
Micro Machines (Unl)
Might and Magic (U)
Mighty Bomb Jack (U)
Mighty Final Fight (U)
Mike Tysons Punch-Out!!(U)
Millipede (U)
Milons Secret Castle (U)
Minesweeper (Ch)
Mini Putt (J)
Miracle Ropits Adventure (J)
Mirai Senshi - Lios (EN)
Mission Cobra (U)
Mission Impossible (U)
Mitsume ga Tooru (EN)
Mizushima Shinji no Da (J)
Mo Dao Shi Yin Mou (Unl)
Moai Kun (EN)
Moero TwinBee Cinnamon (J)
Momotarou Densetsu Gai (J)
Money Game 2 - Kabutoc (J)
Money Game The (J)
Monopoly (U)
Monster In My Pocket (U)
Monster Maker - 7 Tsu (J)
Monster Party (U)
Monster Truck Rally (U)
Moon Crystal (ES)
Moon Ranger (U)
Morita Kazuo no Shougi (J)
Mortal Kombat - Turbo 30 (Unl)
Mother (J)
Motocross Champion (J)
Motor City Patrol (U)
Ms Pac-Man (Namco)
Ms Pac-Man (U)
Muppet Adventure - Chaos(U)
Musashi no Bouken (EN)
Musashi no Ken (J)
Mutant Virus (U)
My Life My Love - Boku (J)
Mystery Quest (U)
Nagagutsu wo Haita Neko (J)
Napoleons War (Unl)
Navy Blue (J)
Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu (J)
Nekketsu Kouha - Kunio K(EN)
Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeb (J)
Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball (J)
Nekketsu! Street Baske (J)
NES Open Tournament Go(U)
New Ghostbusters II (J)
New York Nyankies (J)
NFL Football (U)
Nichibutsu Mahjong 3 - (J)
Nigel Mansells World Ch(U)
Nightmare On Elm Street(U)
Nightshade (U)
Nihonichi no Mei Kanto (J)
Niji no Silk Road (EN)
Ninja Crusaders Ryuuga (J)
Ninja Gaiden (U)
Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dar(U)
Ninja Gaiden 3 - The Anc(U)
Ninja Hattori Kun (J)
Ninja Kun (J)
Ninja Kun Ashura no Sh (J)
Ninjara Hoi! (J)
Nintendo World Cup (U)
Nishimura Kyoutarou My (J)
Noahs Ark (E)
Nobunaga no Yabou - Ze (J)
North & South (U)
Nuts & Milk (J)
Obake no Q Tarou (J)
Obocchama Kun (J)
Oishinbo (EN)
Onyanko Town (J)
Operation Secret Storm (nl)
Operation Wolf (U)
Orb 3D (U)
Osomatsu Kun (J)
Otaku no Seiza (J)
Othello (U)
Outlanders (J)
Over Horizon (J)
P.O.W. - Prisoners of (U)
Pac-Land (J)
Pac-Man (Namco)
Pac-Man (U)
Pachi-Slot Adventure 2 (J)
Pachi-Slot Adventure 3 (J)
Pachio Kun 2 (J)
Pachio Kun 3 (J)
Pachio Kun 4 (J)
Pachio Kun 5 (J)
Pacmania (U)
Palamedes (U)
Palamedes 2 - Star Twi (J)
Panic Restaurant (U)
Paperboy (U)
Paperboy 2 (U)
Parallel World (EN)
Parasol Henbee (J)
Parasol Stars - The Stor(E)
Paris-Dakar Rally Specia(J)
Parodius (E)
Peek-A-Boo Poker (Unl)
Peepar Time (J)
Penguin Kun Wars (J)
Perfect Fit (U)
Pescatore (EN)
Pesterminator (U)
Peter Pan & The Pirates (U)
Phantom Fighter (U)
Pi Nuo Cao De Fu Su (Ch)
Pictionary (U)
Pinball (JU)
Pinball Quest (U)
Pipe Dream (U)
Pirates! (U)
Platoon (U)
Pocket Monster (Unl)
Pooyan (J)
Popeye (JU)
POW - Prisoners of War (U)
Power Blade (U)
Power Blade 2 (U)
Power Punch 2 (U)
Power Rangers 2 (U)
Power Soccer (J)
Pradikus Conflict (U)
Predator (U)
President no Sentaku (J)
Prince of Persia (U)
Princess Tomato in Salad(U)
Pro Wrestling (U)
Pro Yakyuu - Family St (J)
Pro Yakyuu Satsujin Ji (J)
Project Q (J)
Pu Nu Jing Ling (Unl)
Punch-Out!! (U)
Puss n Boots - Peros G(U)
Puyo Puyo (J)
Puzznic (U)
Pyramid (U)
Q-bert (U)
Qix (U)
Quarter Back Scramble (J)
Quarth (J)
Race America (U)
Racket Attack (U)
Rackets & Rivals (E)
Raf World (J)
Raid 2020 (U)
Raid on Bungeling Bay (U)
Rainbow Islands 2 (J)
Rally Bike (U)
Rambo (U)
Rampage (U)
Rampart (U)
Rasaaru Ishii no Child (J)
Rayban the Third (Unl)
RBI Baseball (U)
RBI Baseball 2 (U)
RBI Baseball 3 (U)
RC Pro-Am (U)
RC Pro-Am 2 (U)
Reigen Doushi (J)
Remote Control (U)
Ren & Stimpy Show (U)
Renegade (U)
Rescue - The Embassy Mis(U)
Ring King (U)
River City Ransom (U)
Road Fighter (J)
Road Runner (U)
RoadBlasters (U)
Robin Hood - Prince of T(U)
Robo Warrior (U)
Robocco Wars (J)
Robocop (U)
Robocop 2 (U)
Robocop 3 (U)
Robocop Vs The Terminator(U)
Robodemons (U)
Rock n Ball (U)
Rockboard - Thats Paradi(EN)
Rocket Ranger (U)
Rocketeer (U)
Rockin Kats (U)
Rocman X (J)
Rod Land (J)
Roger Clemens MVP Baseba(U)
Rollerball (U)
Rollerblade Racer (U)
Rollergames (U)
Rolling Thunder (U)
Romance of the Three K(U)
Route-16 Turbo (J)
RPG Jinsei Game (J)
Rushn Attack (U)
Rygar (ES)
Saint Seiya (ES)
Saiyuuki World (J)
Salad no Kuni no Tomat (J)
San Guo Zhi - Ying Jie(Ch)
Sanada Juu Yuushi (J)
Sangokushi - Eiketsu D(Beta)
Sanma no Mei Tantei (J)
Sanrio Carnival (J)
Sanrio Carnival 2 (EN)
Sanrio Cup - Pon Pon V (J)
Sansaara Naaga (J)
Sansuu 4 Nen - Keisan (J)
Sansuu 5 & 6 Nen - Kei (J)
Satomi Hakkenden (J)
Satsui no Kaisou - Pow (J)
SD Battle Oozumou - He (J)
SD Gundam - Gachapon 3 (J)
SD Gundam - Gachapon 4 (J)
SD Gundam - Gachapon 5 (J)
SD Gundam - Gachapon S (J)
SD Hero Soukessen - Ta (J)
SD Sengoku Bushou Rets (J)
Secret Scout (U)
Secret Ties (U)
Section Z (U)
Seicross (U)
Seirei Densetsu Lickle (J)
Seirei Gari (EN)
Seiryaku Simulation - (J)
Sekiryuuou (J)
Sendai no Tomio no Dai (J)
Sesame Street 123 (U)
Sesame Street Countdown (U)
Shadow Brain (J)
Shadowgate (U)
Shaffle Fight (J)
Shanghai 2 (J)
Shatterhand (U)
Sheng Hen Pao (AKA Twi(Ch)
Sherlock Holmes - Haku (J)
Shikinjou (J)
Shin Jinrui (J)
Shin Satomi Hakken-Den (J)
Shingen The Ruler (U)
Shinsenden (J)
Shisen Mahjong Seifu (Unl)
Shockwave (U)
Shougi Meikan 92 (J)
Shougi Meikan 93 (J)
Shougun (J)
Shoukoushi Ceddie (J)
Shounen Ashibe - Nepal (J)
Shuang Ying (Ch)
Shufflepuck Cafe (J)
Shui Guo Li (Unl)
Side Pocket (U)
Silent Assault (U)
Silent Service (E)
Silk Worm (U)
Silva Saga (J)
Silver Surfer (U)
Simpsons - Bart Vs the S(U)
Simpsons - Bart Vs the W(U)
Simpsons - Bartman Meets(U)
Skate or Die 2 - The Sea(U)
Skate or Die! (U)
Ski or Die (U)
Sky Destroyer (J)
Sky Kid (U)
Sky Shark (U)
Slalom (U)
Smash TV (U)
Smurfs (E)
Snake Rattle N Roll (U)
Snakes Revenge (U)
Snoopys Silly Sports Sp(U)
Snow Bros (ES)
Soap Panic (Unl)
Soccer (JU)
Soccer League - Winners(J)
Softball Tengoku (EN)
Solar Jetman Hunt for (U)
Solomon no Kagi (ES)
Solomons Key 2 (ES)
Solstice (U)
Son Son (J)
Sonic The Hedgehog (Unl)
Sore Ike! Anapanman (ES)
Space Harrier (J)
Space Shuttle Project (U)
Spelunker (U)
Spelunker 2 (J)
Spider-Man - Return of t(U)
Spiritual Warfare (U)
Spot (U)
Spy Hunter (U)
Spy Vs Spy (U)
Spy Vs Spy 2 (J)
Sqoon (U)
Squashed (U)
Stanley - The Search for(U)
Star Force (J)
Star Soldier (U)
Star Trek - 25th Anniver(U)
Star Trek - The Next Gen(U)
Star Wars (U)
Star Wars - The Empire S(U)
StarTrek V FinalFrontier (U)
Startropics II - Zodas(U)
Stealth ATF (U)
Sted - Iseki Wakusei no (EN)
Stick Hunter - Excitin (J)
Street Cop (U)
Street Fighter 2010 (U)
Street Fighter V (20 P(Unl)
Street Fighter VI 12 P(Unl)
Strider (U)
Sugoro Quest (ES)
Sugoro Quest - Dice no (J)
SuiTang (Unl)
Summer Carnival 92 Re (J)
Sunday Funday (U)
Sunman (E)
Super Aladdin (Unl)
Super Arabian (J)
Super Black Onyx (J)
Super C (U)
Super Cars (U)
Super Chinese (J)
Super Chinese 2 - Drag (J)
Super Chinese 3 (J)
Super Dodge Ball (U)
Super Dynamix Badminto (J)
Super Glove Ball (U)
Super Jeopardy! (U)
Super Mario Bros - Duck (U)
Super Mario Bros - Tetri(E)
Super Mario Bros 1 (ES)
Super Mario Bros 2 (ES)
Super Mario Bros 2 (J)
Super Mario Bros 3 (J)
Super Momotarou Dentet (J)
Super Off-Road (U)
Super Pinball (J)
Super Pitfall (U)
Super Real Baseball 88 (J)
Super Rugby (J)
Super Shinobi (Unl)
Super Spike VBall (U)
Super Spy Hunter (U)
Super Star Force (J)
Super Turrican (E)
Super Xevious Gump (J)
Superman (U)
Superstar Pro Wrestlin (J)
Swamp Thing (U)
SWAT - Special Weapons (J)
Sweet Home (EN)
Sword Master (U)
Swords and Serpents (U)
T&C Surf Design (U)
Taboo - The Sixth Sense (U)
Tag Team Pro-Wrestling (J)
Tag Team Wrestling (U)
Tagin Dragon (U)
Taito Basketball (J)
Taito Chase HQ (J)
Takahashi Meijin no Bouk (J)
Takahashi Meijin no Bugu (J)
Takeda Shingen (J)
Takeda Shingen 2 (J)
Takeshi no Chousenjou (J)
TaleSpin (U)
Tamura Koushou Mahjong (J)
Tantei Jinguuji Saburo (J)
Tantei Jinguuji Satsujin Jiken (J)
Target Renegade (U)
Taros Quest (U)
Tashiro Masashi no Pri (J)
Tatakae!! Rahmen Man - (J)
Tecmo Baseball (U)
Tecmo Bowl (U)
Tecmo Cup - Soccer Game (U)
Tecmo NBA Basketball (U)
Tecmo Super Bowl (U)
Tecmo World Cup Soccer (J)
Tecmo World Wrestling (U)
Tekken 3 (Unl)
Tenchi wo Kurau II (EN)
Tenkaichi Bushi (ES)
Tennis (U)
Terminator (U)
Terminator 2 - Judgment(ES)
Terra Cresta (U)
Tetris (ES)
Tetris Flash (J)
Tetsudou Ou - Famicom (J)
Thexder (J)
Three Stooges (U)
Thunder & Lightning (U)
Thunderbirds (U)
Thundercade (U)
Tiger-Heli (U)
Time Diver Eon Man (U)
Time Lord (U)
Time Zone (J)
Times of Lore (U)
Tiny Toon Adventures (U)
Tiny Toon Adventures 2 (U)
Titan Warriors (U)
Titanic 1912 (Unl)
Toki (U)
Toki no Tabibito (J)
Tokkyuu Shirei - Solbrai (J)
Tokoro San no Mamoru m (J)
Tom & Jerry (and Tuffy)
Tom Sawyer (EN)
Tom Sawyer no Bouken (J)
Tombs and Treasure (U)
Toobin (U)
Top Gun (U)
Top Gun The Second Mis (U)
Top Rider (J)
Total Recall (U)
Totally Rad (U)
Totsuzen! Machoman (J)
Touhou Kenbun Roku (J)
Toukyou Pachi Slot Adv (J)
Tower of Druaga, The (J)
Toxic Crusaders (U)
Track & Field (U)
Track & Field 2 (U)
Track & Field in Barce(E)
Transformers - Comvoy no(J)
Treasure Master (U)
Trog (U)
Trojan (E)
Trolls in Crazyland Th(E)
Tsuppari Oozumou (EN)
Tsuri Kichi Sanpei - B (J)
Turbo Racing (E)
Turtles 1 (ES)
Turtles 2 (U)
Turtles 3 (U)
Turtles Tournament Fight (U)
Twin Eagle (U)
TwinBee (J)
Ufouria (ES)
Ugadayka (R) [!]
Ultima - Exodus (U)
Ultima - Kyoufu no Exo (J)
Ultima - Quest of the Av(U)
Ultima - Seisha heno M (J)
Ultima - Warriors of Des(U)
Ultimate Basketball (U)
Ultimate Stuntman (Unl)
Ultraman Club - Kaijuu D (J)
Ultraman Club 2 - Kaet (J)
Ultraman Club 3 (J)
Um Chi (Unl)
Uncanny X-Men (U)
Uninvited (U)
Untouchables (U)
Urban Champion (U)
Urusei Yatsura Lum no (J)
US Championship VBall (J)
Ushio to Tora - Shinen (J)
Utsurun Desu (J)
Valis The Fantastic Sold (J)
Valkyrie no Bouken (EN)
Vegas Connection - Cas (J)
Vegas Dream (U)
Venus Senki (EN)
Vice - Project Doom (U)
Vindicators (U)
Volguard II (J)
Volleyball (U)
Wall Street Kid (U)
Wally Bear and the No(U)
Wanpaku Kokkun no Gourme (J)
Warios Woods (U)
Warpman (J)
Wayne Gretzky Hockey (U)
WCW World Championship W(U)
Western Kids (J)
Wheel of Fortune (U)
Wheel of Fortune - Starr(U)
Wheel of Fortune Family (U)
Wheel of Fortune Junior (U)
Where in Time is Carmen (U)
Wheres Waldo (U)
White Lion Densetsu (J)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (U)
WhompEm (U)
Widget (U)
Willow (ES)
Win, Lose or Draw (U)
Wing of Madoola (J)
Winter Games (U)
Wit (EN)
Wizardry - Legacy (J)
Wizardry - Proving Groun(U)
Wizardry - The Knight of(U)
Wizards & Warriors 3 (U)
Wolverine (U)
Woody Poko (J)
World Boxing (J)
World Champ (U)
World Games (U)
World Grand-Prix (J)
World Super Tennis (J)
Wrath of the Black Manta(ES)
Wrecking Crew (U)
Wrestlemania Challenge (E)
WWF King of the Ring (U)
WWF Wrestlemania (U)
WWF Wrestlemania Challen(U)
Xenophobe (U)
Xevious (U)
Xexyz (U)
Xia Ke Qing - Jing He (Ch)
Xiao Hong Mao (Ch)
Xiao Ma Li (Ch)
Xing Ji Super Fighter (Ch)
Yamamura - Kyouto (J)
Yamamura - Satsujin Ji (J)
Yang Jia Jiang (Ch)
Yanshan Chess (Unl)
Yie Ar Kung-Fu (J)
Yo! Noid (U)
Yoshi (U)
Yoshis Cookie (U)
Ys (EN)
Ys II (EN)
Yume Penguin Monogatari(ES)
Zanac (U)
Zelda (ES)
Zelda 2 - The Adventure (ES)
Zen Intergalactic Ninja (U)
Zenbei!! Pro Basket (J)
Zhan Guo Qun (Ch)
Zhong Chinese Chess (Unl)
Zippy Race (J)
Zoids - Chuuou (J)
Zoids 2 - Zenebasu (J)
Zoids Mokushiroku (J)
Zombie Hunter (EN)
Zombie Nation (U)
doblete escribió:Yo tengo una teoria acerca del emulador, cuando se meten muchas roms en el cd, muchas no funcionan, aunque sean compatibles, pero si se meten pocas roms funcionan de maravilla, igual te puedo ayudar a testear roms dentro de la semana, solo debo comprar cd, ya que no me quedan ninguno, y respecto a lo dicho solo es una teoria, nada mas.
'89 Dennou Hosi Uranai
10 Yard Fight
10 Yard Fight (J)
100 Kiyagyou
100 Man Doru Kid
110 in 1 Menu
1942 (J)
1943 (J)
1999 Hore Mitakotoka Sekimatsu
58 In 1 Menu
76 In 1 Menu
8 Eyes
8 Eyes (J)
A-Ressya De Ikou
Abadox (J)
Abarenbou Tengu
Acchi Kocchi Socchi
Addams Family 2, The (Pugsley)
Addams Family, The
Adventure Island
Adventure Island 2
Adventure Island 3
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
Adventures of Bayou Billy
Adventures of Bayou Billy (PAL)
Adventures of Captain Comic
Adventures of Dino-Riki
Adventures of Lolo
Adventures of Lolo (J)
Adventures of Lolo 2
Adventures of Lolo 3
Adventures of Rad Gravity (PAL)
Adventures of Rad Gravity, The
Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The
Aigiina no Yogen
Air Fortress
Air Fortress (J)
Airwolf (PAL)
Akuma no Shoutaijou
Akumajo Dracula
Al Unser Jr's Turbo Racing
Alfred Chicken
Algos no Senshi
Alien 3
Alien Syndrome (J)
All Pro Basketball
Alpha Mission
Altered Beast
America Oudan no Ultra Quiz
American Dream
American Gladiators
Ankoku Sinwa
Anpan Man no Hiragana Daisuki
Antarctic Adventure
Arch Rivals
Armored Scrum Object
Asmikkun Land
Asterix (PAL)
Astro Robo Sasa
Athena (J)
Athletic World
Atlantis no Nazo
Attack Animal Gakuen
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
AV Pachi Slot
Babel no Tou
Baby Boomer
Back to the Future
Back to the Future 2/3
Bad Dudes
Bad News Baseball
Bad Street Brawler
Baken Hissyougaku Gate-In
Bakusyou Jinsei Gekijyou 3
Balloon Fight
Balloon Fight (PAL)
Bananan no Ouiji Daibouken
Bard's Tale 2, The
Bard's Tale, The
Bard's Tale, The (J)
Barker Bill's Trick Shooting
Bart vs. the Space Mutants
Bart vs. the World
Bartman Meets Radioactive Man
Base Wars
Baseball (J)
Baseball Simulator 1000
Baseball Stars
Baseball Stars (J)
Baseball Stars 2
Bases Loaded
Bases Loaded 2
Bases Loaded 3
Bases Loaded 4
Batman (PAL)
Batman Returns
Battle Chess
Battle City
Battle of Olympus, The
Battle Stadium
Battle Storm
Battletoads (PAL)
Battletoads / Double Dragon
Batu and Teree
Be-Bop High School
Bee 52
Best of the Best
Best Play Pro Yakyuu
Best Play Pro Yakyuu 2
Best Play Pro Yakyuu Special
Bible Adventures
Big Bird's Hide and Speak
Big Nose Freaks Out
Bikkuri Man World Gekitotu Sei Sensi
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge
Binary Land
Bio Senshi Dan
Bionic Commando
Bird Week
Birdy Rush
Black Bass 2, The
Black Bass, The
Black Bass, The (J)
Blades of Steel
Blades of Steel (PAL)
Blaster Master
Blaster Master (PAL)
Bloody Warriors
Blue Marlin, The
Blue Shadow
Blues Brothers, The
Bo Jackson Baseball
Bokosuka Wars
Bomber King
Bomberman (J)
Bomberman 2 (J)
Booby Kids
Boulder Dash
Boulder Dash (J)
Boy and His Blob, A
Brush Roller
Bubble Bobble
Bubble Bobble (PAL)
Bubble Bobble 2
Bucky O' Hare
Bucky O' Hare (J)
Bucky O' Hare (PAL)
Buggy Popper
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout
Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle
Bump N' Jump
Burai Fighter
Burgertime (J)
Caesar's Palace
California Games
Capcom Barcelona '92
Captain America and the Avengers
Captain Ed
Captain Planet
Captain Silver
Captain Skyhawk
Captain Tsubasa
Captain Tsubasa 2
Casino Kid
Castelian (PAL)
Castle Excellent
Castle of Deceit
Castle of Dragon
Castlequest (J)
Castlevania 2
Castlevania 2 (PAL)
Catts Nintouden Teyandey
Caveman Games
Caveman Ninja
Chack N' Pop
Championship Bowling (J)
Championship Lode Runner
Championship Pool
Chaos World
Chase HQ
Cheetahmen 2
Chester Field
Chibi Marukochan Uki Uki Shopping
Chip N' Dale - Rescue Rangers
Chip N' Dale - Rescue Rangers 2
Chip to Dale no Daisakusen
Chip to Dale no Daisakusen 2
Chiyo no Fuji
Choujin Sentai Jetman
Choujin Ultra Baseball
Chubby Cherub
Chugoku Jyansi Story Tonpuu
Chugoku Sensei Jyuutu
Chuka Taisen
Circus Caper
Circus Charlie
City Connection
City Connection (J)
Clash at Demonhead
Clu Clu Land
Clu Clu Land disk-to-nes conv.
Cobra Command
Cobra Command (J)
Cobra Triangle
Cobra Triangle (PAL)
Code Name Viper
Columbus Ougon no Yoake
Conquest of the Crystal Palace
Contra Force
Cool World
Cosmic Epsilon
Cosmic Wars
Cosmo Genesis
Cosmo Police Galivan
Crash N' The Boys
Crisis Force [hacked]
Crystal Mines 2
Dai Meiro
Dai Senryaku
Daikaijyuu Deburas
Daiku no Gensan
Dance Aerobics
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat
Dark Lord
Darkwing Duck
Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum
Dash Yarou
Day Dreamin' Davey
Days of Thunder
Deep Dungeon 3
Deep Dungeon 4
Defender 2
Defender of the Crown
Defenders of Dynatron City
Deja Vu
Demon Sword
Dengeki Big Bang
Densetsu no Kisi Elrond
Derby Stallion
Derby Stallion Zenkokuban
Desert Commander
Destiny of an Emperor
Devil World
Dick Tracy
Die Hard (J)
Dig Dug
Dig Dug 2 (J)
Digger T. Rock
Dirty Harry
Dizzy The Adventurer
Doki Doki Yuenchi
Donald Duck
Donald Land
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong 3
Donkey Kong Classics
Donkey Kong Jr.
Donkey Kong Jr. Math
Donkey Kong Jr. Sansuu Asobi
Door Door
Doraemon Gigzombi no Gyakusyuu
Double Dare
Double Dragon
Double Dragon (J)
Double Dragon (PAL)
Double Dragon 2
Double Dragon 2 (J)
Double Dragon 3
Double Dragon 3 (J)
Double Dragon 3 (PAL)
Double Dribble
Doublemoon Densetsu
Dough Boy
Downtown Nekketsu Jidaigekidayo
Downtown Nekketsu Kousinkyoko
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari
Dr. Chaos
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dr. Mario
Dr. Mario (PAL)
Dracula (PAL)
Dragon Buster [hacked]
Dragon Buster 2
Dragon Fighter
Dragon Power
Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest 2
Dragon Quest 3
Dragon Quest 4
Dragon Slayer 4
Dragon Spirit
Dragon Strike
Dragon Unit
Dragon Warrior
Dragon Warrior 2
Dragon Warrior 3
Dragon Warrior 4
Dragon Wars
Dragon's Lair
Dragons of Flame
Drop Zone
Duck Hunt
Ducktales 2
Dungeon and Magic
Dungeon Kid
Dungeon Magic
Dusty Diamond All-Star Softball
Dynamite Bowl
Elevator Action
Eliminator Boat Duel
Emo Yan no 10 Bai Pro Yakyuu
Empire Strikes Back, The
Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken
Erunaaku no Zaihou
Esupa Boukentai
Excitebike (PAL)
Exciting Rally
Exed Exes
F1 Built to Win
F1 Circus
F1 Hero
F1 Hero 2
F1 Race
F117A Stealth Fighter
Famicom Typing Tutor (Dr PC Jr)
Famicom Typing Tutor 2
Famicom Yakyuuban
Family BASIC
Family Block
Family Boxing
Family Circuit
Family Fued
Family Jockey
Family Majyan
Family Majyan 2
Family Pinball
Family Quiz
Family Stadium
Family Stadium '87
Family Stadium '88
Family Stadium '89
Family Stadium '91
Family Stadium '92
Family Stadium '93
Family Stadium '94
Family Tennis
Family Trainer Running Stadium
Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, The [Aladdin vers.]
Fantasy Zone (J)
Faria (J)
Faxanadu (J)
FC Genjin
Felix the Cat
Fester's Quest
Field Combat
Fighting Golf
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy (J)
Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy I/II
Final Mission
Fire Emblem [hacked]
Fire Emblem Gaiden [hacked]
Fist of the North Star
Fleet Commander
Flintstones, The
Flintstones, The (PAL)
Flying Dragon
Flying Hero
Flying Warriors
Formation Z
Four Card Games
Freedom Force
Friday The 13th
Front Line
Fusigi no Umi no Nadia
Fuzzical Fighter
Galactic Crusader
Galaga (J)
Galaxy 5000
Gambler Jikochusin Ha
Gambler Jikochusin Ha 2
Game Genie
Ganbare Goemon 2 [hacked?]
Gargoyle's Quest 2
Garou Densetsu Special [hacked]
Gauntlet 2
Gauntlet 2 (PAL)
Gaurdian Legend, The
Gaurdic Gaiden
Gegege no Kitarou
Gegege no Kitarou 2
Gekikame Ninjaden
Gekitotu 4 Kubattle
Gekitou Pro Wrestling
Gekitou Stadium
Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan (J)
Genpei Toumaden
George Foreman's KO Boxing
Ghostbusters (J)
Ghostbusters 2
Ghosts N' Goblins
Ghoul School
GI Joe
GI Joe - The Atlantis Factor
Gilligan's Island
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
Ginga no Sannin
God Slayer
Godzilla (J)
Godzilla 2
Gold Medal Challenge '92
Golf '92, The
Golf Grand Slam
Golgo 13
Golgo 13 - The Mafat Conspiracy
Golgo 13 - The Riddle of Icarus
Golgo 13 (J)
Gomoku Narabe
Goonies 2, The
Goonies 2, The (J)
Goonies, The
Gorby no Pipeline Daisakusen
Gozonji Yajikita Tindouchu
Gradius (J)
Grand Master
Great Deal
Great Tank
Gremlins 2
Guerilla War
Gunnac (J)
Gunsmoke (PAL)
Haja no Fuuin
Hana no Star Kaidou
Hanjuku Hero
Harlem Globetrotters
Hatris (J)
Heavy Barrel
Heavy Shreddin'
Hector '87
Hello Kitty no Ohana Batake
Hello Kitty World
Hercules no Eikou
Hercules no Eikou 2
Heroes of the Lance
Heroes of the Lance (J)
Hi no Tori
Higemaru Makaijima
Highway Star
Hillsfar (J)
Hirake Ponkikki
Hiryuu no Ken
Hiryuu no Ken 2
Hiryuu no Ken 3
Hiryuu no Ken SP Fighting Wars
Hissatu Dojo Yaburi
Hissatu Sigotonin
Hittra no Fukkatu
Hogan's Alley
Hokuto no Ken
Hokuto no Ken 2
Hokuto no Ken 3
Hokuto no Ken 4
Hollywood Squares
Holy Diver
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Home Run Nighter
Home Run Nighter '90
Hook (J)
Hosi no Kirby
Hosi wo Miruhito
Hot Slots
Hottaman no Titeitanken
Houmaga Toki
Hudson Hawk
Hunt For Red October, The
Hyaku no Sekai no Monogatari
Hyauti Super Igo
Hydlide (J)
Hyokkori Hyoutan Jima
Hyper Olympic
Hyper Olympic - Tonosoma Edition
Hyper Sports
I Love Softball
Ice Climber
Ice Climber (disk conversion)
Ice Hockey
Ice Hockey (disk coversion)
Idol Hakkenden
Idol Shisen Mahjongg
Igo Sinan
Igo Sinan '91
Igo Sinan '93
Ikari Warriors
Ikari Warriors (J)
Ikari Warriors 2
Ikari Warriors 2 (J)
Ikari Warriors 3
Ikari Warriors 3 (J)
Ike Ike Nekketsu Hockey
Ikinari Musician
Image Fight
Immortal, The
Incredible Crash Dummies, The
Indiana Jones / Last Crusade
Indiana Jones / Temple of Doom
Indra no Hikari
International Cricket
Iron Tank
Isolated Warrior
Itadaki Street
J League - King of Ace Strikers
Jack Nicklaus Golf
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan's Action Kung-Fu
Jajamaru no Daibouken
James Bond Jr.
James Bond Jr. (PAL)
Jeopardy 25th Anniversary Ed.
Jeopardy Jr.
Jetsons, The
Jikuuyuuden Debias
Jimmy Connors Tennis
Jimmy Connors Tennis (PAL)
Joe and Mac
John Elway's Quarterback
Jordan vs Bird
Journey to Silius
Joy Mecha Fight
Jumpin' Kid
Jungle Book, The
Jurassic Park
Jyanbou Ozaki no Hole-in-One
Kabuki Quantum Fighter
Kabusiki Doujyou
Kagerou Densetsu
Kaguya Hime Densetsu
Kaijyu Monogatari [hacked]
Kakefu-kun no Jump Tengoku
Kame no Ongaesi
Kamen no Ninja Akakage
Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru
Kamen Rider Club
Kamen Rider SD
Karate Champ
Karate Kid, The
Karnov (J)
Kart Fighter
Katteni Sirokuma
Kawa no Nushi Tsuri
Keiba Honmei
Keisan Game Sansuu 2
Keisan Game Sansuu 3
Keisan Game Sansuu 4
Keisan Game Sansuu 5/6 Nen
Kero Kero Keroppi
Kero Kero Keroppi 2
Keru Naguru
Kick Master
Kick Off
Kickle Cubicle
Kid Icarus
Kid Klown
Kid Kool
Kid Niki
King Kong 2
King of Kings
King of Kings (J - diff. game)
King's Knight
King's Knight (J)
King's Quest 5
Kings of the Beach
Kinniku Man
Kirby's Adventure
Kiri no London Satsujin Jiken
Kiteretsu Daihyakka
Kiwi Kraze
Klash Ball
Klax (J)
Knight Rider
Konami Sport in Soul
Krion Conquest, The
Krusty's Fun House
Krusty's Fun House (PAL)
Kuja Kuou
Kuja Kuou 2
Kung-Fu Heroes
Kurogane Hirosi no Keiba Densetu
Kyoro-chan Land
Kyoto Hana no Missutu Satsujin Jiken
Kyoto Sesupensu Misa Yamamura Satsujin Jiken
Kyuukyoku Tiger
Last Armageddon
Last Ninja, The
Last Starfighter, The
Law of the West
Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf
Legacy of the Wizard
Legend of Kage, The (J)
Legend of the Ghost Lion, The
Legend of Zelda (-1 PRG Rev.)
Legend of Zelda, The
Legendary Wings
Legends of the Diamond
Life Force
Linus Spacehead
Linus Spacehead [Aladdin Ver.]
Lion King, The
Lipple Island
Little League Baseball
Little Mermaid, The
Little Mermaid, The (J)
Little Nemo The Dream Master
Little Ninja Brothers
Lode Runner (J)
Lone Ranger, The
Lost Word of Jenny, The
Lot Lot
Low G Man
Lunar Ball
Lupin 3rd Pandra Nolsan
Mach Rider
Mad City
Mad Max
Mag Max
Mag Max (J)
Magic Darts
Magic Johnson's Fast Break
Magic of Scherezade, The
Magical Doropie
Magunamu Kikiipatu
Mahou no Princess Minky Momo
Maijin Eiyuuden Wataru Gaiden
Maison Ikkoku
Major League Baseball
Majyan RPG Dora Dora Dora
Majyou Densetsu 2
Maniac Mansion
Maniac Mansion (J)
Maniac Mansion (PAL)
Mappy Land
Mappy Land (J)
Marble Madness
Marble Madness (PAL)
Mario Bros
Mario China
Mario is Missing
Mario Open Golf
Mario's Time Machine
Marusa no Onna
Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu
Masuzoe Youiti no Asamade
Maten Douji
Matsumoto Tooru no Kabusiki Hissyougaku
Matsumoto Tooru no Kabusiki Hissyougaku 2
Max Warrior
Mechanized Attack
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 4 (PAL)
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Megami Tensei
Meiji Ishin
Meikyu Kumikyoko
Meimom Takonishi Ouendan
Meitantei Holmes
Meitantei Holmes Kori no London Satsujin Jiken
Melville's Flame
Mendel Palace
Metal Fighter
Metal Flame Psybuster
Metal Gear
Metal Gear (J)
Metal Max
Metal Mech
Metal Storm
Metal Storm (J)
Metro Cross
Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mousecapade
Micro Machines
Micro Machines [Aladdin Ver.]
Might and Magic
Might and Magic (J)
Mighty Bomb Jack (J)
Mighty Final Fight
Mighty Final Fight (J)
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
Milon's Secret Castle
Minelvation Saga
Minnie no Talabou Nakayosi Daisakusen
Miracle Piano System
Miracle Ropit's Adventure in 2100
Mirai Sensei Lios
Mission Cobra
Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible (PAL)
Mitsume ga Tooru
Mizusima Senji no Dai Koushien
Moai Kun
Moeru Oniisan
Momotarou Densetsu
Momotarou Densetsu Gaiden
Momotarou Dentetsu
Money Game 2, The
Monopoly (J)
Monster In My Pocket
Monster In My Pocket (PAL)
Monster Maker
Monster Party
Moon Crystal
Morita no Shogi
Motocross Champion
Motor City Patrol
Mottono Abunai Deka
Ms. Pac-Man
Muppets Adventure
Murder Club
Musashi no Bouken
Musashi no Ken
My Life, My Love
Mystery Quest
Nagagutu wo Haita Neko
Naitou 9 Dan Shogi Hiden
Nangoku Seirei Spy vs Spy
Navy Blue
Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu
Nekketsu Kouha Kunio Kun
Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball
Nekketsu Koukou Soccer
NES Open Tournament Golf
NES Play Action Football
New Zealand Story, The
NFL Football
Nightmare on Elm Street, A
Niji no Silkroad
Ningen Heiki Dead Fox
Ninja Cop Saizou
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden 2
Ninja Gaiden 3
Ninja Jajamaru Kun
Ninja Kid
Ninja Kun
Ninja Kun Asyura no Saiyou
Ninja Rahoi
Ninja Ryukenden
Ninja Ryukenden 2
Ninja Ryukenden 3
Nintendo World Cup
Nintendo World Cup (PAL)
Noah's Ark
Nobunaga no Yabou Zenkokuban
Nobunaga's Ambition
North and South
Nuts and Milk
Obake no Qtarou
Obochama Kun
Ohotuku Ni Kiyu
Olympus no Tatakai
Onyanko Town
Operation Wolf
Orb 3D
Oryu San
Osomatsu Kun
Otaku no Seiza
Othello (Disk conversion)
Othello (J)
Over Horizon
Pac-Man (J)
Pac-Man (Unlicensed Version)
Pachi Slot Adventure 2
Pachi Slot Adventure 3
Pachinko Daisakusen
Pachinko Daisakusen 2
Pachio Kun 2
Pachio Kun 3
Pachio Kun 4
Pachio Kun 5 (Pachio Kun Jr)
Palamedes (J)
Palamedes 2
Panic Restaurant
Paperboy 2
Parallel World
Parasol Henbei
Parodius (PAL)
Parutena no Kagami
Peepar Time
Penguin Kun Wars
Perfect Bowl
Peter Pan and the Pirates
Phantom Fighter
Pinball Quest
Pipe Dream
Pole to Finish
Pool of Radiance
Pool of Radiance (J)
Popeye Eigo Asobi
Portpia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken
Power Blade
Power Blade 2
Power Punch 2
President no Sentaku
Prince of Persia
Prince Valiant
Princess Tomato in Salad Kingdom
Pro Wrestling
Pro Yakyuu Satsujin Jiken
Probotector 2
Project Q
Punch-Out Shohinban
Punisher, The
Puss N' Boots
Quattro Adventure
Quattro Sports
Quest of Kai, The
Race America
Racket Attack
Rad Racer
Rad Racer (PAL)
Rad Racer 2
Radia Senki
Raf World
Raid 2020
Raid on Bungling Bay
Raid on Bungling Bay (J)
Rainbow Island
Rambo (J)
Rampart (J)
Rasarulsii no Child's Quest
RBI Baseball
RBI Baseball 2
RBI Baseball 3
RC Pro-Am
RC Pro-Am (PAL)
RC Pro-Am 2
Recca: Summer Carnival '92
Redalerma 2
Reigen Dousi
Remote Control
Ren and Stimpy: Buckaroo$
Rescue: The Embassy Mission
Ring King
River City Ransom
Road Fighter
Road Man
Road Runner
Robin Hood
Robocco Wars
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Robocop Vs Terminator
Robot Block (Stack-Up)
Robot Gyro (Gyromite)
Rock N' Ball
Rocket Ranger
Rocketeer, The
Rockin' Kats
Rockman 2
Rockman 3
Rockman 4
Rockman 5
Rockman 6
Roger Clemens MVP Baseball
Rolling Thunder
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Route 16 Turbo
RPG Life Game
Rush N' Attack
Rush N' Attack (PAL)
Sabaku no Kitune
Saint Seiya
Saint Seiya 2 [hacked?]
Saiyuuki World
Sanada Jyuuyuusi
Sanma no Meitantei
Sanrio Carnival
Sanrio Cup Ponpon Bare
Sarada no Kuni no Tomato Hime
Satomi Hakkenden
SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 2
SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 3
SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 4
SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 5
SD Hatori Daisakusen
SD Hero Soukessen
SD Sengoku Busyou Retsuden
Section Z
Seicross (J)
Seikima 2
Seirei Densetsu Lickle
Seirei Gari
Sekiryuu Ou
Senjou no Ookami
Sesame Street 123/ABC
Sesame Street ABC
Shadow Brain
Shadow of the Ninja
Shadow Warrior
Shadowgate (J)
Shadowgate (Swedish)
Shaffle Fight
Shanghai 2
Sherlock Holmes
Shikin Jyou
Shin Satomi Hakkenden
Shingen The Ruler
Shisen Mahjong Seifukuhen
Shonen Ashibe
Shufflepuck Cafe
Side Pocket
Side Pocket (J)
Sijyou Saidai Quiz ou Ketteisen
Silent Assault
Silent Service
Silent Service (PAL)
Silva Saga
Silver Surfer
Skate or Die
Skate or Die 2
Ski or Die
Sky Destroyer
Sky Kid
Sky Kid (J)
Sky Shark
Slalom (PAL)
Smash Ping Pong (Disk Conv.)
Smash TV
SMB / Duck Hunt / WC Track Meet
SMB / Tetris / Nint. World Cup
Snake Rattle N' Roll
Snake Rattle N' Roll (PAL)
Snake's Revenge
Snoopy's Magic Show
Snow Bros
Soap Panic
Soccer (Disk Conversion)
Softball Tengoku
Solar Jetman
Solar Jetman (PAL)
Solomon no Kagi
Solomon no Kagi 2
Solomon's Key
Solstice (J)
Son Son
Space Harrier
Space Hunter
Space Invaders
Space Shuttle Project
Spartan X
Spelunker (J)
Spelunker 2
Spiritual Warfare
Spy Hunter
Spy Vs. Spy (J)
Sqoon (J)
Square no Tom Sawyer
Star Force
Star Force (J)
Star Gate
Star Luster
Star Soldier (J)
Star Trek
Star Trek - The Next Generation
Star Voyager
Star Wars
Star Wars (J - Namco version)
Star Wars (PAL)
Starship Hector
Startropics 2
Stealth ATF
Stealth ATF (PAL)
Sted Iseki Wakusei no Yabou
Stick Hunter
Street Cop
Street Fighter 2010
Sugoro Quest
Sukeban Deka 3
Super Arabian
Super Black Onyx
Super C
Super Cars
Super Chinese Land
Super Chinese Land 2
Super Chinese Land 3
Super Contra
Super Dodge Ball
Super Donkey Kong 2
Super Dynamix Badminton
Super Express Satsujin Jiken
Super Glove Ball
Super Jeopardy
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros (Disk Conv.)
Super Mario Bros (PAL)
Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario Bros 2 (-1 PRG rev.)
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario Bros 3 (-1 PRG Rev.)
Super Mario Bros 3 (J)
Super Mario Bros 3 (PAL)
Super Mario USA
Super Momotarou Densetsu
Super Monkey Daibouken
Super Off Road
Super Pinball
Super Pitfall
Super Pitfall (J)
Super Real Baseball
Super Robot Taisen 2
Super Spike V'Ball
Super Spike V'Ball/Nintendo World Cup
Super Sprint
Super Spy Hunter
Super Star Force
Super Team Games
Super Turrican (PAL)
Super Xevious
Superman (J)
Swamp Thing
Sweet Home
Sword Master
Sword Master (J)
Swords and Serpents
Syoukousi Sedy
T&C Surf Design
T&C Surf Design 2
Tag Team Pro Wrestling
Tag Team Wrestling
Tagin' Dragon
Taiyou no Sinden
Takahasi Meijin no Boukenjima
Takahasi Meijin no Boukenjima 2
Takahasi Meijin no Boukenjima 3
Takahasi Meijin no Boukenjima 4
Takeda Shingen
Takeda Shingen 2
Takeshi no Chousen Jyou
Takeshi no Sengoku Fuunji
Tale Spin
Tanikawa Kouji no Shogi Sinan 3
Tantei Jingujii Saburou Tokino Sugiyukumamani
Target Renegade
Tashiro Musasi no Princess Galppai
Tatakae Ramen Man
Tatakai no Banka
Tecmo Baseball
Tecmo Bowl
Tecmo Cup Soccer
Tecmo NBA Basketball
Tecmo Super Bowl
Tecmo World Wrestling
Tecmo World Wrestling (PAL)
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles PAL
Tenchi wo Kurau
Tenchi wo Kurau 2
Terminator 2
Terminator 2 (Beta Version)
Terminator 2 (J)
Terminator, The
Terra Cresta (J)
Tetris (J)
Tetris (Tengen)
Tetris 2
Tetris 2 (PAL)
Tetris 2 + Bombliss
Tetris Flash
Tetsuwan Atom
Three Stooges, The
Thunder and Lightning
Thunderbirds (J)
Tiger-Heli (J)
Time Lord
Time Lord (PAL)
Time Stranger
Time Zone
Times of Lore
Tiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures 2
Tiny Toons Cartoon Workshop
Titei Senkuu Bazoruda
TM Network Live At Power Bowl
Tobidase Daisakusen 2
Tokorosan no Mamoru
Tokyukyuu Seirei Solbrain
Tom and Jerry
Tombs and Treasure
Top Gun
Top Gun - The Second Mission
Top Players Tennis
Total Recall
Totally Rad
Totsuzen Macyoman
Touchdown Fever
Touchdown Fever (J)
Touhou Kenbunroku
Toukaidou 53 Tugi
Tower of Druaga, The
Toxic Crusaders
Track and Field 2
Track and Field 2 (PAL)
Transformers Combo
Triathron, The
Trojan (PAL)
Tsuppari Oozomou
Tsuppari Wars
Turbo Racing
Turikiti Sanpei Blue
Twin Cobra
Twinbee (Disk Conversion)
Uddy Poko
Ultima - Exodus
Ultima - Exodus (J)
Ultima - Quest of the Avatar
Ultima - Quest of the Avatar (J)
Ultima - Warriors of Destiny
Ultimate Air Combat
Ultimate Basketball
Ultimate Stuntman
Ultraman Club 2
Ultraman Club 3
Untouchables, The
Urban Champion
Urusei Yatsura
US Championship V'Ball
Uturun Desu
Valkyure no Bouken
Vegas Connection
Vegas Dream
Venus Wars, The
Vice - Project Doom
Villgust Gaiden
Viva Las Vegas
Volguard 2
Volleyball (Disk Conversion)
Wacky Races
Wagyan Land
Wairi no Write Rockboard
Wall Street Kid
Wanpaku Duck Yumebouken
Wanpaku Kokkun no Gurume World
Wario no Mori
Wario's Woods
Wayne Gretzky Hockey
Wayne's World
WCW Championship Wrestling
Western Kids
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune Family Edition
Wheel of Fortune W/ Vanna White
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego
Where's Waldo?
White Lion Densetsu
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Whomp 'Em
Wild Gunman
Willow (J)
Win, Lose, or Draw
Wing of Madoola, The
Winter Games
Wizardry - Knight of Diamonds
Wizardry - Knight of Diamonds(J)
Wizardry - Legacy of Lyllgamyn
Wizardry - Proving Grounds
Wizardry - Proving Grounds (J)
Wizards and Warriors
Wizards and Warriors (PAL)
Wizards and Warriors 2
Wizards and Warriors 3
World Boxing
World Games
World Super Tennis
Wrath of the Black Manta
Wrecking Crew
WWF King of the Ring
WWF Steel Cage Challenge
WWF Steel Cage Challenge (PAL)
WWF Wrestlemania
WWF Wrestlemania Challenge
Xevious (J)
Y's 2
Y's 3
Yie-Ar Kung-Fu
Yo Nin Uti Majyan
Yo Noid
Yokohama Renzoku Satsujin Jiken
Yoshi no Cookie
Yoshi no Tamago
Yoshi's Cookie
Youkai Club
Young Indiana Jones Chronicles
Yousike Ide's Battle Mahjongg
Yousike Ide's Battle Mahjongg 2
Yume Penguin Monogatari (Hacked)
Zaiteku Satsujin Jiken
Zelda 2 - The Adventure of Link
Zelda 2 (PAL)
Zelda no Densetsu
Zen - Intergalactic Ninja
Zenbei Pro Basket
Zippy Race
Zoids 2
Zoids 3
Zombie Hunter
Zombie Nation
Yo tengo una teoria acerca del emulador, cuando se meten muchas roms en el cd, muchas no funcionan, aunque sean compatibles, pero si se meten pocas roms funcionan de maravilla, igual te puedo ayudar a testear roms dentro de la semana, solo debo comprar cd, ya que no me quedan ninguno, y respecto a lo dicho solo es una teoria, nada mas.
y no sería correcto probarlos en el epsxe?
yo me hize lo mismo hace un tiempo, y el disco final pesaba más de 500 megas. jugue varios juegos y todos corrieron de maravilla,
Si tienes un pc mas o menos moderno, puedes probarlas en el emulador xebra, que viene a ser a psx, lo que bsnes a la super. El ahorro de cds puede ser considerable.
Un saludo
Segun lei por ahí, el imbnes soporta los mappers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11 , 66 y 71. Estos son los juegos que hay con dichos mappers, lo cual no significa que funcionen todos:
Karaculo escribió:No te comas mucha la cabeza ya la tengo echa si la encuentro (este fin de semana) la posteo, el imbnes era el emulador de la nes para la psx no????
Eso si prueba las roms de pistola, como cuando la hice no tenia pistola no las probe
Tambien tengo listado con todas las roms (solo me quedaba con la version en us si existia) y con las traducciones.
Es un trabajo de chinos pero paso de tener 10000 roms repetidas
theelf escribió:Me parece la "Famicom" casi perfecta, obviamente, si no fuera porque el emulador tiene sus fallos
De hecho lo es, emula con una fidelidad enfermiza y en un CD te llevas toda tu colección de NES. La teoría del compañero no va mal encaminada, buena parte de las roms que pienses que no funcionan es pq no la ha leído bien, tengamos en cuenta que el IMBN se montaba de una forma especial.
ChepoXX escribió:y bueno ya lo estas haciendo pero para nes no te parece mejor la dreamcast? tiene compatibiliad incluso con la pistola.
theelf escribió:ChepoXX escribió:
Creo que la Dreamcast no tiene soporte para resolucion nativa... o me equivoco?
fakemaria escribió:compañero, cambia el título del post y pon Probadas
theelf escribió:fakemaria escribió:compañero, cambia el título del post y pon Probadas
ya me gusta como esta, gracias
Hombre, no te ofendas, pero está claro que no cuesta trabajo escribir bien y con la gran currada que te has pegado, que menos que un título a la altura del trabajo, ¿no crees?
Una pregunta de novato (a veces me lio yo solo): cuando hablais de resolucion nativa a que os referis?(ya que este emu es de los pocos que lo permite en consolas, no?) Es decir, a resolucion nativa en una tele de 32" se veria pequeño, no?
Es decir, buscas un emu que escale a partir de la resolucion original?
theelf escribió:
No me ofendo, pero lo siento, pero me gusta escribir como puedo, para q poner prueba, si luego lo volvere a poner con v a la primera de cambio?
John3d escribió:Mas o menos lo he pillado (creo). Es cuestion de hacer alguna prueba, gracias.
AxelStone escribió:John3d escribió:Mas o menos lo he pillado (creo). Es cuestion de hacer alguna prueba, gracias.
Básicamente cuando pruebes emuladores en resolución nativa conectados a una CRT no querrás saber nada de reescalados.
Te he mandado un mp con una duda al respecto de la compilación y la posibilidad de convertirla para psp