Holas, soy usuario de PS3, y me a picado una curiosidad despues de leer esto, cuanta memoria tiene la flash de PS3 para el firmware si alguna vez le da por hacer una mega actualizacion tipo NEX como en la 360? Aunque supongo que daria igual... tambien tenemos el Home que esta instalado en el HDD y no se nota la diferencia xD... pero por curiosidad solamente.
PS3 Flash memory The PS3 has 256 megabytes of flash memory to store firmware, using two NAND 128MB Samsung flash chips. The installed firmware data is interleaved between the two flash chips for speed. To prevent errors, Error Correcting Code (ECC) Checksum is added/used on the data in the PS3 flash chips. In newer PS3, a single 16MB Spansion flash chip is used.
Type Size Speed Voltage Packaging Manufacturer Serial Number Description NAND Flash 128MB 30ns 3.3V 48-pin Samsung K9F1G08U0A-PIB0 256MB total (2 chips) for older model PS3 flash memory Flash 16MB 80ns 3V 56-pin, 100nm Spansion S29GL128N90TFIR2 16MB total (1 chip) for newer model PS3 flash memory
Because of the slower and smaller flash chips in later versions, newer firmware versions allow for the firmware data to be partially stored on the harddrive (instead of totally inside the firmware), making the flash purely responsible for holding data involved in the critical booting up process. This allows for cheaper flash chips, while using the harddrive for faster speed in the later bootup stages. Below is a layout of the directories inside the earlier flash versions:
Obviously, PS1 and PS2 emulation code on PS3 would reside in ps1emu and ps2emu. Most of the executable files have extension .sprx and are encrypted, (most likely decrypted using the SPE of the CELL). There are four main flash partitions: flash0, flash1, flash2, and flash3. Most of the data is in flash0 and flash1.
Según dice el artículo si es más rápido, puesto que la flash que están montando es más lenta (a la par de pequeña). No se el tiempo de acceso del HD.
PS3 Flash memory The PS3 has 256 megabytes of flash memory to store firmware, using two NAND 128MB Samsung flash chips. The installed firmware data is interleaved between the two flash chips for speed. To prevent errors, Error Correcting Code (ECC) Checksum is added/used on the data in the PS3 flash chips. In newer PS3, a single 16MB Spansion flash chip is used.
Type Size Speed Voltage Packaging Manufacturer Serial Number Description NAND Flash 128MB 30ns 3.3V 48-pin Samsung K9F1G08U0A-PIB0 256MB total (2 chips) for older model PS3 flash memory Flash 16MB 80ns 3V 56-pin, 100nm Spansion S29GL128N90TFIR2 16MB total (1 chip) for newer model PS3 flash memory
Because of the slower and smaller flash chips in later versions, newer firmware versions allow for the firmware data to be partially stored on the harddrive (instead of totally inside the firmware), making the flash purely responsible for holding data involved in the critical booting up process. This allows for cheaper flash chips, while using the harddrive for faster speed in the later bootup stages. Below is a layout of the directories inside the earlier flash versions:
Obviously, PS1 and PS2 emulation code on PS3 would reside in ps1emu and ps2emu. Most of the executable files have extension .sprx and are encrypted, (most likely decrypted using the SPE of the CELL). There are four main flash partitions: flash0, flash1, flash2, and flash3. Most of the data is in flash0 and flash1.
Según dice el artículo si es más rápido, puesto que la flash que están montando es más lenta (a la par de pequeña). No se el tiempo de acceso del HD.
Note that the PS4 has not been released, so the information is not accurate nor predictable 100%, and some technology may end up being in a future model (like the PS5).
Si quieres te doy más fuentes del tema de la flash, ya que se te ve poco crédulo.