Para los que sigan teniendo dudas que se lean el nuevo artículo de IGN relacionado con el éxito que esta teniendo Xbox en Europa, USA y otros mercados, y en el que dejan claro que Xbox es la 2ª consola mas vendida de esta generación
Artículo completo aquí:
Y aquí un extracto del mismo:
GameCube Under the Shadow of Xbox
Microsoft's overweight console pulling ahead of Nintendo's bite-sized purple cube
Xbox executives can pop a bottle of champagne. Apparently, people are diggin' the Xbox. The proof doesn't come from some over-enthusiastic PR spin or anyone's personal numbers. All you need do is take a look at the numbers and you'll see that Xbox is in the midst of crushing the GameCube.
According to the NPD Group, one of the most respected market research firms in the industry, November marked the seventh consecutive month Xbox outsold GameCube in terms of hardware and has outsold GameCube in software in all thirteen months of its existence. Selling nearly 500,000 consoles in November, Xbox nearly doubled its sales numbers from October. Xbox consoles have edged GameCube by 20% in total sales, a considerable gap, especially when you look at the great first-party titles Nintendo has managed to release this year.
With far bigger titles on the horizon for Microsoft next year and very few big franchises left in Nintendo's bag for 2003, it could be an even merrier X-Mas for Microsoft a year from now. Of course, we'll be back to let you know how this little ol' console war is turning out.
Que cada uno saque sus propias conclusiones, pero una de dos, o todos mienten, o Xbox está siendo un éxito por encima de GameCube, y no solo en venta de consolas, si no también de juegos