Juego en la linea del Lemmings, vista lateral al estilo clásico + puzzles
The Trend Continues: Glyphic Entertainment Signs Exclusive Representation Agreement with FOG Studios
Philadelphia, Pa – January 17, 2008 – Ohio-based development studio Glyphic Entertainment has signed a multi-year, exclusive representation agreement with industry leading business management firm FOG Studios.
Formerly known as Pocket PC Studios, in 2002 the studio adopted the name Glyphic Entertainment in order to reflect their growth into other platforms of development. Renowned for their excellent consumer software on the Smartphone and Windows Powered Pocket PC platforms Glyphic has since established some new tricks up their sleeve – namely in becoming licensed developers for the hugely popular Nintendo DS and Wii. FOG Studios will be offering its suite of services in order to better position Glyphic Entertainment with regards to new business initiatives, of which there are many.
Glyphic Entertainment is currently developing the much-anticipated Warlords DS – a title fans of the series have been frothing at the mouth over for a while now. Warlords DS will mark the second instalment of the Warlords franchise on the Nintendo DS platform after last year’s hit Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords from Infinite Interactive.
Glyphic Entertainment CEO G.R. Moore said, “What’s great about the Nintendo DS and Wii platforms is that they challenge developers in terms of creating a truly unique interactive experience for the player. Thinking outside of the box is something we do on a day-to-day basis in our studio so bringing that sort of work ethic and creativity to these new platforms was a no-brainer for us. One of the reasons we signed on with FOG was that they can handle the business side of things while we concentrate on what we do best – developing great games.”
One of these great games is a new project creating some stir behind closed doors titled “Marker Man”. The concept behind the game is a mash up of a classic side-scroller with a puzzle game in the vein of Lemmings or The Incredible Machine. Currently planned for release on the DS and Wii, the hook is that Marker Man will only be able to reach his goal with the help of the player - who will be responsible for drawing in the mechanisms Marker Man needs to avoid an untimely demise.
FOG Studios CEO, Ed Dille said, “We’ve known about G.R. and his group for a while now, having worked with them through our client Infinite Interactive in the past. We’re thrilled that the stars have finally aligned and they’ve decided to come onboard as a client. Glyphic Entertainment has a reputation as being both highly capable and creative team. Those are two of the most important ingredients we look for in terms of breeding a truly successful relationship with our clients. G.R. and his team at Glyphic are coming out of the gate strong with some of the most compelling content we’ve seen.”
FOG Studios will be showcasing all of Glyphic Entertainment’s games at the upcoming Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.
Challenge everyday!³
37.454 mensajes y 1 foto desde ene 2003 en Evermore
Hombre, para jugar a un 'Lemmings' qué mejor que un 'Lemmings', pero bueno, a falta de 'Lemmings' pues habrá que ver qué tal resulta este juego, aunque posiblemente me interese más la versión de la DS.