Monkey 64 v1.0 - Nintendo 64 Emulator YA ES UNA REALIDAD


PSMonkey has released his highly anticipated Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP, Monkey 64, version 1.0. This is the very first released of the emulator. PSMonkey has been working on it with 2 ROMs, so at least, these 2 ROMs (Mortal Kombat Trilogy and VNes) will be working on the emulator. Currently, Mortal Kombat Trilogy runs as slow as 5 fps, but this is still a great start of running commercial ROMs. Here is the message from PSMonkey:

"Well sorry I am late but here is the much promised first release of monkey64. I was hopping for better at the last min but it still passed my expectations for a first build.

A few things to note:

While RSP & RDP emulation is started it is far from complete. As well there are still numerous issues in the main CPU core. I plan to fix things as soon as I can get to them.
This won't run mario64 or 99% of the n64 library. Some ROMs are starting to do things with Mortal Kombat Trilogy actually being playable (to some extent).
I know there are odd looking color squares when running some commercial ROMs (like mortal kombat). The reason is because I have not completed texture support in RDP. I am hoping to get a revision out ASAP once this is fixed.
The emulator is slow. Some PD ROMs do a pretty nice framerate but games like mortal kombat do about 5fps. This is due to the emulator still being on a pure interpreter core. In good time I will build a dynamic recompiler so we can get some more playable framerate.
The app is in user mode. So it is quite possible this works on 2.0+ PSP units. I just sadly don't have the time to check.
Well that is it. Do enjoy. The zip contains a few favorite PD ROMs. Pong by Oman is a must play IMO. Also if you're all curious what mortal kombat trilogy looks like in game. Please see attached screenshot on forums.

PS. Mortal Kombat Trilogy [!] dump wont work. [b1] dump runs just fine. When you see the second screen, press start as it's just warning you that there is only 1 controller plugged in.

The screen flickering is because it's not doing double buffering on the PSP. It's just directly rendering to the display screen. I was trying to fix this at lunch but ran into problems so I gave up since I wanted to push the build out ASAP. I'll have it fixed for the v1.1 build."

AQUI ESTE EL ENLACE PARA DESCARGARLO Download: [[url=http://][/url]
esto esta mas abajo eh xD
juer con los posts repetidos
lolox_87 escribió:Muy bien Monkey 64 v1.0 - Nintendo 64 Emulator YA ES UNA REALIDAD

esto de que ya es una realidad... seamos realistas, lo e probado y mas parece el canal+ de antaño que otra cosa. dejemoslo en: "Nintendo 64 Emulator PUEDE LLEGAR A SER UNA REALIDAD"
aun les queda mucho por hacer, ojala llegue el dia en que sea jugable y pueda recordar aquellas partidas al GoldenEye o Mission Impossible que tan feliz me hacian.
suerte a los programadores.
solo sabeis criticar...sino lanzan las betas son fakes,son timadores y si las lanzan que menuda basura cawento
si lo dices por mi emuden para nada critico a los creadores, todo lo contrario, les anímo a que sigan en ello que por ahora no les esta saliendo mal. limpiate el monitor y vuelve a leer o sino duerme un poco mas, no se...
antes de k lo cierren: [looco]


j.r.anubis escribió:antes de k lo cierren: [looco]



No sabia que habia un Nintendog para el emu de N64 [flipa] X-D X-D X-D X-D X-D

Aun asi esta es la version TRIAL por lo q veo [looco][looco][looco][looco]
9 respuestas