Enanon escribió:Buenas!
ole ole, mas gente en el mundo de la simulacion
Gracias As, o sea que 1º, instalo el FB y luego La expansion Ace y luego el PF?
Veras, me compre el PF por 10 euros , y viene 2 cds,y varias maneras de instalar.
Solo el PF y luego pone:PF+FB+AEP.msi.
Es ahi donde no me entero, por que segun como lo instale , me sobrescribe archivos y no me va bien.
Mira eso pone en el readme:
Installing PF is easy, as long as you pay attention to there being two different install types. Please make sure to select the correct one, and then follow the on-screen instructions. The two options you have are as follows:
1. Install PF as a stand-alone product
2. Install PF into IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles (FB) with the Ace Expansion Pack (AEP).
The first option will give you the set of aircraft, ships, maps, campaigns and all other game components that only belong in the Pacific theater of operations.
The second option will only work if you already own Il-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles(FB) and the Ace Expansion Pack (AEP), which include a large set of Russian and European front content. This option will join the complete series of IL-2 Sturmovik line of flight simulators into one product, where you’ll be able to access to both IL-2 and PF content, and allow such things as Soviet and Luftwaffe planes over the Pacific, or Japanese bombers over Europe.
The second install option also includes several additions and fixes to FB and AEP.
You will also be able to play on the Internet with the large set of aircraft and maps that are included with our sims.
Finally, using our Full Mission Builder, you will be able to create online and offline single missions, and offline campaigns for the historical ETO using Allied planes new in Pacific Fighters, which had not been previously available in FB and AEP.
NOTE: PF standalone and PF+FB+AEP are NOT compatible online! Users of stand-alone Pacific Fighters do not have any European Front content installed on their machines, and thus cannot participate in online games started by PF+FB+AEP users as it may contain aircraft and other features that doesn’t exist on their machines. Vice versa, PF+FB+AEP users will not be able to join games started by PF standalone users.
WARNING: With the combined install option, some previous content may be overwritten, such as interface backgrounds, music, speech, missions and campaigns, etc. If you are using any custom-made content such as music, paintschemes, pilots and others, and back them up somewhere else on your hard drive. Then after installing Pacific Fighters check if any of your custom content was overwritten by standard PF content, and replace any features that you wish to have back.
gracias( perdon por el toston)