Mathieulh trabaja para sony

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Aparte de trabajar para Sony es el que mató a Kennedy, lo se, estaba alli con él......jejeje
Rapture escribió:Aconsejaría al autor del hilo cambiar el título.

No hay que confundir a los usuarios con títulos afirmativos si luego no hay ninguna prueba real que lo apoye.


esto es como la pajin,si hay acusacion =condenado!!!!!!!
el gabacho q se haga un gazpacho!!!!!!!LOL LOL LOLO LOL LOL LOLO
DH, ¿ese personaje cuya única aportación a la scene es atacar de todas las maneras imaginables a uno de los sceners más importantes de los últimos años en PSP y PS3?, ni me molesto en leer lo que tenga que decir.
DH, tu solo te hundes más al fondo. Las únicas noticias tuyas que leo es criticando a GeoHot, a Mathieulh, Fidillo (últimamente le tengo perdido, no le veo por aquí) e intentando poner a caldo a EOL cuando había muchos usuarios en los 2 foros incluyéndome a mi (que yo sepa no es obligatorio estar en un bando u otro) y que me sentaba bastante mal, asique un poquito de educación, y las cosas se discuten con hechos PROPIOS y no del vecino, amigo temporal o del mismísimo Papa
My only response regarding the crap DemonHades makes up about me is that not only they do not prove a thing but Demonhades seems to be a seriously deranged individual. I've tried defending myself on his pathetic excuse for a blog, but a lot of my comments suddenly "disappear" on it so I thought there is no point... Not like the moron would listen to reason and look at facts anyway, not when he is making things up of his own to begin with.

About that so called badge, it's from a conference at the IDEF, if you see the badge it shows "Cannes, France" not "Sony, Tokyo Japan" or whatever...

About that leak that comes from DH (trying to pin it on me, but DH is the leaker), it comes from a pdf hosted on sony's ncst server which could be downloaded ages ago for those we knew the url (and doesn't contain anything of interest), the pdfs themselves (there were 2 of these) went from hands to hands and in the end tons of people (that does include the DH moron) got their hands on those. Trying to pin one of his usual leaks to me is despicable at best.

I don't work for sony and I wouldn't mind if I did, there is no shame in working for them, it's just a concept DemonHades is too much of a moron to understand. If I end up working for sony, trust me, you'll know because I'd announce it somewhere like my twitter...

DemonHades is just found of making crap and conspiracy theories, just as he is found of spreading so called "facts" about the playstation 3 and hates me because I always debunked those.

I don't have anything more to say except that DemonHades' place is a mental institution (at best).
That person is a notorious leaker, moron, liar and no one (especially not developers) believe in the crap he sais.
The only real thing that pisses me off is that he leaked my msn address to everyone (he only knows how to leak anyway)

To conclude this little talk, here is a screenshot taken a few months ago from his actual blog that may reflect more truths than the actual shit he is making up about me, Enjoy:
lol @ the pics yesterday i was laughing so much on the irc
SKate_lOVeR está baneado por "usar clon para saltarse baneo temporal"
Traduccion rapida:

Mi única respuesta en relación con la DemonHades basura constituye sobre mí es que no sólo no demuestran una cosa, pero Demonhades parece ser un serio individuo desquiciado. He intentado defenderme en su patética excusa para un blog, pero muchos de mis comentarios de repente "desaparecen" en él, así que pensé que no tiene sentido ... No como el imbécil que escuchar a la razón y mirar los hechos de todos modos, no cuando está haciendo las cosas de su propia para empezar.

Sobre esa insignia llamada, es de una conferencia en el IDEF, si usted ve la insignia que muestra "Cannes, Francia" no "de Sony, Tokio, Japón" o lo que sea ...

Acerca de que tengan fugas que viene de DH (tratando de alfiler en mí, pero DH es el elemento con fuga), se trata de un pdf alojado en NCST servidor de Sony, que puede ser descargado hace siglos para los que sabíamos la URL (y no contiene nada de interés), los archivos PDF se (había dos de ellos) fue de las manos en las manos y en la final de toneladas de las personas (que incluye el idiota DH) tiene en sus manos en ellos. Tratando de precisar una de sus fugas habitual para mí es el mejor de los despreciables.

Yo no trabajo para Sony y no me importaría si lo hiciera, no hay vergüenza en el trabajo para ellos, es sólo un DemonHades concepto es demasiado estúpido para entender. Si acaban trabajando para Sony, confía en mí, usted sabe, porque yo lo anuncie en algún lugar como mi twitter ...

DemonHades se acaba de encontrar de hacer mierda y las teorías de conspiración, tal como él se encuentra de propagación de los llamados "hechos" acerca de la PlayStation 3 y me odia porque siempre desacreditó las.

No tengo nada más que decir, excepto el lugar que DemonHades 'es una institución para enfermos mentales (en el mejor).
Esa persona es un elemento con fuga notoria, idiota, mentiroso y nadie (sobre todo, no los desarrolladores) creen en la mierda que sais.
La única cosa real que me molesta es que se filtró mi dirección de msn a todo el mundo (que sólo sabe de fugas de todos modos)

Para concluir esta charla, aquí está una captura de pantalla tomada hace unos meses desde su blog reales que pueden reflejar más verdades que la mierda real que está haciendo hasta de mí, Enjoy:[/quote]

Traducción de mierda de google xD

Yo personalmente me creo a Matieulh
Mathieulh escribió:My only response regarding the crap DemonHades makes up about me is that not only they do not prove a thing but Demonhades seems to be a seriously deranged individual. I've tried defending myself on his pathetic excuse for a blog, but a lot of my comments suddenly "disappear" on it so I thought there is no point... Not like the moron would listen to reason and look at facts anyway, not when he is making things up of his own to begin with.

About that so called badge, it's from a conference at the IDEF, if you see the badge it shows "Cannes, France" not "Sony, Tokyo Japan" or whatever...

About that leak that comes from DH (trying to pin it on me, but DH is the leaker), it comes from a pdf hosted on sony's ncst server which could be downloaded ages ago for those we knew the url (and doesn't contain anything of interest), the pdfs themselves (there were 2 of these) went from hands to hands and in the end tons of people (that does include the DH moron) got their hands on those. Trying to pin one of his usual leaks to me is despicable at best.

I don't work for sony and I wouldn't mind if I did, there is no shame in working for them, it's just a concept DemonHades is too much of a moron to understand. If I end up working for sony, trust me, you'll know because I'd announce it somewhere like my twitter...

DemonHades is just found of making crap and conspiracy theories, just as he is found of spreading so called "facts" about the playstation 3 and hates me because I always debunked those.

I don't have anything more to say except that DemonHades' place is a mental institution (at best).
That person is a notorious leaker, moron, liar and no one (especially not developers) believe in the crap he sais.
The only real thing that pisses me off is that he leaked my msn address to everyone (he only knows how to leak anyway)

To conclude this little talk, here is a screenshot taken a few months ago from his actual blog that may reflect more truths than the actual shit he is making up about me, Enjoy:

I Math.

I don't think you have to worry about the badge, because you can go whereever you want. I mean, If you wanna go to a videogame conference, why not?.
DH just make conspiracy theories because he don't have anything to offer to the scene, and we know about that (or most of us)
Mathieulh escribió:My only response regarding the crap DemonHades makes up about me is that not only they do not prove a thing but Demonhades seems to be a seriously deranged individual. I've tried defending myself on his pathetic excuse for a blog, but a lot of my comments suddenly "disappear" on it so I thought there is no point... Not like the moron would listen to reason and look at facts anyway, not when he is making things up of his own to begin with.

About that so called badge, it's from a conference at the IDEF, if you see the badge it shows "Cannes, France" not "Sony, Tokyo Japan" or whatever...

About that leak that comes from DH (trying to pin it on me, but DH is the leaker), it comes from a pdf hosted on sony's ncst server which could be downloaded ages ago for those we knew the url (and doesn't contain anything of interest), the pdfs themselves (there were 2 of these) went from hands to hands and in the end tons of people (that does include the DH moron) got their hands on those. Trying to pin one of his usual leaks to me is despicable at best.

I don't work for sony and I wouldn't mind if I did, there is no shame in working for them, it's just a concept DemonHades is too much of a moron to understand. If I end up working for sony, trust me, you'll know because I'd announce it somewhere like my twitter...

DemonHades is just found of making crap and conspiracy theories, just as he is found of spreading so called "facts" about the playstation 3 and hates me because I always debunked those.

I don't have anything more to say except that DemonHades' place is a mental institution (at best).
That person is a notorious leaker, moron, liar and no one (especially not developers) believe in the crap he sais.
The only real thing that pisses me off is that he leaked my msn address to everyone (he only knows how to leak anyway)

To conclude this little talk, here is a screenshot taken a few months ago from his actual blog that may reflect more truths than the actual shit he is making up about me, Enjoy:
De todas formas, sea cierto o no, no es algo que aquí tengamos que discutir. Absteneos de abrir hilos sobre temas personales de la gente, este foro es para Scene y nada más.
60 respuestas
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