Nunca me había animado a crear un hilo, pero creo que esto puede interesar a más de uno.

In a bold move to make "greatest hits" console game packaging that doesn't make one want to stab oneself in the retina, Microsoft has apparently deployed new Platinum Hits box art to retail locations.
Kotaku reader Justin spied the new Platinum Hits design, which may no longer induce vomiting, at an upstate New York Target store, seen on the budget version of Gears of War. Gone is the atrocious miniature box art and old style Platinum Hits border that offended the senses, replaced by a new platinum colored banner with the distinction "Greatness Is Earned." It is noticeably less horrific to take in through the eyes than earlier efforts.
We've contacted Microsoft to see if the company plans to extend the new, less detestable Platinum Hits design to other "best of" titles in the Xbox 360 library. And we hope other publishers follow suit. We're looking at you, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Specifically you, Germany!
----- Vïa Kotaku.
Que os parece? Yo la veo infinitamente mejor que la actual, desde luego.