A ver, os he de avisar que el
redireccionador que como bien dice
waylander es el
xbe shortcut maker, aunque existe otra utilidad mas completa a mi gusto.
Con chip la cosa consiste en renombrar el fichero
xbe shortcut maker a
evoxdash.xbe, también hay que crear con un editor de texto un fichero llamado
evoxdash.cfg (cuidado que no se llame evoxdash.ini.txt)
Este fichero
evoxdash.cfg debe contener una línea que podría ser esta
El formato es
** Si existe
Estos dos ficheros hay que copiarlos en la raíz de C, si el fichero evoxdash ya existe (seguro que si, si tienes chip) renombralo a por ejemplo
evoxdash_original.xbe (por si las moscas)
Otra utilidad muy chula es esta que dependiendo del botón que se pulse va a una u otra utilidad/emu/juego
Permite hasta 16 opciones!!!!
X-Select (0.6)
What is it?
- X-Selector is an application that you set as your primary booting dashboard, and it will also allow you to set a password and assign quick-button selections for dashboards and applications you use the most for almost-direct booting.
- 8 Dashboard selections, assignable to a button on the game controller.
- Because of issues with the input routines, you must press the gamepad button when the brief message pops up on the screen.
(Sorry, tried to do it differently, but the gamepad refused to see buttons pressed before the app is running)
- Right-Trigger, by itself, brings up the Dash Quick-Pick menu, allowing you to quickly select the 'default' dashboard.
- Left-Trigger, by itself, brings up the application Quick-Pick menu, for fast selection of your top games or apps.
- Without input, Boots the last dashboard selected with Right-Trigger+<Button> or via the Quick-Pick menu.
- Holding a button will result in the booting of the dash assigned to that button (though it does NOT set it as the default)
- Holding a button, with the Right-Trigger, will result in the booting of the dash assigned to that button and select that dashboard as the default.
- Holding a button, with the Left-Trigger, will result in the booting of the application assigned to that button
- START held will result in display of the configuration menu.
- You can assign a new password
- You can select new dashboard assignments
NOTE: Backup ALL of your files, and make sure you have a valid bootable dash [MXM, Evo-X or Avalaunch] disc handy)
You alone are responsible for anything 'bad' happening. If you are unsure about what you are doing, then don't do it.
1. Copy XSelector.xbe to your boot partition (usually C:\, unless you're using a BIOS that changes this)
2. Rename your primary Dashboard to something else (For example, if your BIOS boots "evoxdash.xbe", rename it "evox.xbe")
3. Rename "XSelector.xbe" to the same name the BIOS boots as the primary dashboard (in the above example, rename "XSelector.xbe" to "evoxdash.xbe")
4. Reboot.
Files used (Look in E:\UDATA\01010001):
- Dashboard slots, 8 lines of dashboard applications, with drive/paths, Corresponding to buttons: A, B, X, Y, Up, Down, Left, and Right.
- Application slots, 8 lines of application filepaths. Launched when the Left-Trigger is used with the corresponding buttons: A, B, X, Y, Up, Down, Left, and Right.
Example "apps.txt":
-----Between these lines------
-----Between these lines------
- The path to the 'default' dashboard. This will be changed when the Right-Trigger is used with the Dash button, or when the "Quick-Pick" menu is brought up.
- This is the passcode used for the Xbox. There is a default password as well. Do not set this file manually... use the configuration menu.
What's New?
* Name Change (the new authors will be taking over, wanted to change the name)
* Time Check performed on bootup to avoid hassles when clock is reset after a long period with the power disconnected.
* Boot to DVD option added
* Signed for Font Exploit
What's Next?
- Understand more dashboard types
- Add the ability to tell the versions of recognized dashboards
- Include some means to set up the application slots
- Modify launch procedure to have dashboards launch as TRUE dashboards (undocumented calls)
- Small 3-D "bug" instead of boring text when X-Selector is waiting for user decision on startup.