Naitguolf escribió:Ashenbach escribió:El mejor arpg estilo diablo 2 es...el diablo 2 con el mod Median XL. Si no lo habeis probado ya tardais, es igual que el diablo pero cambiando todo, mobs, skills, bosses, items, runas...coge el D2 y lo haces 1000 veces mas grande, rejugable, con ubequests, ubelevels, desafios de nivel, secretos...buf, podria estar horas hablando de este juegazo.
He jugado a PoE, Torchlight 2, TitanQuest, Sacred 1 y 2, Dungeon Siege, Nightstone, Diablo 3...nada se compara al Median. Si los graficos de hace 15 años no son un problema para vosotros, probadlo, no os decepcionara.
A mí me gusta más el mod Hell Unleashed, el Median cambia demiasado a los personajes, con mucho ataque de área y lucecitas :S
Pero el mejor, mejor? El Diablo HD

Una pasada
Acaban de actualizar el Diablo 1 HD MOD v1.04 (new class - Necromancer) Mola bastante el Nigromante

version beta 1.04
Added Necromancer class with five new skills
Added new 48 crafting recipes for Necromancer and Assassin
Added two new sets with 4 items each
Apocalypse spell can hit immune monsters again (reverted from 1.033 version)
Apocalypse spell cost increases quicker with spell levels
Character will not attack with melee or bow if spell is on cooldown
Mage type monsters can now be hit slightly longer during phase in/out action
Items are now visible regardless of line of sight
Changed Damage goes to mana attribute description to "% Damage absorbed by mana"
_ Sunless sea boss should be smarter on higher difficulty levels
Music now plays in River of Flame
Stone Curse spell now reduces damage taken by target: 75%
The Dark Lord now sees invisible characters
Drop of unique and set item randomization has been improved
Music should now fade in/out on zone changes
Auto attack follow procedure now stops on first character's melee attack
Enabled gold droping on character's death
Increased Benedict The Black's damage
Increased repulse damage from enchanced lightning affix
Increased monster inferno damage
Reduced Bloodlord The Destroyer's damage
Reduced The Dark Lord's damage
Reduced Apocalypse spell damage
Reduced Lightning and Chain Lightning bolt duration
Fixed bug preventing music from playing if application lost then quickly gained focus
Fixed stash close/open issues
Fixed rendering of some large objects
Fixed resolution change related crash on some systems
Fixed exit to Island of sunless sea level being unavaiable bug
Fixed secret tunnel sand trap related bugs
Fixed bug that would sometimes prevent lost treasure encounter from progressing
Fixed format of monster immune line in monster extended information
Fixed Golem spell benefits description
Fixed some Unique item names to be gramatically correct
Fixed spelling of "Ability" in skill book
Fixed slain hero stance when quest is complete, it will behave like regular decapitated body
Fixed slain townsman speaking when dead
Fixed error in character select menu that could crash game
Fixed death in town animation being slow