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# Update fink to CVS (fink selfupdate-cvs)
# fink install pango1-xft2 pango1-xft2-dev pango1-xft2-shlibs gtk+2 gtk+2-dev gtk+2-shlibs libart2 libart2-shlibs libgnomecanvas2 libgnomecanvas2-dev libgnomecanvas2-shlibs libgnomeui2 libgnomeui2-dev libgnomeui2-shlibs libgnomeprintui2.2 libgnomeprintui2.2-dev libgnomeprintui2.2-shlibs libglade2 libglade2-shlibs libgda libgda-dev libgda-shlibs librsvg2 librsvg2-shlibs gtkhtml3 gtkhtml3-dev gtkhtml3-shlibs vte vte-dev vte-shlibs xft2-dev libgnomedb libgnomedb-dev libgnomedb-shlibs
Information about 2051 packages read in 2 seconds.
Failed: no version info available for xft2-dev
fink install pango1-xft2 pango1-xft2-dev pango1-xft2-shlibs gtk+2 gtk+2-dev gtk+2-shlibs libart2 libart2-shlibs libgnomecanvas2 libgnomecanvas2-dev libgnomecanvas2-shlibs libgnomeui2 libgnomeui2-dev libgnomeui2-shlibs libgnomeprintui2.2 libgnomeprintui2.2-dev libgnomeprintui2.2-shlibs libglade2 libglade2-shlibs libgda libgda-dev libgda-shlibs librsvg2 librsvg2-shlibs gtkhtml3 gtkhtml3-dev gtkhtml3-shlibs vte vte-dev vte-shlibs libgnomedb libgnomedb-dev libgnomedb-shlibs
Information about 2051 packages read in 1 seconds.
fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The
(1) gnome-vfs2: The GNOME virtual file-system libraries
(2) gnome-vfs2-ssl: The GNOME virtual file-system libraries
Pick one: [1]
fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The
(1) gnome-vfs2-shlibs: The GNOME virtual file-system libraries
(2) gnome-vfs2-ssl-shlibs: The GNOME virtual file-system libraries
Pick one: [1]
fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The
(1) python: Interpreted, object-oriented language
(2) python-nox: Interpreted, object-oriented language
Pick one: [1]
Failed: Can't resolve dependency "gcc3.1" for package "xfree86-4.4.0-13" (no matching packages/versions found)
/bin/bash escribió:Checking to see if we can use hard links to merge the existing tree. Please
ignore errors on the next few lines.
Now logging into the CVS server. When CVS asks you for a password, just press
return (i.e. the password is empty).
/usr/bin/su vic -c 'cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/fink login'
(Logging in to anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net)
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.sourceforge.net:2401 failed: Operation timed out
### execution of /usr/bin/su failed, exit code 1
Failed: Logging into the CVS server for anonymous read-only access failed.
Loading error, please reinstall :
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Cannot find the specified file
in <0x00798> System.Diagnostics.Process:Start_common (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo,System.Diagnostics.Process)
in <0x0002c> System.Diagnostics.Process:Start ()
in <0x0008c> (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Diagnostics.Process:Start ()
in <0x0010c> MonoDevelop.Services.SystemAssemblyService:GetVariableFromPkgConfig (string,string)
in <0x00114> MonoDevelop.Services.SystemAssemblyService: ProcessPiece (string,string)
in <0x001dc> MonoDevelop.Services.SystemAssemblyService:GetAssembliesWithoutLibInfo (string,string)
in <0x001c0> MonoDevelop.Services.SystemAssemblyService: ParsePCFile (string)
in <0x005dc> MonoDevelop.Services.SystemAssemblyService:InitializeService ()
in <0x0028c> MonoDevelop.Core.Services.ServiceManager:InitializeServicesSubsystem (string)
in <0x00770> MonoDevelop.SharpDevelopMain:Main (string[])