Mandé una un mail a los de qoob chip y esta fue su respuesta:
Mi pregunta
I'm interesed to buy a qoob chip pro, when do you release the chip in
my country (Spain)?
Su respuesta:
Please check the list of resellers at . We currently
do not have any reselelr in Spain but there are resellers in other EU
countries that can ship to Spain.
Mi 2ª pregunta:
Other question...Is it true that the qoob chip bios is a filtrated copy
of the Cobra 1.0 for the viper chip? Will you throw new versions of the
qoob chip bios in a future?
Su respuesta
No, it i not true. The bios for qoob has nothing to do witht he viper
bios, which should be clear from that we have functions in our bios not
present in viper.
Thank you for your interest in our products.
All information such as installation diagrams, BIOS functionality,
updates, software and drivers FAQ's et cetera is posted on . Please visit the website before asking us for
details. We will not reply to emails requesting information already
available on the website.
QOOB PRO and SX are available from a number of distributors and
resellers. If you are interested in purchasing our products please
check for your closest reseller or distributor.
For wholesale and distribution inquieries please contact .
QOOB-chip is to be used for programming and development only, not to
load illegal copies of copyrighted software.
Best regards, QOOB Team
Dicen ke no tienen distribuidores en españa pero si en EU, y ke su bios no tiene nada ke ver con la Cobra (era lógico ke dijeran eso
![demoniaco [sati]](/images/smilies/nuevos2/demonio.gif)