Actually the revocation list exploit doesn’t allow you to exploit isoldr, you could however sign a revoke list if you had the revocation list keys and knew the sign fail, and use that to dump isoldr. Metldr does not load revocation lists.
@jarmsterYa well without a disassembly i guess its all speculation isn’t it math
This has been tested, how do you think I could release the lv2ldr and appldr keys ? (about 24hrs before Geohot showed up with metldr keys)
You can also dump any loader using a signed metadata (including metldr) though that means you need to have the keys for it in the first place (kinda kills the purpose)
Your entire purpose is to get the isolated process (the code running inside the spu) to jump to your instructions
For exemple the following instructions will dump the isolated LS to the SPU mailbox:
rdch $3, ch29
lqd $3, 0($3)
wrch ch28, $3
rotqbyi $3, $3, 4
wrch ch28, $3
rotqbyi $3, $3, 4
wrch ch28, $3
rotqbyi $3, $3, 4
wrch ch28, $3
br loop
br up_one
Of course you’ll need a ppu payload to fetch the mailbox data.
Metldr is trivial to dump now that you can sign your loader, but I wont say anything more on this.
Finally the problem with isoldr and the revoke list exploit isn’t so much that the exploit doesn’t work (it actually does) It’s that the payload from the crafted revoke list overwrites isoldr keys (which kinda kills the whole purpose), You can however get the revoke list keys from lv2ldr or appldr using the revoke list exploit and then sign a revoke list metadata to exploit isoldr later on. (There are other ways to get isoldr though, including the 3.60+ exploit I have (but there is at least another I know of)
Again, good luck in your endeavor.
When asked about NPDRM key in the equation. Here’s what he had to say.
There is more than one npdrm key. It’s not been released because the ones who have the skills to do it do not remotely care about pirating playstation store games (obviously).
Talk about NPDRM keys, as much as everyone wants it for mass piracy, it is really a stumbling block for our project in utilizing the built-in PS1 emulator on PS3 for good cause