esta es la info del figh night round 3, no se si pone algo claro sobre el tema de carga de backups por que no tengo ni idea de ingles.Lo pego aki y ya vais diciendo vosotros.
Yes, our releases are real. No, you can't play them yet. Û²²Û
Û²²Û Û²²Û
Û²²Û We release these to assist our friends who are making Û²²Û
Û²²Û progress on the 360, and for those who want to get an early Û²²Û
Û²²Û start on their collection for once they become playable. Û²²Û
Û²²Û Û²²Û
Û²²Û Unlike other groups who are using lame swap methods or old Û²²Û
Û²²Û reworked source, thanks to our resident genius in the xbox Û²²Û
Û²²Û scene, we rock the most advanced custom-written software for Û²²Û
Û²²Û XBOX and XBOX 360 discs out there! All nay-sayers, please Û²²Û
Û²²Û feel free to check our .lyt and md5 sums
Û²²Û Û²²Û
Û²²Û Our releases are in true .iso format and do not require any Û²²Û
Û²²Û special extractor tools, but can instead be opened, viewed Û²²Û
Û²²Û and extracted using many of the existing great xbox iso Û²²Û
Û²²Û tools already out there (Qwix, xISO, etc.) Û²²Û
Û²²Û Û²²Û
Û²²Û Also included alongside our .iso is a layout file (.lyt). Û²²Û
Û²²Û This can optionally be used with programs such as MooGUI and Û²²Û
Û²²Û the forthcoming Qwix 2.0 to create an .iso file that takes Û²²Û
Û²²Û maximum advantage of DVD spindle rotation speeds for the DVD Û²²Û
Û²²Û size (single or dual layer) you're burning. The arrangement Û²²Û
Û²²Û of files on Xbox and Xbox 360 game discs is determined by Û²²Û
Û²²Û developers through extensive testing of file access patterns Û²²Û
Û²²Û during actual gameplay. Layout (.lyt) files list the exact Û²²Û
Û²²Û placement of all files and directories on an original Xbox Û²²Û
Û²²Û or Xbox 360 disc. They can also be used to optimize old Û²²Û
Û²²Û backups that one might play frequently that don't perform as Û²²Û
Û²²Û well as they could. As .lyt support is gradually being added Û²²Û
Û²²Û to more ISO creation programs, sites will begin hosting Û²²Û
Û²²Û archives of downloadable .lyt files.