[Mod] Adaptador tres en uno para alimentar Megadrive/Mega-CD/32X a la vez

http://www.retrogamenetwork.com/2015/08 ... ngle-plug/

Hilo oficial del proyecto




**This coming Friday will be 26 years since the Sega Genesis became available in North America. Over the years, it would become a major competitor against video game giant Nintendo, with a wide variety of classics including what would become Sega’s mascot: Sonic The Hedgehog. As the years went on and the equipment aged, Sega came up with a variety of ideas to keep the electric juices flowing, with add-on devices like the Sega CD and 32X. One major problem with these is that each one required it’s own power supply, which were of the brick style, which became not only an electrical power hog, but a physical one as well. A new homemade device has been developed by a gamer that wanted to eliminate the problems that is encountered by using all three items normally, that will allow a gamer to power all three devices with a single, standard plug.

This new device is the creation of Arcade Projects forum member “Twisted Symphony”, who created the power source to solve the problems that having both of the Genesis add-on peripherals gives to the gamer. First off, having all three items plugged in takes an insane amount of physical room, since all three power supplies use a brick style, which when used with a standard power strip, can take as many as 3 outlet spaces due to their sizes. In addition, when using all three devices (especially at the same time), these stock power supplies can get physically hot to the touch, sometimes even when the console isn’t even turned on. This new creation solves all of these problems.

The first thing you may be thinking to yourself, is didn’t each device need a different amount of juice? Certainly you have heard of units becoming fried by using an improper combination of power supplies. Let’s start off by looking at what each device’s power supply, supplied:

Sega Genesis (Model 1): MX-1602 power supply rated for 9V at 1.2Amp
Sega CD (Model 2): MX-1602-1 power supply rated for 10V at 1.2Amp
Sega 32X: MX-2103 power supply rated for 10V at 0.85Amp

As you can see, while the Genesis uses a 9 volt power supply, the Sega CD and 32X both use a 10 volt supply, and while the Genesis and Sega CD require 1.2 Amps, the Sega CD only requires 0.85 Amps. According to the creator:

“The Official Sega Power Supplies tend to go between 9V and 10V. Putting my meter on the official Sega 1602 and 1602-1 Power supplys {sic} I found it to be outputting a whopping 13+V. The voltage really doesn’t matter though as the innards of these units have a power converter that drops the voltage down to the 5V necessary to run the actual main board. 10V supplies are fairly uncommon but 9V supplies are used quite a bit for a lot of electronics. So I wanted a 9V supply and I wanted something that could output at least 3.5Amps to cover the full rating of all the original supplies”

The project started out with a Verifone CPS10936-3F-R power supply, which is typically used for a POS system. The output of this particular supply is 9 volts and 4 Amps, which is acceptable for this type of project. This style of power supply is similar to what most laptop computers have today, which has a standard plug at the end, which would me much more convenient that what was originally offered by Sega. Instead of taking up to 6 outlets (again, due to the physical size of the plugs), this new item only takes a single outlet, no matter what type of outlet it’s plugged into.)

It was decided that the power supply itself should be completely unmodified, so that in the event of a failure, the brick itself could be easily exchanged. The three types of connectors that were required for the Sega systems, again, were all completely different, depending on the models of each system that you have. Let’s take a look:

Sega Genesis Model 1, Sega CD Models 1 & 2:
5.5mm outer diameter 2.1mm inner diameter male power connector
Sega Genesis Models 2 & 3, Sega 32X, CDX, JVC X’Eye:
4.8mm outer diameter 1.7mm inner diameter male power connector

For the cord itself, the creator cut the AC power cord with 18 gauge wire, cutting it into four lengths which were then soldered onto the connectors on the end of each length, then soldering all of the other ends together. All of the wires were then taped together in a single spot. This was done as opposed to using a daisy chaining method to reduce the load. None of the wires that were custom cut are the same length, to prevent a shortage in the event that any two are unplugged. (This makes them less likely to accidentally rub against each other.) After everything was completed, the polarity was checked, to prevent a short, and after that vital check, it was time to put it up to the test.

The creator says that this new creation was a complete success, and does exactly what was planned. Now all three Sega systems can use the same power source, run more efficiently, and not run as hot. (And of course, only having to use a single power outlet doesn’t hurt either.) While the current version is only being held by electrical tape wrapped around at the site where all eight of the wires come together. it is planned to 3D print a small plastic shroud for this to make it look more clean.

Currently, this is a one of a kind original item, and there have not been any plans made to produce this to the masses. While other items of a similar nature have been made to tackle this problem, those with a little bit of experience with power supply repair might be able to create one of their very own for a cheaper price. Plus, you’d get to do it yourself, which is always a fun thing to do! The complete directions can be found on the Arcade Projects Forum link below.

Un mod tan necesario como creo que inédito hasta ahora.

Me hice ese mismo mod con un adaptador de corriente dde ps2 slim.
Sí, yo también tengo uno de estos.

Y me sirve para amplificar neogeo también y que no dé problemas con los mvs adapters.

Así que muy inédito no era...

Aún así gracias por los enlaces, siempre estás al pie del cañón.

Edito: viendo el proyecto comentar que yo lo tengo todo con latiguillos sin empalmes.
Hay una tienda que lo vende, con versión para Mega 1 o mega 2
Con uno de la ps2 slim y empalmando los cables de los tres aparatos valdria?, yo tengo mega 1, mega-cd 2 y 32x.
|Jun| escribió:Tochazo

Vamos, que te puedes coger una fuente de alimentación reciclada de cualquier ordenador / impresora, que te proporcione 9V y 4A, ergo 36W de potencia. Se sueldas los 3 cables respetando la polaridad y listo.

Es un buen proyecto para ir empezando.
Hombre, llamar a esto "proyecto"...
Pek escribió:Hombre, llamar a esto "proyecto"...


Lo mejor es la cinta aislante
Brocan escribió:Hay una tienda que lo vende, con versión para Mega 1 o mega 2

Nos podrias decir como se llama la tienda o el adaptador? [risita]
la tienda de los cables retro. Yo lo he comprado y menuda alegría arrojar al cajón de cosas que espero no volver a usar los tres tochacos.
Pues si,pero si nos ceñimos a lo clásico lo q mola es tener muchos cables y que no se prenda fuego
Naitguolf escribió:la tienda de los cables retro. Yo lo he comprado y menuda alegría arrojar al cajón de cosas que espero no volver a usar los tres tochacos.

Estais en todo, dios mio!!! Que arte!!! Lo voy a buscar a ver si lo puedo comprar en Alemania. Si no, esperare a septiembre que bajo a mi tacita XD XD XD
bertobp escribió:
Pek escribió:Hombre, llamar a esto "proyecto"...


Lo mejor es la cinta aislante

XD lo mejor 2 fotos muy pro sin dudas XD
UPEO hilo porque quiero hacerme una fuente 3 en 1 y como supongo que alguno lo habrá hecho de modo casero lanzo la pregunta

@O´Neill lo hizo con una fuente de PS2 Slim y he leído que también se podía con una de gamecube. Cuál de las dos me recomendáis? (Dispongo de una de cada a mayores)
El de RetroHobby lo vende como cable para su adaptador multiconsola. No llega todo a los 20€ creo y te quitas de trafos para casi todas las 16 bit y anteriores.
akumajoxx está baneado por "Troll"
Aprovechando este hilo, cuál sería el adaptador ideal para una Pal Asia, y como se puede modificar esta para la región y hzs? Gracias.
Shikamaru escribió:El de RetroHobby lo vende como cable para su adaptador multiconsola. No llega todo a los 20€ creo y te quitas de trafos para casi todas las 16 bit y anteriores.

Al final echando un ojo a este y estando a punto de comprárselo hoy me encontré en unas cajas perdidas en mi trabajo un adaptador universal de los buenos con el cable cortado así que me he hecho un apaño
El de retrohobby me dijo que el suyo era de 9V y 2A. El que tengo yo es de un máximo de 2.5A a 9V y comprobado con el polímetro suele estar la mayor parte del tiempo cerca de los 2.4A

Me he hecho un latiguillo con conexiones para el combo de MD2+MCD2+32x y he aprovechado también par a poner otro para la MS (estoy montando mina estantería de Ikea con varias consolas)
Todo funciona perfectamente, incluso he probado a encender el combo y la MS a la vez (cosa que no voy a hacer nunca) y aguanta

Ahora seguramente haré lo mismo para snes y nes y me montaré algo así con unas cajas y conectores

SNES/NES Trafo. Combo MD/MS

Tendré que hacer pruebas y ver que no se pierda nada por el camino con el tema de latiguillos pero doy por hecho que todo va a funcionar ok.
También pondré un interruptor por si a caso hay un ataque de subnormalidad y alguien intenta encender todas a la vez que solo vayan las de la izquierda o las de la derecha
16 respuestas