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X3Max 3.5X Update
Last week the 3.5 proof of concept video was released prematurely. There has been a lot of rumors circulating and criticism from the scene regarding our 3.5 solution. Our intention was never to get the communities hopes up in order to increase sales. The X3Max 3.5 solution is real and compatible with all existing and future models. We understand the community isn’t looking for an apology but an explanation as to why we’ve yet to release the 3.5 solution. We all witnessed how quickly the PSdowngrade was cloned – it’s crucial the same isn’t done to our 3.5 solution. We are now taking necessary precautions before releasing it to the public so it doesn’t suffer the same fate. Our group consists of experienced developers who’ve been involved in the console scene from the beginning and have worked on many different projects. The X3Max from the jump has never been about marketing hype but about pushing the envelope. Without a doubt we’re going to continue to do this as the scene evolves. While many will label us as greedy pigs we’ve invested thousands into hardware. Truthfully as a business, one of our goals is to earn a profit while bringing the community the best development dongle that isn’t priced outrageously.
...Mathieulh, you don’t have to believe it, the video was made with a retail PS3 console. Expect the unexpected ; ).
drivers66 escribió:Han puesto este mensaje en su web:X3Max 3.5X Update
Last week the 3.5 proof of concept video was released prematurely. There has been a lot of rumors circulating and criticism from the scene regarding our 3.5 solution. Our intention was never to get the communities hopes up in order to increase sales. The X3Max 3.5 solution is real and compatible with all existing and future models. We understand the community isn’t looking for an apology but an explanation as to why we’ve yet to release the 3.5 solution. We all witnessed how quickly the PSdowngrade was cloned – it’s crucial the same isn’t done to our 3.5 solution. We are now taking necessary precautions before releasing it to the public so it doesn’t suffer the same fate. Our group consists of experienced developers who’ve been involved in the console scene from the beginning and have worked on many different projects. The X3Max from the jump has never been about marketing hype but about pushing the envelope. Without a doubt we’re going to continue to do this as the scene evolves. While many will label us as greedy pigs we’ve invested thousands into hardware. Truthfully as a business, one of our goals is to earn a profit while bringing the community the best development dongle that isn’t priced outrageously.
...Mathieulh, you don’t have to believe it, the video was made with a retail PS3 console. Expect the unexpected ; ).
Es decir, que de momento jailbreak de la 3.5 nada de nada,, que lo estan protegiendo y que lo sacaran... que toca esperar..
lopezillo escribió:Joder que fina es la gente con los titulos, parece que tenemos a periodistas del mundo en el foro.
Yo creo que la 3.5 no tendra jailbreak hasta que pasen las navidades, y se gane suficiente dinero
cauldreon escribió:Ademas parecen nuevos en esto, ya que todo el mundo sabe que tarde o temprano, todo acaba cayendo (vease PS3 xD), así que para que tanto rayarse si en semanas o meses a lo sumo, estará el payload para 3.50 libre en todos lados y para todos los modelos.
Nada muchas tonterías que tienen, si es verdad que tienen jb para 3.50, en un tiempo todos lo estaremos disfrutando, quieran ellos o no.
juansegade escribió:En la pagina oficial de X3MAX aparece esto:
X3Max 3.5X Update
Last week the 3.5 proof of concept video was released prematurely. There has been a lot of rumors circulating and criticism from the scene regarding our 3.5 solution. Our intention was never to get the communities hopes up in order to increase sales. The X3Max 3.5 solution is real and compatible with all existing and future models. We understand the community isn’t looking for an apology but an explanation as to why we’ve yet to release the 3.5 solution. We all witnessed how quickly the PSdowngrade was cloned – it’s crucial the same isn’t done to our 3.5 solution. We are now taking necessary precautions before releasing it to the public so it doesn’t suffer the same fate. Our group consists of experienced developers who’ve been involved in the console scene from the beginning and have worked on many different projects. The X3Max from the jump has never been about marketing hype but about pushing the envelope. Without a doubt we’re going to continue to do this as the scene evolves. While many will label us as greedy pigs we’ve invested thousands into hardware. Truthfully as a business, one of our goals is to earn a profit while bringing the community the best development dongle that isn’t priced outrageously.
...Mathieulh, you don’t have to believe it, the video was made with a retail PS3 console. Expect the unexpected ; ).
cauldreon escribió:Muy fuerte lo de estos tíos, osea que ellos sacan un producto basándose 100% seguro en el trabajo echo por otros, véase Psgroove , payloads creados por Hermes o mismamente el sniff que sacaron del PSJailbreak, que a su vez se basaba en el trabajo de los tios del PSJTeam, y ahora intentan proteger por todos los medios algo que si han echo ellos, para que nadie "clone" su trabajo.
Tendrían que ser mas agradecidos y recordar que desde "su" dongle, hasta todas las mejoras que ha recibido desde que salio (v4 de hermes, 3.50 Spoff, etc) son gracias a la scene.
Ademas parecen nuevos en esto, ya que todo el mundo sabe que tarde o temprano, todo acaba cayendo (vease PS3 xD), así que para que tanto rayarse si en semanas o meses a lo sumo, estará el payload para 3.50 libre en todos lados y para todos los modelos.
Nada muchas tonterías que tienen, si es verdad que tienen jb para 3.50, en un tiempo todos lo estaremos disfrutando, quieran ellos o no.
drivers66 escribió:Han puesto este mensaje en su web:Our intention was never to get the communities hopes up in order to increase sales.
seneye2 escribió:Pues ami me parece bien y legitimo que quieran levantar sus ventas con algo que van a sacar ellos. Perfecto, y a quien no le guste pues que lo invente el.
juanluisps escribió:drivers66 escribió:Han puesto este mensaje en su web:Our intention was never to get the communities hopes up in order to increase sales.
Permítanme que me...![]()
Cualquiera que medio entienda, y ellos más, saben que por mucho que protejan su solución ésta la van a clonar en poco tiempo desde el mismo momento que lo que salga de su USB no puede estar encriptado ni firmado ya que lo que hay al otro lado es la PS3 con el software de Sony, y no creo que la consola vaya a colaborar...
Aún en el caso de que ofusquen la secuencia mágica que envían a la PS3 y que haga al firmware 3.50 ejecutar código no firmado, entre secuencias aleatorias sin ningún sentido que la consola desechará, por búsqueda de patrones entre sucesivas ejecuciones saldrá cual es esa secuencia mágica que hay que clonar.
Todo lo que están haciendo es eso, intentar aumentar las ventas para que cuando levanten sus cartas y todo quisqui les clone la solución (suponiendo que sea cierto) haber vendido un pico de X3MAX.
De todas formas es lo que yo también haría si me ha costado tiempo y dinero encontrar la solución, y quiero amortizarlo. Tened en cuenta que nadie se pone a fabricar dongles por amor al arte y a la scene. Están todos por el $$$.