Microsoft Expands Japanese Presence

Que pretendera MS con todo esto? no creeis que a la larga podria ser bueno para Xbox este acuerdo?


Microsoft has announced plans for University Program, an appropriately named program in which joint research projects will be carried out by Microsoft representatives and Japanese college students. The first institution to offer the program will be Waseda University. According to Microsoft, research projects will incorporate a myriad of science and technology related fields including 3D graphics development and speech recognition software, amongst others. Other Japanese universities are expected to join the program later this year, with specific project announcements forthcoming. It's currently unknown what implications the new program will have for Microsoft's Xbox. For reference, the University Program is being overseen by Microsoft's technical strategist Takahiko Azuma.

el link exacto a la noticia es ESTE

Un saludo.
Ya lo podrían hacer aquí eso :o Los japos no se merecen todo eso X-D Aunque claro eso es para beneficio de Moco$oft, nuevos talentos al carro.
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