Estoy pensado en pillarme un modchip para mi flamante PS2 recien compradita... jejeje. Normalmente pongo Matrix MXL2 pero ahora me ha entrado la duda tras ver estos dos magnificios chips.
Matrix infinity
AUTOMATIC SELECTION for PS2/PS1/DVD SUPPORTS. (Just insert any support and the Infinity will play it !!)
DVD Region Free Incorporated !! ( to play all regions DVD without need of any extra operation.)
Full 512 Kb Flash Memory on board (Flashable with our future updates and software releases!!)
Compatible with Playstation 2 USA/PAL/Japanese - V1, V2, V3, V4, V4R, V5, V6, V7, V9, V10
Jumper less (Automatic Version detection)
Software selectable "PS2 Quick Load" option. (To skip PS2 logo and Quick boot PS2 Games!!)
Software selectable "PSX Quick Load" option. (To skip PS1 logo and Quick boot PSX Games!!)
Easy to Install. (only 18 wires for V3-V7 and 20 wires for V9, V10)
ACTEL based IC for enhanced stability
AUTOMATIC "GREEN FIX" (No more need to change the cable to see your DVD movies on the PS2!!)
Import Games Fix (All PSX import games are played at FULL SCREEN and FULL COLOR !!)
STEALTH-Mode (The Modchip can be switched off and becomes invisible to Online Gaming)
Sleep-Mode (The Modchip will switch off itself after boot)
100% NO SWAP (Direct boot for all the PS2 and PSX games)
Supports games on DVD-9 media !!
PLAYS ALL THE CD’S and DVD’S Games (both, Import or Backup’s)
SUPPORTS ANTI-MOD PS1 GAMES !! (Only for V9 and V10 PS2)
SUPPORTS DATEL 16MB MEMORY CARDS!! (No need anymore to use the swap CD!!)
Very Reliable (All the Modchips are 100% tested before delivery)
Very Stable (Thanks to the sleep mode the IC will never Overheat)
CD Lens Safe (Avoid CD lens damage by sending un-necessary signal to the Drive Controller)
Las del 02 estan puestas en una noticia que cito acontinuación:
Los chicos de TitanChip nos han enviado un mail anunciandonos un nuevo modchip de PS2 que están actualmente desarrollando. Según sus creados el O2 será superior al DMS3 y Matrix Infinity, siendo su característica estrella una "gran" memoria de 512K reprogramable via cdrom, USB, memorycard y a través de la red. Contará con macrovision-fix, rgb-fix, dvd multiregion y autodetección del medio insertado (PSX, PS2 y DVD-Video). No nos han confirmado todavía fecha de lanzamiento ni precios orientativos, pero en cuanto esté terminado nos enviarán una muestra para analizar.
¿Por cual os decantais y porque?