Mark Rein dice que Gears of War es superior a todo lo visto de PS3

Mark Rein Calls Sony Claim 'Bullshit'

From the "Is he allowed to make public statements like this!?" department comes Epic VP Mark Rein's latest gem. When asked to comment on Sony's claims that next-generation of gaming starts with the PS3, he had this to say: ”Sony says the next generation starts when they say so. I say, that’s bullshit. Gears of War is the first second-generation game for Xbox 360 and it looks very fine. You will never see launch titles that look this good.”

Mark then commented on claims that Gears of War will take no more than 10 hours to complete: “Someone said that at TGS but they were wrong. If you’re on the development team and you’ve played it 30 times then sure, you can get through it in ten hours but for first time players it’s going to be at least 12 hours.”

Mark Rein has the Epic PR team locked up in a cage someplace.

traduccion de estos extractos:

"Sony says the next generation starts when they say so - bullsh!t (or as the British might say, bollocks!)!" He also stated that the second-generation Xbox 360 title will look better than PS3 launch titles."

”Sony says the next generation starts when they say so. I say, that’s bullshit. Gears of War is the first second-generation game for Xbox 360 and it looks very fine. You will never see launch titles that look this good.”


Sony dice que la nueva generacion empieza cuando ellos empiecen. Yo digo que eso es basura. Gears of War es el primer juego de segunda generacion de juegos para Xbox 360 y se ve muy bien. Tu nunca veras juegos de lanzamiento que se vean tan bien (haciendo referencia a playstation 3)

Posiblemente tenga razon . [buenazo]

Que ganas tengo de meterle mano [babas]
weno..pero eso que dice no es ninguna novedad,como tampoco lo es que tarde o temprano gears of war sera superado..

supongo que forma parte de la campaña..sea como sea que G.O.W.este en boca de los jugones.. :-p

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepetidoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [rtfm]
Pues con lo que se sabe actualmente hasta 2008 no creo que lo supere nada, en consolas quizas, mirando solo el aspecto grafico Mass effect y en PS3 si lo mejor es MGS 4 o Final fantasy XIII pues como que no....

En PC prontito en Enero Crysis eso si PC de 3000 pavos xDD....
Ahora resulta que solo hemos visto juegos de lanzamiento de la PS3... me parece que aqui alguien necesita leer con mas atencion los textos.

Mark Rein disculpandose por ser un bocazas:
No I have to apologize because it was disrespectful and I just shouldn't have said it. It is clearly obvious that Gears is a true next-gen game and I didn't need to involve them in to make that point. I wish my foot didn't fit into my mouth so easily
No I have to apologize because it was disrespectful and I just shouldn't have said it. It is clearly obvious that Gears is a true next-gen game and I didn't need to involve them in to make that point. I wish my foot didn't fit into my mouth so easily


Parece que alguien ha tenido que recordarle que Sony tambien le da de comer. [+risas]
6 respuestas