pues me huele que sí,
de repente, al navegar, da igual el navegador, en algunas webs (de momento en metallica.com y paddle.com) me sale esto:

A alguien le suena?
no me gustaría tener que tirar de copia de seguridad de time machine, eso sí, al menos la tengo
según leo puede ser porque mi ip ha sido detectado como maliciosa! aunque garantizo que yo no he hecho nada de nada...
https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us ... flare-com-**If you are the site visitor:**
The IP address you came from recently had bad activity online, so CloudFlare will present a challenge before you can access the website. Here's what you can do to solve the problem:
1. Passing the captcha will help reduce the threat score associated with the IP address. If no bad activity is seen from the IP address after a two-week period, then the challenge behavior will stop against that IP address.
2. You can also request that the particular site you're visiting whitelist your IP address when you pass the captcha and send a message to the site owner. If the site owner decides to whitelist your IP address, it does two things:
http://www.forospyware.com/t465973.htmlEDITADO 2:
ummm he reiniciado el router y al cambiar de ip pública ya no me sale, ya va bien...