Que bien el mío llegará en una semana...cuantas ganas tengo de ver los extras y esas nuevas cámaras..
las notas de esta web:
10 Presentation
The flashiest presentation for Subsistence comes from its movies and bonus features taking center stage, which are good, but superfluous to the rest of the gameplay.
9.5 Graphics
The visuals are untouched, but the new camera makes every texture look like new. Online play is lag free with very few hitches.
10 Sound
Sound has remained practically the same, which isn't a bad thing at all, since the sound delivery of the original was basically perfect.
10 Gameplay
You have to love how the new camera makes Snake Eater feel like a new game, and the other modes more than back up the single player experience, while multiplayer rocks all.
10 Lasting Appeal
A redone camera system, Duel Mode and a robust online play guarantees this isn't a one trick snake ... er, pony.
Incredible OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)