[MAC] Nuevo software para grabar las iso para mac

He encontrado este programa ( http://osx360.tla.su/osx360/download.html ) y me ha gustado más que el iburn.

-Mac OS X 10.4 or above
-DVD Burner with Dual Layer Support (DVDR+DL)

This program simply sets the correct layer break before burning an Xbox 360 disk image. It will not patch or modify the disk image in any way.

Most other Mac software modifies the disk image to 'Force' a layer break at the proper position, basically writing 0's at the end of the disk image until the layer break is 1912730. If you modify the disk image, it will no longer work with Windows applications.

This software will not modify the disk image and it will natively burn the image using the same framework that Apple's Disk Utility uses, or with growisofs (a *nix disc burning command-line executable). growisofs is included for Mac OS X 10.3 and below and is not recommended for Mac OS X 10.4 and above due to the fact that it cannot verify the burn.

In addition to burning the disc image, OSx360 is the FIRST and ONLY Mac application to verify Xbox disc images. New stealth checks and features are added regularly.

OSx360 was built with XCode 3 and using Apple's built-in DiscRecording Framework. Unfortunately, a manual layer break was not supported until OS X 10.4, so this method will not work on OS X 10.3 or below. growisofs is included to support Mac OS X 10.3 and below, but has not been tested for that purpose.

I am attempting to expand this software to perform many Xbox and Xbox 360 functions as well as stealth checking for the Xbox 360. Please be patient as I am very new to the Cocoa and Objective-C programming languages.

Stealth Checks:
OSx360 currently verifies Xbox Disc Images for:
-Valid File System Offset
-Absence of Hitachi Security Sector
-Valid Security Sector Layer 0 Last Sector LBA
-default.xex MediaID located in DMI
-default.xex MediaID located in SS
-Valid DMI/SS Link
-Valid PFI Layer 0 Last Sector LBA
-Valid PFI Start Sector

Future plans are to incorporate:
-ISO Repair
-Verify/Compare Disc and ISO
-Backup Original Xbox 360 Disc with KREON drive
Una noticia estupenda para los maqueros, aunque hasta hora yo en mac usaba iBurn360 que nunca me dio un fallo grabando un disco, probare este a ver que tal y decidire, este tiene buena pinta la verdad.

Buenas. Usuario de mac desde hace exactamente dos días, y vi este post en portada justo cuando iba a investigar como me lo podía montar.
primer backup quemado sin problema. no puedo comentar sobre iburn porque es la primera vez que gravo desde mac, pero parece funcionar sin problema.
Muchas gracias :D
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