Parece que han conseguido no tocar la flash con los gameboots cargándolo desde la memory stick solo para firmware 2.71SE, aquí os dejo la información y la fuente:
Custom PSP Gameboot
If you don't want to flash a new gameboot to your PSP due to flashing risks, then the amazing Birdman has come up with a way to load a gameboot from your memory stick on Dark_Alex's 2.71 SE Custom firmware. That's right, no more harmful flashing, just a bit of time and you can load your gameboot from your memory stick. All you need is a decrypted 2.71 dump, a hex editor, and you're ready to go. Here's how you do it:
1. Get a decrypted 2.71 dump and a hex editor
2. With your hex editor look in vsh/module/opening_plugin of the decrypted dump
3. Press ctrl+f and find gameboot.pmf
4. Then change "flash0:/vsh/resource/gamboot.pmf" to "ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM/gameboot.pmf"
5. Start from the F in flash0:/ and rewrite the whole line
6. Use filer to flash modded opening_plugin to flash0:/vsh/nodle
If you dont have a memory stick in or the memory stick without the custom gameboot stored on it and load a UMD, it will just show a gameboot similar to the 0kb gameboot. and game will still work! Thanks to Birdman for making this guide and to kando for the tip! You can find firmware 2.71 at out Quick Jump Downloads site below, but you will have to decrypt it yourself as we cannot host the decrypted files for legal reasons. Have fun customizing your gameboots, you could even have one as cool as the Prince Of Persia one above!
[PSP Firmware 2.71 EBOOT]
1) El pspfiler 1.9
2) El archivo modificado ya
1)Mete el archivo descomprimido de GBFromMs.rar en la raíz de la tarjeta de memoria.
2)Instala el PSPFiler 1.9 en la carpeta GAME150 (como todos los homebrews)
3)Ejecutamos Pspfiler Entramos en modo hacker (L+R+Flecha a la izq) y copiamos en el RAm disk (presionando X sobre archivo descomprimido del rar anterior y luego circulo para pegarlo en la Ram Disk).
4)Le damos a start y cambiamos al dispositivo flash0 y nos movemos x los directorios hasta llegar a flash0:/vsh/nodule/ y le damos a la X y luego al triangulo para pegar y sobrescribir el archivo.
5)Le ponemos un gameboot.pmf en la tarjeta de memoria en la carpeta ms0:/PSP/System/
6)Enjoy xD
Guia de instalación, gracias a younglink.
Aquí tenéis unos cuantos gameboots:
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