Morrowind pasado en 7 minutos


Pues el otro día leyendo en un post sobre el morrowind, comentaba un forero creo q era tmaniak (si no eres tu perdona xD) que había un video de un tio que se pasaba el morrowind en 15 minutos.

Al leerlo me sorprendio un huevo porque hace un par de semanas que juego (haciendo todo las misiones del quest principal), y veo que se me va hacer eterno.

Entonces por curiosidad buscando por la red encontre el video de 15 minutos y ademas otro en que se lo ¡¡¡¡pasaba en en 7:30 minutos!!!!!!!

Sin más os dejo aquí los videos para que comenteis la jugada:

El del juego pasado en 7:30 minutos:

Y creo que este es el que comentaba tmaniak:

Sï, era yo XD.

En realidad no se lo pasa, lo que hace es matar a dagoth ur, es así como cerrar en oblivion todos los portones.
Pasar no se lo pasa, pero no veas como domina el cabron xD

Cuando lo veia había momentos que no se que hacía, y probe en casa lo de los pergaminos de icarus esos para volar y todo el rato me mataba de la caida y ademas no sabia ni donde iba xD

Ademas que me gustaria saber los pergamisnos que usa y demás, si alguien los sabe...

Joder k dominio k tiene... es increible, la de horas k tendra k aber jugado...
Lo pone en la explicación del "script" que usa XDDDD.

Sobre los pergaminos de icarus, pues yo los conseguí de la misma forma que ese tio, no son más que unos pergaminos que te potencian la acrobacia en 1000 puntos. (sí, MIL puntos , no me he equivocado al escribir)
Yo que no habia tocado morrowind y cuando veo el video digo:

Coño, si esta usando un cheat para poder volar!!

Ya veo que estaba equivocado xD

Por cierto soy yo o el video va avanzado? O eso o las olas del mar en morrowind van mas rapidas que en la vida real

Un saludo
Seguramente tenga un PC de la hostia y el juego le va sobradísimo de fps, porque en mi xbox no tira así XD
tmaniak escribió:Sobre los pergaminos de icarus, pues yo los conseguí de la misma forma que ese tio, no son más que unos pergaminos que te potencian la acrobacia en 1000 puntos. (sí, MIL puntos , no me he equivocado al escribir)

Que mítikos. Supongo que Morrowind no sería lo mismo si no te matases a los 10 minutos de empezar por culpa de los pergaminos xDDD.
¿Y a mí porque no me cayó el fulano ese del cielo?
Blytk escribió:¿Y a mí porque no me cayó el fulano ese del cielo?

Ati y a todos ;)
Aunque reconozco que la primera vez no lo vi caer, solo oí el tio gritar y ya lo vi en el suelo, pensaba que lo habrian atracadao o algo, hasta que lei su diario XD y le quite el gorro tan chulo por supuesto XD
La segunda vez que jugue si que lo vi caer................jejejeje
Reijiko escribió:
Que mítikos. Supongo que Morrowind no sería lo mismo si no te matases a los 10 minutos de empezar por culpa de los pergaminos xDDD.

XDDD, para eso hay que usar algo para aterrizar, ya sea un anillo de caida lenta cuando estés a punto de dártela, o algo para volar cuando estés cerca del suelo (que es lo que hace en el video)

Alguien que sepa un poco de inglés, y tenga ganas de traducir la explicación del tio ese, a ver si alguien se anima xD.

Aquí dejo el texto sacado de la web:

Author's comments:
A detailed 'script' of the run:
1) Race: Orc
2) Class: Barbarian
3) BirthSign: The Steed

Seyda Neen:
4) Steal Limeware Platter from Census and Excise Office.
5) Take ring from barrel (all)
6) Talk to Sellus Gravius, exit
7) Give Fargoth his ring.
8) Sell to Arrille Limeware Platter and 'rubbish' from barrel, buy Scroll of Almsivi Intervention (2x), Iron Battle Axe
9) Run north, take from Tarkhiel Scrolls Of Icarian Flight (3x)
10) Use Scroll of Almsivi Intervention
11) Use Scroll Of Icarian Flight, jump in direction of Caldera, mid-air: Use Scroll Of Icarian Flight
12) Cast Berserk, kill Pemenie with Iron Battle Axe, take/equip Boots Of Blinding Speed
13) Use Scroll of Almsivi Intervention

14) Run to Guild of Mages, enter, hide Iron Battle Axe
15) Buy from Anarenen: Standard Restore Fatigue (3x)
16) Sell to Tanar Llervi Boots Of Blinding Speed, buy Scroll Of Mark, Scroll Of Leaguestep
17) Sell to Tanar Llervi Scroll Of Mark, Scroll Of Leaguestep, buy Scroll Of Mark, Scroll Of Leaguestep
18) Kill Tanar Llervi with Iron Battle Axe, take Scroll Of Mark (2x.), Scroll Of Leaguestep (2x), Boots Of Blinding Speed, Scroll of Drathis' Winter Guest (2x), Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (10x), Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher (2x), Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging, Scroll of Almsivi Intervention
19) Kill Edwinna Elbret with Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (3x), take Wizard's Staff
20) Use Scroll of Almsivi Intervention
21) Use Scroll Of Icarian Flight, jump north-east

Red Mountain:
22) Mid-air: Use Wizard's Staff
23) Use Scroll Of Mark, levitate to Vemynal, enter
24) When Berserk effect ends, drink Standard Restore Fatigue (3x)
25) Kill Dagoth Vemyn with Iron Battle Axe, Scroll of Drathis' Winter Guest (2x), Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher (2x), take Sunder.
26) Use Scroll Of Leaguestep, levitate to Dagoth Ur (citadel), use Scroll Of Mark, levitate to Odrosal, enter
27) Unlock door with Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging.
28) Take Keening, use Scroll Of Leaguestep
29) Use Dwemer Crank, enter Dagoth Ur (citadel), levitate/run to Dagoth Ur (god)
30) Sleep for 24 hours, cast Berserk
31) Kill Dagoth Ur with Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (7x), Iron Battle Axe
32) Use Wizard's Staff, enter Facility Cavern, levitate to Heart of Lorkhan
33) Hit Heart of Lorkhan with Sunder
34) Hit Heart of Lorkhan 5 times with Keening, unequip Keening
35) Levitate to the end of the wooden bridge, use Scroll Of Leaguestep.

Explanations of each step (the reasons why I choose/do it)
1) Magicka Resist 25%
2) Axe, Speed, Strength bonuses
3) Speed bonus +25
4) I need money desperately. In the end of the game, i've got only 1 (one) gold piece.
5) and 7) Higher attitude from Arrille and thus lower prices
6) Unskippable
9) These scrolls give ability to cover large distances in no time.
10) Quick way to get to Balmora - and then to Pemenie
11) Second 'Icarian' scroll prevents damage from falling
12) Boots give Speed Bonus +200
13) Quick way to get to Ald-ruhn
14) If you hide weapons, NPC's attitude is higher - and prices are lower!
15) For step 24
16) Lack of money forces me to sell my items.
17) Some items you buy re-appear each time you enter barter menu. But if you sell the same type of scrolls, their quantity increases - so trader has 2 of each now.
18) All scrolls are needed - in fact, I use every single one!
19) The staff allows me to levitate
20) and 21) Quick way to get to Red Mountain
22) Prevents damage from falling. Also, allows direct route to Vemynal
23) Allows to return to the place where I cast 'Mark' quickly.
24) You can't do anything when the fatigue is <0
25) You need Sunder for step 33
28) You need Keening for step 34
30) Berserk increases damage from axe. You can cast it only once in a day... so I have to sleep for 24 hours
33) and 34) are, generally, needed to complete the main quest.

Bueno y por alguien se aburre mucho xD aquí dejo tambien la explicación del tio que se lo pasa en 15 minutos:

Author's comments:
Player stats:
Name: Dunkwyk
Race: Argonian (Chosen for 50 Speed, 40 Intelligence, Alchemy Bonus)
Class: Assassin (Chosen for Speed +10, Intelligence +10, Alchemy Minor Skill)
Sign: The Steed (Chosen for Speed +25)

Scyda Neen
Take ring (all) from barrel outside
Talk to Sellus Gravius "Morrowind", "duties" (gives you gold)
Travel by siltstrider to Balmora

Go to Mage's Guild
Speak to Ranis Athrys, "join the Mages Guild"
Mage teleport to Caldera

Steal master's alchemy set from top of tower in Mages Guild
Go to Ghorak Manor, steal Orcish armour from crate on top floor
Sell Orcish Greaves & Cuirass to Creeper
Go to Verick Gemain, Trader, Purchase Warhammer of Wounds, Amulet of Recall, and sell unwanted items
Mage teleport to Sadrith Mora

Sadrith Mora
Mages Guild, Purchase 10 Corkbulb, 10 Racer Plumes, 10 Trama Root from Tusamircil
Go to Imperial Shrine
Purchase 5 Chokeweed, 10 Saltrice from Scelian Plebo
Purchase 130 Ash Yam, 65 Bloat, 5 Guar Hide, Divine Intervention Spell from Aunius Autrus
Assign quick keys: Warhammer (1), Alchemy (2), Recall (3), Divine Intervention (4)
Create and drink Fortify Intelligence in batches of 5
Create Levitate potion
Levitate to Apothecary, Purchase 7 Shalk Resin, 5 Kagouti Hide from Pierlette Rostorard
Purchase 2 Vampire Dust, 60 Bloat from Anis Seloth, Alchemist
Create and drink Fortify Intelligence in batches of 5 from Ash Yam & Bloat
Create 2 Fortify Strength & Fortify Health from Ash Yam, Vampire Dust, Shalk Resin
Create 5 Fortify Luck from Guar Hide, Corkbulb
Create 5 Restore Health from Corkbulb, Saltrice
Create 5 Fortify Speed & Restore Fatigue from Kagouti Hide, Shalk Resin, Saltrice, Chokeweed
Divine Intervention, go to Mages Guild
Mage teleport to Ald-ruhn

Purchase 3 Mark Scrolls from Tanar Llervi
Assign quick keys: Scroll of Mark (2)

Levitate North-East to Vemynal, Mark outside, get Sunder, Recall
Levitate South-East to Dagoth Ur, Mark outside
Levitate South to Odrosal, get key from Dagoth Odros, get Keening, Recall

Dagoth Ur
Run through facility, Mark Facility Cavern
Kill Dagoth Ur, enter Akulakhan's Cavern
Strike Heart with Sunder
Destroy Heart with Keening, equip other weapon to avoid death
Recall to Facility Cavern, speak to Azura

Possible Improvements
Just discovered that you don't actually need to join the mages guild. Ingredients and scrolls be bought without being a member The jump down the tower in the Caldera Mages Guild can be done without getting stuck on beams (oops) on the way down. Hurts a bit, but you survive. I get stuck on a couple of bits of scenery in Caldera, furniture in the Ald-ruhn Mages Guild, and on walls/doors/scenery inside the various fortresses inside the Ghost Fence. In Sadrith Mora, Pierlette Rostorard, Apothecary, could create and drink Fortify Speed/Damage Fatigue/Restore Fatigue potion once ingredients purchased, resulting in quicker trip to the Alchemist. Might not need quite so many Ash Yams and Bloat, it depends on the early luck of the draw when creating the intelligence potions, and how powerful you want your Fortify Speed to be. Could combine Fortify Luck and Restore Health (Guar Hide, Corkbulb, Saltrice) into one potion. Could combine Fortify Health, Fortify Strength and Fortify Intelligence (Ash Yam, Vampire Dust, Shalk Resin, Bloat) into one potion. Might need only 5 Shalk Resin, 3 Kagouti Hide, 3 Chokeweed, saving one barter and a few clicks. Made a few mistakes during the alchemy section, taking off clothes when a potion didn't pick up, selecting wrong ingredient, deselecting the apparatus. Don't need to bother creating so many potions (especially levitation).

First Mark outside Vemynal might be better placed west of Dagoth Ur (if that turns out to be closer). Second Mark in Dagoth Ur crater could be placed while on the move rather than descending right into the crater (but be careful as I've ended up either stuck on scenery or in the lava while attempting this). Third Mark should be better anticipated and placed while on the move. Equipping and using Amulet of Recall should be better anticipated.

Don't need the key from Dagoth Odros, could simply buy a Scroll of Ondusi Unhinging from Tanar Llervi Don't need to drink all the potions at the end, but you must ensure Keening doesn't kill you. It took me too long to line up my aim on the heart (but there's nothing worse than striking with Sunder to find you're too far away). I go a bit psycho with Keening on the heart (However, in previous runs I have backed off too quickly and failed to destroy it). I reckon this run can be done in less than 14 minutes.

Saludos y gracias al que lo traduzca!
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