Morrowind Perfecto

A continuacion teneis algunos datos sobre el juego, es demasiado largo para traducirlo, aunque si alguien se anima que postee la traduccion XD


- Single Player Only gameplay that is truly immersive, non linear and open ended.

- 21 classes (7 magic, 7 combat, 7 stealth). Including: Pilgrim, Witch Hunter, Scout.

- 3 forms of class selection: Choosing one, answering morality questions, or making up your own.

- 27 skills ( 9 combat skills, 9 stealth skills , 9 magic skills )

- A musical score by Jeremy Soule("Total Annihilation","Icewind Dale", Harry Potter").

- Blood and animated death sequences

- A realistic sun-and-two-moon cycle, graphically depicting the passage of time.

- The calendar system from Daggerfall

- Dynamic weather effects: clouds, wind, rain, fog, ash storms and volcanic eruptions.

- 30 Cities, 500 dungeons, a sewer system, a wilderness area, underwater and underground levels.

- Every object in the game is a 3D object, and can be bought, sold, stolen, or put on.

- WYSIWYG Armour, clothing, weapons, and items. They are 3D models placed on the PC model.

- Nearly 3500-6000 polygons per each character, NPC and creature.

- Over 150 different weapons that have their own art and feel to them.

- 6 schools of magic including the new one : Conjuration (which has elements of Necromancy).

- Over 130 spell effects, each with it's own visual effect.

- Perspective-corrected projected shadowing, skeletal animation, T & L, Bump Mapping etc.

- A Windows-based interface, so you don't have to leave the game screen.

- Detailed facial construction for characters (including scars, tattoos, hair styles and beards)

- Approx. 200 hours of gameplay ( 40-50 hours for the main plot, and the rest of the time is taken up with side quests.)

- Approx. 40% of the game is seen, 60% of the game is behind the scenes stuff: Political decisions, consequences of your actions, time limits, etc.

- 50 to 60 Creature types

- Real time, action-orientated combat similar to Jedi Knight.

- More secrets than Daggerfall.

- Glare instead of lens flares ( because lens flares suck! ).

- Dialog is handled by a hybrid menu/hyperlink system.

- 200 Books to read. (Over 7.5 novels worth of text!)Reading books can improve your skills.

- A construction kit/editor, so you can change your game to how you want it.

- A plug-in system that lets you download add-ons for extended gameplay .

- A cross-hair to help you aim.

- A 3rd person view and a circling camera "vanity mode" to see how your clothing moves.

- You can become one of 3 types of Vampire: Quarra, Berne, Aundae. (Vampirism is a disease in TES)

- Auto Parrying (depending on your fighting skill)

- Auto Blocking (if you have the skill and if you have a shield
Missile Weapons like Bow and Arrows, Cross Bows, Throwing Knives, Throwing Stars, etc.

- Hit Locations that animate to show that you've hit them.

- A playing area approximately 50 times the size of Redguard

- 3 Guilds and 5 House factions to join. There are rumours of a 6th house

- Various types of traps and locks, and lockpicks and trap probes to disarm them.

- You can be attacked by multiple enemies

- Secret tunnels and hidden passage-ways.

- Fast Travel via Ships, Boats, Gondolas, Guars, Caravans, Silt Striders, Teleportation.

- Musical Instruments

- Alchemy--make your own potions and poisons with over 100 ingredients

- Wortcraft--eating ingredients for their effects

- The abiltiy to mine Gems and Minerals

- A barter system

- Time-sensitive and open ended quests

- 350,000 Words of dialog, 50,000 of which is spoken.

- Several different ways to save Vvardenfell, (if you choose to do so).

- 10 Races to choose from (Elves, Humans, Argonians, Khajiits, and Orcs)

- Easter Eggs

- A Poster-Size Map

- An in-game map

- Customisable controls

- Quick load/Quick Save

- A printed Manual

- Backstabbing

- 3D Surround Sound

- Hand to Hand unarmed combat

- Hyper-realistic Textures

- Dialogue by Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman


- The Collector's Edition comes in cool black box with gold text.

- The Daedric words on the cover are the names of the 6 Great Houses.

- The CE comes with several bonus extras:

- A 2 1/2 inch pewter figurine of a Dark Elven Ordinator (Holy Temple Guard)

- A Soundtrack CD with music by Jeremy Soule

- The 48 page book, "The Art of Morrowind", which details the concept art, weapons, clothing, and creatures.


- An easy to use "drag and drop" interface.

- An infinite area with which to create your own levels, dungeons etc.

- A scripting language designed for both beginners and experts.

- It's easier than Visual Basic!

- You can do loops, ifs, elseifs, etc with the script.

- A Random Number Generator for use with the scripts.

- A plug-in manager that fuses your mods into the primary game.

- A terrain editor that blends landscapes together with smooth transitions.

- 8 basic landscapes to choose from.

- You can create, and modify your own landscapes and deform them in real time.

- You can tweak the stats of spells, weapons, diseases, clothing, NPCs, everything in the game.

- You can create your own weapons, and objects with 3D Studio Max and then import them.

- Easy to use pull down AI packages.

- You can set AI path grids for NPCs / creatures to follow.
294,705 objects to manipulate

- You can undo mistakes (Control Z)

- Everything updates in real time. (lighting, landscape, etc)

- Help files - within the Editor


- Over 2000 NPCs to interact with, each with a fountain of information.

- NPCs will react to you depending on their disposition towards you.

- Your appearance, actions and clothing affect NPCs' disposition.

- At a basic level, you can try to admire, charm, persuade, intimidate, and taunt them.

- They can be aggressive or flee or call for help.

- You can even barter with them for goods and services.

- Like the PC, NPCs have their own stats, skills, attributes, levels, spells and inventories.

- NPCs can be hired as temporary mercenaries or guide you to specific locations.

- They'll also fight those who attack you, if they're your friends.

- You can kill them and steal their stuff. WYSIWYG.

- They will only wear clothing that fits their character.

- NPCs can interact with objects like doors, switches, etc.

- Their body language changes to reflect their mood, ie they smile and frown.

- NPCs feature lip-synching.

- NPCs' heads move to track you as you move.

- NPCs have hit locations that animate to show that you've hit them.

- Their fingers are individually modelled.

- NPCs can also plot with you and against you.

- NPCs can be set to schedules

- They can follow you.

- They have line-of-sight


- The game isn't multiplayer because the Elder Scrolls games are a personal experience like Deus Ex, Thief 2 and System Shock 2.

- Initially, the Khajiits and the Argonians weren't playable races, but due to fan reaction and Maverique's help, they changed their minds.

- There is a non-licensed Importer/Exporter plug-in for 3D Studio Max that will be available for download at the official website when the game is released.

- The first quest takes 10 minutes in REAL TIME to complete.

- There are also time sensitive quests: If someone is diseased and you're late with the cure, they'll die.

- While the engine specifics are top secret, they are using NetImmerse Technology

- Thaumaturgy and Alteration were combined into the one school : Alteration.

- The script in the Editor doesn't allow you to define functions and is not object orientated.( What would be the point? You're dealing with 3D objects anyway!!)

- The clouds and weather effects aren't static, but rather dynamic. You won't see the same shaped clouds ( unlike Anachronox where they showed the same cloud shape in two screen shots.

- When I say everything can be manipulated, I mean everything!
Even down to the cutlery (knives and forks)!. You can even re-arrange books on a shelf

- You can wrap any .tga file around the skeletal model. (Buffy's head on an Orc's body?).

- As you go up levels you get attribute points to spend.

- You can't be a werewolf in MW. BOO!

[flipa] [flipa] [flipa] [flipa] [flipa]

Los apartados de la edicion de coleccionista y el editor ES3 por desgracia solo son para la version de pc.

MORROWIND, probablemente el mejor juego de rol de la historia.

Espero que ningun moderador se mosquee, pero es que realmente son muy interesantes los datos sobre este juego y parece que la gente no se ha fijado mucho, porque nadie ha contestado comentandolo.

Y bueno, ya aprovecho para traducir algunos de los datos que mas me han llamado la atencion:

- Efectos atmosfericos dinamicos: nubes, viento, lluvia, niebla, tormentas de ceniza y erupciones volcanicas.

- 30 ciudades, 500 mazmorras y un sistema de cloacas, un area de bosques, y niveles subterraneos y bajo el agua.

- Todos los objetos del juego son 3D y pueden ser comprados, vendidos, robados...

- 6 escuelas de magia, para que flipe hasta harry potter ;)

- Construccion facial detallada de los personajes, incluyendo cicatrices, tatuajes, estilos de peinado y barbas.

- Aproximadamente 200 horas de juego, 40-50 horas para la trama principal y el resto para las misiones secundarias.

- Mas secretos que daggerfall, que es mucho, creedme ;)

- 200 libros para leer dentro del juego.

- Un modo de vision en tercera persona, y una camara circular, "modo vanidad" para ver como se mueve la ropa XD

- Puedes convertirte en 3 tipos de vampiro ( el vampirismo es una enfermedad en Morrowind: The Elder Scrolls )

- Tuneles secretos y pasadizos escondidos.

- Se puede viajar en barcos, gongolas, caravanas, teletransporte...

- Instrumentos musicales dentro del juego

- La habilidad de minar gemas y minerales, preparad el pico y la pala ;)

- 350.000 palabras de dialogos, 50.000 de las cuales son habladas.

- 10 razas para escoger.

- Sonido 3D Surround, para que se entere hasta el vecino.

- Easter Eggs ( supongo que esta no hace falta traducirla, o si? ) ;)

Estad atentos a este juego que va a ser el mejor RPG desde Daggerfall.
jeje no es que me tiren mucho este tipo de juegos pero tiene muy buena pinta.

Aunque en PC venderá más...
2 respuestas