¿?messiahs Defectuosos?¿

Os dejo el texto integro:

Segun parece han tenido que devolver al "proveedor" todos los 50 mods messiah del ultimo envio. :(

AHORA para dar mas "coba" dicen que el messiah tiene errores en la produccion.

Mas largas... es curioso... bueno mientras tanto comentan tenemos ar2 v2! jiji!! :)

23/01/2002 - For who it is it are of the novel... Mr. Gazza of the Channeltechnologies has come to half aldrabar world with its legal peripécias against Sony... However well, one is about trash to justify delays that already have had very left to make sensible in the production of the Messiah " under any another name ". We are to make the possible ones for taking care of to the order in delay, that already is many, but given the amount that we have come to receive (last the 50 had had that to be returned by not functioning) still in them it was not possible at least to start to take care of the order of December. We lament the situation, but the truth is that the Chips is not made by us and they are not available in enough amount in the source. It is poor consolation, but we have stock of Action Replay 2 again v2. We also have in auscultation the Origa brothers who will possibly be able to surprise in briefing...

Buena la verdad es que se dicen tantas cosas por internet que nadie sabe si son verdad o mentira, lo que yo te digo es que no creo que hayan salido 50 chips malos, ya que han tenido tiempo suficiente para probarlos y para asegurarse que funcionan bien.

Espero que cuando salga el messiah te compres el chip como yo voy a hacer.

Un saludo:cool:
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