Traducción escribió:Pronunciation: \ˈlə-shəs\ Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English lucius, perhaps alteration of licius, short for delicious Date: 15th century
1 a: having a delicious taste or smell : sweet barchaic : excessively sweet : cloying 2: sexually attractive : seductive, sexy 3 a: richly luxurious or appealing to the senses b: excessively ornate — lus·cious·ly adverb — lus·cious·ness noun
Osea, que soy una Gacela sexy o... Oh! Wait! Una Gacela sabrosa.
asi pongo mi nick --> Genius Baboon ... con mi nombre y un apellido --> Humongous Grizzly ... WTF? los mismo con 2 apellidos --> Hammer Giraffe ... LOL