MAÑANA 1ra aparicion del Dash BlackStormX...¡¡¡¡¡¡

Bueno gente aqui tiene una nota sobre el dash BlackStormx nueva generacion de MS dash hack al parecer mañana sale la primer release de este dash (lunes 5 de julio 2004) ahi que estar pendientes para ver que tal va este nuevo dash, que de entrada es interesante saver de un nuevo dash.......

Xbox Community,
BlackStormX has now matured enough to have it's first public release so on Monday 5th of July at about 4:00pm GMT+800 you'll be getting your first ever taste of this next generation MS Dash hack. Tomorrows release will include the following features:

80% Complete Color Patching (Send Bugs To
Fully redone menu system similar to Rezn8 beta dash.
In-Dash Skin Switching
2 Color Presets (Green & Blue)
In-Dash Settings Changing

This release was made possible by BobMcGee's amazing work on the dash, Acidbath's amazing 3D skills and my Average C++ coding skills . I'd also like to give a big thanks to icecool for making such a great website for us.
Expecting to see some great skins soon.
To be one of the first to download the release tomorrow please PM ZogoChieftan on irc. Those who download it from my FTP will be required to serve it to at least 10 other people until we have an adequate system of dealing going this is how it will be released. If you want to deal in the irc channel can you please set ftp ads at least 10mins apart

Para mayor info: AQUI..¡¡¡
Tiene buena pinta.....


Ojala soporte el FTP........... [idea] esperaremos aver si le implementan esta funcion, pero de entrada se ve muy bien...... :O

saludos...... [sati]
segun tengo entendio es muy dificl que en el dash de m$ modificado puedan meterle ftp
saludos [bye]
3 respuestas