Messiah-elvismod Existe !

He leido esto en PS2OWNZ, vusotros mismos ::::

"Yesterday we received, as expected, the Messiah PS2 no-swap mod-chip clone sold under the name of "Elvis" by (which is a division of

Although the mod-chip will not be installed in our USA PS2 v4 until we find some freetime (possibly this weekend), we would like to point out that after inspection it's NOT simply the original Messiah renamed as "Elvis".

For those who would like to compare for yourself, feel free to check out these FRONT pictures and these BACK pictures of the two PCB's.

In our eyes, the REAL question (aside from whether these Messiah clones work or not) is whether they are manufactured with FBGA IC's from the original Messiah, or whether the "secure device" was not so secure and the Messiah code has really been ripped and reproduced for the clones. mentioned that it was "cracked", however without revealing the source code their only "proof" of this may be in their ability to continuously supply these to the masses in order to "nuke" the rumor that their supply of original Messiah parts is low and unable to be replenished.

Following all this? Good! This IS the current PS2 scene... more to come ;)

PS2Ownz Crew "

Qué os parese???
Lei la noticia hoy por la mañana y me parece que sony ha abierto una guerra que no se si ganara...

Cuando el messiah salio dijeron que iva a ser dificil crackearlo, que si el tipo de dispositivo fpga se lo iva a poner dificil... Luego channeltechnology arremete contra el elvis (Thinkprice, Patrocinador de channeltechnology)...

Realmente sospechoso :[Ooooo]
Sí, es sospechoso, pero creo que finalmente, dispondremos de este tipo de chips en un plazo corto de tiempo, lo malo es ke haran falta un par de huevos y las manos de dios para ponerlo.:D
ummm.... Tengo ke cambiar el avatar, mi hijo esta creciendo mu rápido....XD
Parece ser que el chip no ha sido crackeado.........Esta es la explicación que se ha dado en el foro de ps2ownz por alguien que se supone que es Gazza.

Lets explain the Messiah picture and its 'clone' now viewable on the site..and set the records straight !

let me assure you, that people are playing a GAME.. this game is beginning to involve a few more players, and they will have their downfall from it all..

The first 'MESSIAH' picture, is a completed Messiah that is missing one important 'error'.
The error is the 'high' taken to the reset diode anode, a mistake I made with the PCB design. You will notice that in many pictures of the Messiah, a link wire is fitted here as an after-fit. Also, the first design has only one 'power' diode, and uses 0402 class resistors..

NOW, the second 'clone' Mesiah or otherwise known as 'Elvismod', is one of a batch of mods that was bought directly from the Russians, it has many amendments I made for various reasons.

1) It uses 0603 class resistors, these were becuse the manufacture process was more efficient than using the extremely tiny 0402 class.

2) It uses a second power-diode, this is because the diodes are being used simply to volt-drop across the VDDL / VDDP supplies, VDDP is 3.5 volts, VDDL is 2.5 volts, a single diode only achieved a 0.6 volt drop, not enough to be in correct spec of the Actel device.

3) The reset diode has an added resistor (a pull-up), now the link wire is no longer needed, and corrects the PCB design error.

Look at the Actel device batch dates... notice something funny ?
they are the same as every second release Messiah.

Dont be fooled by Thinkprice...
they do the following:

A) They make an offer and buy mods from the Russians, and then open up Messiah forums, and other domains , and when told to 'use their heads' because they cause problems, they laugh !

B) They try to make out that they have hacked and cloned the Messiah, they BULLSHIT you, and now try to get 'bacup' from ps2ownz analysis of the two differences in mods. The mods are different, because I BLOODY designed those differences !

C) Thinkprice will NEVER again be supplied with this mod, they caused SO MUCH problems by their stupid pranks that they will forever be blacklisted.

If you believe any sort of hype, that the mod supplied to ps2ownz is a hacked / cracked version, you are more than gullible !

Thinkprices stock of 300 diminishes, maybe already they have none left...

Thinkprice is of a class of dealer never before seen in the modchip game..
a company that buys mods, and then try's to fool the many eager buyers that it is:

A) Genuinely the source

B) Has hacked the original, and has thousands to supply

C) Flaunts the mod against its designers looking for fame !

Never Again will the 'circle' of people involed in such a devlopment allow hippocritical arseholes like Thinkprice to make a mockery of them like they have done.

Dont ask who I am, just accept that I designed those Mods in those pictures, and the Russians coded the infromation contained within the Actel device..its all that is needed to be known !

I advise that this is 'sticky'd' and those that are tagging along with this game, forget it..
you will be shown to be fools !


lo que si es cierto es que elvismod ha estado repartiendo pedidos durante la semana, pero por lo que parece su stock es muy limitado.
habra un goteo de chips pero el problema es como estan grabando/copiando los chips...

creo que el stock se agotara rapido, pero que el chip vendra de HK
cuanto tiemo calculais que tardara en llegar aqui??
estar ya estan... ya hay ciertas unidades rulando por ahí (muy pocas) lo jodido es que llegan con cuentagotas.
Por otro lado es muy chungo de instalar en las v3 v4 pero por contra en la v5 es mucho mas sencillo ya que las soldaduras no se hacen directamente sobre las patillas de los integrados
La impresión que me da a mi es la de que están haciendo tiempo a la espera de lo que el juzgado dicte en el caso Channeltech Vs Sony, y mientras tanto están suministrando muy pequeñas cantidades del chip para que se calmen un poco los animos. La fecha clave es el día 17.

Pero ahora surge el rumor de que el Origa FNS sigue en desarrollo y que muy pronto estara en la calle......¿será verdad?
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