› Foros › PC › Software libre
LeftEdge = 300
RightEdge = 1700
TopEdge = 210
BottomEdge = 1190
FingerLow = 12
FingerHigh = 15
MaxTapTime = 175
MaxTapMove = 165
MaxDoubleTapTime = 100
SingleTapTimeout = 180
ClickTime = 100
EmulateMidButtonTime = 75
EmulateTwoFingerMinZ = 141
EmulateTwoFingerMinW = 7
VertScrollDelta = 48
HorizScrollDelta = 48
VertEdgeScroll = 0
HorizEdgeScroll = 0
CornerCoasting = 0
VertTwoFingerScroll = 1
HorizTwoFingerScroll = 0
MinSpeed = 1.77936
MaxSpeed = 0.112583
AccelFactor = 0
TouchpadOff = 0
LockedDrags = 0
LockedDragTimeout = 5000
RTCornerButton = 0
RBCornerButton = 0
LTCornerButton = 0
LBCornerButton = 0
TapButton1 = 1
TapButton2 = 2
TapButton3 = 3
ClickFinger1 = 1
ClickFinger2 = 1
ClickFinger3 = 1
CircularScrolling = 0
CircScrollDelta = 0.1
CircScrollTrigger = 0
CircularPad = 0
PalmDetect = 0
PalmMinWidth = 10
PalmMinZ = 100
CoastingSpeed = 20
CoastingFriction = 50
PressureMotionMinZ = 15
PressureMotionMaxZ = 80
PressureMotionMinFactor = 1
PressureMotionMaxFactor = 1
GrabEventDevice = 0
TapAndDragGesture = 1
AreaLeftEdge = 0
AreaRightEdge = 0
AreaTopEdge = 0
AreaBottomEdge = 0
HorizHysteresis = 12
VertHysteresis = 12
ClickPad = 0
[wence@Wence-Linux ~]$ synclient FingerLow=49 && synclient FingerHigh=50
X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 131 (XInputExtension)
Minor opcode of failed request: 37 (X_ChangeDeviceProperty)
Value in failed request: 0x118
Serial number of failed request: 22
Current serial number in output stream: 25
# Example xorg.conf.d snippet that assigns the touchpad driver
# to all touchpads. See xorg.conf.d(5) for more information on
# InputClass.
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, your distribution will likely overwrite
# it when updating. Copy (and rename) this file into
# /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d first.
# Additional options may be added in the form of
# Option "OptionName" "value"
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "touchpad catchall"
Driver "synaptics"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
Option "TapButton1" "1"
Option "TapButton2" "2"
Option "TapButton3" "3"
# This option is recommend on all Linux systems using evdev, but cannot be
# enabled by default. See the following link for details:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "touchpad"
Driver "synaptics"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
Option "TapButton1" "1"
Option "TapButton2" "2"
Option "TapButton3" "3"
Option "VertEdgeScroll" "on"
Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "on"
Option "HorizEdgeScroll" "on"
Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "on"
Option "CircularScrolling" "on"
Option "CircScrollTrigger" "2"
Option "EmulateTwoFingerMinZ" "40"
Option "EmulateTwoFingerMinW" "8"
Option "CoastingSpeed" "0"
Option "FingerLow" "35"
Option "FingerHigh" "40"
Wence-Kun escribió:Editando el xorg:
Otra alternativa que vi fue localizar este archivo, editar sus valores y guardar. Sencillo, cierto?, pues no.
En un tutorial se mencionaba la ubicación /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf . Pues bueno, entro y me encuentro con este contenido:
Pareciera que sólo debo agregar esas líneas de "option" con los valores fingerlow y fingerhigh que quiero, verdad?, pues no. Lo hice, guardé el archivo (todo con privilegios root), corro de nuevo el synclient-l y los valores siguen igual que antes.