Mega drive Modelo 1 entrada de comando

Gostaria de saber se alguém me sabe ajudar.preciso trocar a entrada do comando de uma Mega drive Modelo 1.posso usar um conecto D 9 Pinos?alguém sabe onde posso arranjar peças orginais para substituir?Gracias

I am looknig for a replacement port for the controller of a Mega drive.can i use a D-9pins?or where i can get a replacemnt part?
FACE666 escribió:Gostaria de saber se alguém me sabe ajudar.preciso trocar a entrada do comando de uma Mega drive Modelo 1.posso usar um conecto D 9 Pinos?alguém sabe onde posso arranjar peças orginais para substituir?Gracias

I am looknig for a replacement port for the controller of a Mega drive.can i use a D-9pins?or where i can get a replacemnt part?

Creo que podes atopar repostos en eBay.
hmm... se tiveres consolas clones nes, o encaixe é o mesmo... opera um clone e retira o orgão
nuno14272 escribió:hmm... se tiveres consolas clones nes, o encaixe é o mesmo... opera um clone e retira o orgão

Tamen serviría o conector dunha atari 2600 ou dunha atari clonica
Its a common Db9 Port (Atari, sms, genesis and mouse port/rs232 in old computers), you should be able to find it easily for cheap:

They usually come with a piece of metal around the port, that you will need to cut out.
@Eldiscipulo tks!i already replace whit a DB9 but i need to add Ra resistor for all the pins?
FACE666 escribió:@Eldiscipulo tks!i already replace whit a DB9 but i need to add Ra resistor for all the pins?

The resistor array is inside the controller, beetwen the buttons and the 74157. If it was the port what was faulty, it should work after replacing it,

Test for continuity from the pins to the solder points and make sure that there is +5v in vcc. If everything seems to be ok (continuity in all the pins, +5vcc when powered...), the problem is anywhere else.
@Eldiscipulo ok.tks!the original port have a broken pin so i try to replace whit a DB9 but the problem its the DB9 its to short to be like the original
7 respuestas