Mas Datos sobre Far Cry para WII

- Jump with nunchuck by lifting it
- Slash Wiimote to make a feral attack, nunchuck to hit enmies in the back, ect.
- Move Wiimote forward to zoom
- Slash across screen for knife attack
- Focusing both on graphics and gameplay, not straight port from Xbox versions.
- Unvealed on the 14th.
- Widescreen, 480p
- “Stable 30 FPS, like all prior instincts games”
- Splitscreen multiplayer
- paraphrase: ‘We’ve heard some online information from Nintendo, but we can’t comment.’ (funny, cause he did. Look below )
- Proposing possibilities to Nintendo Wii24connect
- Single Player: 20+ hours
- “We’re testing online right now”
- “Is there a possiblity online play will show up in retail version?” (quick response) “Yep Yep.”
- Downloadable content is a possibility.

Hay posibilidad de q tenga modo online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Info muy interesante, este juego tiene buena pinta


Noticia Original

No digo nada , pero este hilo se parece sospechosamente a este otro [alien]
Te has colao por el bujero, pájaro!!!

El coleguilla Arkayz ya lo puso antes :P

Grata información por eso :D.

Sorry, no lo vi

Veo q Arkayz me ha sustituido en mi ausencia no parando de dar noticias XD, ya me ha pillado igual en unas cuantas :P

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