"Louisiana: Mystery Cases" Podria llegar a PSP

Louisiana: Mystery Cases es una Aventura Grafica 3D para PC, pero sus Desarrolladores han comunicado que estan trabajando en un Prototipo para llevar el Juego a XBLA y PSP que saldria tiempo despues que la Version de PC (Verano 2009)... Espero que consigan llevar el juego a PSP.

Louisiana: Mystery Cases is a modern full 3D adventure game with a stylish environment and catchy storyline. The year is 1902, and you will find yourself at a New Orleans’ suburb. The lazy summer sun is slowly penetrating the gloom of the local marshes, and yet the city is being overcast by a heavy creeping cloud of doubts and anxiety. There have always been a lot of murders in this neighborhood. Now, however, the situation is different. These killings are so brutal, lacking any apparent motive and too complicated to have been committed by a raging insane maniac. Before long they catch the attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who is now sending their best special agent …

Key Features:

*Technology Development – When there is talk about adventure games, the technologies that make them possible to be brought to life usually take a back seat. We did our best to create a more spectacular project in a full three dimensional environment with innovative controls and a top notch
quality engine supporting the most recent functionalities and effects.

*A Style with a Touch of Nostalgia – Being a truly interesting era, the early 1900s combined with the attractive environment of New Orleans, Louisiana, is an unparalleled period combined with an unparalleled city, whose unique architecture enabled us to develop a really interesting game, in terms of design.

*Conversation as a Substantial Component of the Game - In conducting the investigation, dialogues play an indispensable role, which is exactly why we offer the option of the dialogs’ real-time segmentation into branched optional subdialogs. We strive to break out of the unwelcome trend followed by so many games that pretend to have their dialogs non-linear, but, in fact, they force the player to use all of the options. The structure of our dialogs goes much deeper, and it affects numerous aspects of actual happenings of the story that the game consists in.

*Point Score in an Adventure - We do not take into account whether a player finishes the game, but how he or she gets to the end. What we intended was to motivate players to think and contemplate their steps instead of making passive mechanical attempts to try every option available. To that end, we use an evaluation system based on what we call ‘Detective Points’. The game will assess the underlying logic and elegance with which a player is taking his or her steps to make progress as well as the player’s responsiveness to various situations. In addition to this, a high score will be rewarded with access to a bonus location.

*Detailed Graphic - Unlike in action games, the traditional locations (levels) in adventures are much smaller. This approach combined with our state-of-the-art technology enabled us to develop an extraordinary diversified and nice environment. We made the textures as well as the polygons more concentrated, which has substantially increased the quality of details.

Developed by Infinion, Louisiana: Mystery Cases is currently scheduled for release on PC summer 2009, but is also being prototyped for Xbox Live Arcade and PSP.

Imagenes Version PC


Mas Imagenes (PC)

Bueno en Primer Lugar Son Imagenes de la Version para PC, si finalmente saliese una version en PSP tendria un Downgrade Logico para la Potencia de PSP, aun asi Espero que puedan llevarlo a PSP por que tiene Buena pinta y ademas el tema de Aventuras Graficas en PSP esta completamente seco... eso si, si saliese en PSP espero que no sea algo en 2D y sea en 3D XD XD XD XD
Tiene buena pinta, y además como bien dices, PSP está seca de aventuras gráficas, así que toda aportación será bienvenida. Ojalá llegue a buen puerto el proyecto...
Interesante cuanto menos... definitivamente PSP sta pasando su segunda juventud... al menos a nivel japones.. en europa aun quedan muxas cosas por llegar..
Pues molaría mucho. Total no me gustan a mi nada estas aventuras graficas que sacan ultimamente solo para PC y que no las juego al no estar en consola.
Supongo que si llega tendra unos graficos a lo crisis core mas o menos. Eso si siendo una aventura grafica espero que al menos llegue en español, que mi ingles es bajo (bueno justito para enterarme de casi todo en los juego de rol) pero en estas se me puede escapar bastantes cosas
MaNuCaRm escribió:Interesante cuanto menos... definitivamente PSP sta pasando su segunda juventud... al menos a nivel japones.. en europa aun quedan muxas cosas por llegar..

Opino igual, vendria bien un juego de esta talla!!

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