Google ha sacado algo nuevo, parece que esta vez es un videojuego de realidad aumentada.
Podéis ver el vídeo en la web oficial: y pedir una invitación.
El juego sera gratis, primero para móviles (google glass en un futuro?) y esta llevado por Niantic Labs, una start-up dentro de Google.
Su creador lo explica el juego:
Users can generate virtual energy needed to play the game by picking up units of “XM,” which are collected by traveling walking paths, like a real-world version of Pac-Man. Then they spend the energy going on missions around the world to “portals,” which are virtually associated with public art, libraries and other widely accessible places.
“The concept is something like World of Warcraft, where everyone in world is playing the same game,” Hanke said. Players are on one of two teams: “The Enlightened,” who embrace the power, or “The Resistance,” who fight the power. Anyone can play from anywhere in the world, though in more densely played areas there will be more local competition for resources.
Outdoor physical activity is a big component of this, though driving between locations isn’t banned. “You’re like a rat in a maze on the phone,” Hanke said. Then, back at your computer, you can review the larger area and gameplay.
If self-driving cars or computer glasses are a head-scratching fit for Google, Ingress is perhaps even more so, because it’s a content project that’s expressly askew from reality. The company has hired game writers and artists, and hopes to stay a month or two ahead of the audience, Hanke said. aplicacion ya se puede bajar gratis de la store de google: esta es una web relacionada con el juego: un poco viral, pero la idea es buena.