para los que tengan NTSC va bien pero... quanto vale??'
Aqui pongo el texto original:
Gamecube Modification ( region free , all region )
If you would like to perform the modification by yourself, you'll need a 4.5mm gamebit to remove the screws that hold the outer shell of the GameCube together. Because of the simplicity of the procedure so we would not post instructions step by step. We are just posting two largish photos of the relevant points to solder as well as the method of wiring the switch by way of orange + white color coded wires.
Procedure ( It is not a gamecube mod chip or mod gamecube )
First of all, after you take apart the GameCube console, you will see a heat-sink which is attached by a gray, gooey heat dissipating polymer. Please remove the heat-sink to the chips, then the PCB location will be shown. Put the resister block on R39 and then connect the two wires to the center solder point pair at R6.
Gamecube Modification ( region free , all region )
Referring to the picture shown, attach the wires to the switch. For SPDT switch user, you can finish your work by simply connect the wires to the available terminals. For DPDT user, you can also finish your work quickly by just following the wiring conventions shown in the picture of right hand side.
After all these procedures have been done, now you can play ALL import games. Let's enjoy it!!
Gamecube Modification ( region free , all region )
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