Al parecer el creador moonlight ha vuelto a la carga yo que pensaba que se habia retirado pero todo parece indicar que no ha presentado este nuevo moonshell entre sus caracteristicas son las siguientes por cierto esta en ingles por si alguien lo quiere traducir por que me da algo de flojerilla hacerlo xD:
---- Important !! Note for updating from v2.10 stable
Priority to process sound is higher so this is heavier than stable.
Playing music which needs much CPU power like M4A with high bitrate/WMA/MDX/SPC might be skipped. This happen frequently if you play text or image simultaneously.
You can feel improved sound quality only when you use DSi(LL) or ROMEO2 slot2 sound board. Sound quality on DS(lite) improved little even though processing became slow.
Sound hardware; [bad sound] DS(lite) < DSi(LL) < DS(lite)+ROMEO2 [good sound]
---- Updates from v2.10stable
Playback of MDX (software emulation so sound is worse than MDXOffline)
Play only audio in movie
Output audio in movie to ROMEO2
If you press A longer, you can select playback mode and playlist editor which is valid in the same folder.
ChannelsMapSelector was added to SELECT submenu (you can edit moonshl2.ini to modify langauge and number of content)
Drastic update in MoonMemo (Check Right/Left, X/Y)
Fixed a bug that thumbnail wasn`t updated after modifying real image
Added equalizer to music player. Use R+Up/Down/Left/Right or touchpanel to modify. (same for ROMEO2)
Fixed a bug that auto DLDI patching wasn`t applied when you launch big homebrew.
You can control music playback in screen saver. Listen to sounds like "PiPi".
Modified behavior of play icon. If you exits the folder which has music file currently played, moonshell shows note icon on the folder.
Added ScreenSaver_ShowClock/ScreenSaver_ShowMusicInfo to moonshl2.ini [FileList] section to switch whether to show screensaver clock and music info.
Fixed a bug that SJIS text couldn`t open in textreader if the memory wasn`t enough.
Fixed a bug that jacket image wasn`t shown when you back to filelist from music player.
If you put cursor on BMP file, moonshell shows simple preview.
In prompt to input new filename, you can erase all by pressing B but also cancel by pressing START/SELECT.
DPGEnc parameter was modified for recent CPU. You can encode 2-5x faster.
--- Updates in text editor
Added "create new file" to SELECT submenu.
default setting in textedit.ini was modified. Left/Right ends of Prediction conversion window are connected in default (only for jap)
Now text editor saves clipboard. You can paste to another file.
Arrangement of buttons in Kana mode is reversed in left/right.
You can paste not only by pressing R button but also by pressing L button (L+X/Y are reserved for backright so only L+Up/Down/Left/Right are OK)
---- Not fixed
A bug that moonshell sometimes stops in playing DPG isn`t fixed this time.
Message file update of notepad and submenu isn`t done yet.
Descarga: enlace es un exe no contiene virus ademas lo baje de gbatemp,ahi les puse el link por si alguien quiere ver los comentarios que ponen,algo muy importante este exe se debe usar antes del 31 de agosto del 2010 si no expira y no funcionara nunca asi que aprovechen que todavia podemos usar este moonshell beta 
Edit: Si ya hay un tema repetido igual este post por favor que los de moderación borren este post gracias por su atencion