Si buscas pop-punk a ver que te parece:
Green Day - American Idiot
Green Day - Holiday
Green Day - Minority
Green Day - When I Come Arround
Blink 182 - Adam´s Song
Blink 182 - Dumpweed
The Offspring - Self Esteem
The Offspring - Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)
The Offspring - Gotta Get Away
Zebrahead - Wanabee
Zebrahead - Playmate of the Year
Ya saliendo para el punk clásico o algo de punk rock:
The Clash - London Calling
The Clash - Spanish Bombs
The Clash - Should I Stay or Should I Go
The Ramones - Blizkrieg Bop
The Ramones - Pet Sematary
The Ramones - Poison Heart
Sex Pistols - God Save the Queen
Misfits - Last Caress
NOFX - Murder the Government
Joey Ramone - What a Wonderful World
Y un poco de Power-Pop:
Weezer - Island in the Sun
Weezer - Buddy Holly
Weezer - Beverly Hills
Weezer - Mrs Robinson
Graham Coxon - Standing on My Own Again
Graham Coxon - Don't Let Your Man Know
The Raconteurs - Steady as She Goes